- How much is a page?
- - ISO standard
- characteristics
- Margins
- Lines
- Characters
- Font
- Two pages
- Three pages
- Four pages
- Example
- Other formats of paper sheets
- A4
- Legal
- Job
- References
A page is a sheet of paper widely used to carry out written work that requires a specific length, such as an essay, a biography or a thesis. It traditionally had the measurements 157.5mm x 215mm.
However, the dimensions of an original page were no longer used after the approval of ISO 216. However, the word is still used out of habit to refer to the new A5 format, which has new measures.
The page is one of the most used sheet formats in writing works. Source: pixabay.com.
The texts developed within a page are characterized by the use of a letter with a size of twelve points. The term "page" has its origin in that the sheet that receives the name is extracted from a quarter of a sheet of paper, which in turn is made up of a measure of two pages.
How much is a page?
- ISO standard
As mentioned in the previous paragraph, the measurements of a pastern (157.5mm x 215mm) are no longer used frequently, but the term is still used out of habit. The change was brought about by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).
In accordance with the aforementioned, at present the format that is called page is A5, whose measurements are 14.8 cm wide by 21 cm high. These dimensions correspond to what is commonly called letter-size sheet and whose use is widespread worldwide.
To make it clearer, it is necessary to add that a sheet has a measurement of 215 mm x 315 mm and that it was previously the most used format in European countries. Then international standards set the A4 size (210mm x 297mm).
The use of a page is common within academic assignments, and these are usually done on the computer. The page covers almost one page of a letter-type page. The following are the characteristics that this type of sheet should have:
The margins of a page meet the following measurements: the upper and lower margins should not be less than 2.5 cm, but they cannot exceed 3 cm. While the right and left are a minimum of 2 cm and do not exceed 2.5 cm.
The works that are carried out in a page generally contain an approximate of between 20 to 25 lines or lines. These in turn must be separated from each other by a distance of space and a half or double space.
A page has between 200 and 250 words. Characters can number up to 1,700, which includes words, numbers, and punctuation marks.
When the development of the page is on a computer, the font that is usually used is the one known as Times New Roman, with a size of 12 points. It is important to note that these characteristics of a page are only for reference.
The foregoing is due to the fact that they may undergo modifications or changes according to the academic area, the usefulness and the knowledge that is applied. Also, these traits may be slightly different in some territories.
Two pages
Two pages are developed on two pages of a letter size sheet. The margins and typeface do not vary from one page. Instead the lines and characters are multiplied.
Two pages are composed of an approximate of between 400 and 500 words. On the other hand, the lines double those of a page, that is, they are made up of between 40 and 50 lines.
Three pages
Three pages are represented by the same margins of one page, this means that the upper and lower margins range between 2.5 and 3 cm, while the right and left are in a range within 2 and 2.5 cm.
Now, the lines of three pages are made up of an approximate of between 60 and 75 lines. Therefore, the number of words can have a minimum of 600 and a maximum of 750. Finally, the three pages comprise three pages of a measure of letter-size paper.
Four pages
Four pages correspond to two pages and four letter-type pages. Its margins and typography are the same as those of a page. A Times New Roman font size 12 is used, while the margins of the page are between 2.5 and 3 cm, the bottom and top, the right and left between 2 and 2.5 cm.
The development of a four-page text comprises between 800 and 1000 words, which can be distributed between approximately 80 and 100 lines or lines.
Example of a page in A4 format.
Other formats of paper sheets
Although the page or A5 is one of the most used formats when carrying out a written work, it is important that other options are known that are also valid:
This format of paper sheets is frequently used worldwide, that is due to its practical design. The size or dimensions are similar to the folio. The measurements of an A4 are: 21 cm wide by 29.7 cm high.
The work assigned in the academic field can be done within the Legal format, this will depend on the guidelines established by the teacher or coordinator of the activity. The measurements of this type of format are wider than those of A4, its dimensions are: 35.6 cm high by 21.6 cm wide.
The legal paper sheet format is frequently used in administrative and legal procedures, be it a birth certificate or a certificate of notes. Its dimensions are as follows: 22 cm wide by 34 cm high approximately.
Finally, the number of words and the lines or lines that the formats of sheets of paper described above may have are subject to some extent to the margins that are applied to them. In many cases, the left, top, and bottom are adjusted between 3 and 4 cm, while the right margin is usually left 2.5 cm.
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