- General characteristics
- Features
- Shape
- Cell movement and junctions
- Structure and components
- Actin filaments
- Functions of actin filaments
- Intermediate filaments
- Role of intermediate filaments
- Microtubules
- Microtubule function
- Other implications of the cytoskeleton
- In bacteria
- In cancer
- References
The cytoskeleton is a cellular structure made up of filaments. It is dispersed throughout the cytoplasm and its function is mainly supportive, to maintain cell architecture and shape. Structurally, it is made up of three types of fibers, classified according to their size.
These are actin fibers, intermediate filaments, and microtubules. Each one grants a specific property to the network. The cell interior is an environment where displacement and transit of materials occurs. The cytoskeleton mediates these intracellular movements.
For example, organelles - such as mitochondria or the Golgi apparatus - are static in the cellular environment; these move using the cytoskeleton as a pathway.
Although the cytoskeleton clearly predominates in eukaryotic organisms, an analogous structure has been reported in prokaryotes.
General characteristics
The cytoskeleton is an extremely dynamic structure that represents a "molecular scaffold". The three types of filaments that constitute it are repeating units that can form very different structures, depending on the way in which these fundamental units are combined.
If we want to create an analogy with the human skeleton, the cytoskeleton is equivalent to the bone system and, in addition, to the muscular system.
However, they are not identical to bone as the components can be assembled and disintegrated, allowing for shape changes and giving the cell plasticity. The components of the cytoskeleton are not soluble in detergents.
As its name implies, the "intuitive" function of the cytoskeleton is to provide stability and shape to the cell. When the filaments are combined in this intricate network, it gives the cell the property of resisting deformation.
Without this structure, the cell would not be able to maintain a specific shape. However, it is a dynamic structure (contrary to the human skeleton) that gives cells the property of changing shape.
Cell movement and junctions
Many of the cellular components are attached to this network of fibers dispersed in the cytoplasm, contributing to their spatial arrangement.
A cell does not look like a soup with different elements floating adrift; neither is it a static entity. Rather, it is an organized matrix with organelles located in specific areas, and this process occurs thanks to the cytoskeleton.
The cytoskeleton is involved in movement. This happens thanks to motor proteins. These two elements combine and allow movement within the cell.
It also participates in the process of phagocytosis (a process in which a cell captures a particle from the external environment, which may or may not be food).
The cytoskeleton allows the cell to connect with its external environment, physically and biochemically. This connector role is what allows the formation of tissues and cell junctions.
Structure and components
The cytoskeleton is made up of three different types of filaments: actin, intermediate filaments, and microtubules.
A new candidate is currently being proposed as a fourth strand of the cytoskele: septin. Each of these parts is described in detail below:
Actin filaments
Actin filaments have a diameter of 7 nm. They are also known as microfilaments. The monomers that make up the filaments are balloon-shaped particles.
Although they are linear structures, they are not shaped like a "bar": they rotate on their axis and resemble a helix. They are attached to a series of specific proteins that regulate their behavior (organization, location, length). There are more than 150 proteins capable of interacting with actin.
The extremes can be differentiated; one is called plus (+) and the other minus (-). At these ends, the filament can grow or shorten. Polymerization is noticeably faster on the plus end; For polymerization to occur, ATP is required.
Actin can also be as a monomer and free in the cytosol. These monomers are bound to proteins that prevent their polymerization.
Functions of actin filaments
Actin filaments have a role related to cell movement. They allow different cell types, both unicellular and multicellular organisms (an example are the cells of the immune system), to move in their environments.
Actin is well known for its role in muscle contraction. Together with myosin they group together in sarcomeres. Both structures make such ATP-dependent movement possible.
Intermediate filaments
The approximate diameter of these filaments is 10 µm; hence the name "intermediate". Its diameter is intermediate with respect to the other two components of the cytoskeleton.
Each filament is structured as follows: a balloon-shaped head at the N terminal and a similarly shaped tail at the carbon terminal. These ends are connected to each other by a linear structure made up of alpha helices.
These "strings" have globular heads that have the property of winding up with other intermediate filaments, creating thicker interlaced elements.
Intermediate filaments are located throughout the cell cytoplasm. They extend to the membrane and are often attached to it. These filaments are also found in the nucleus, forming a structure called the "nuclear lamina."
This group is classified in turn into subgroups of intermediate filaments:
- Keratin filaments.
- Vimentin filaments.
- Neurofilaments.
- Nuclear sheets.
Role of intermediate filaments
They are extremely strong and resistant elements. In fact, if we compare them with the other two filaments (actin and microtubules), the intermediate filaments gain in stability.
Thanks to this property, its main function is mechanical, resisting cellular changes. They are found abundantly in cell types that experience constant mechanical stress; for example, in nerve, epithelial and muscle cells.
Unlike the other two components of the cytoskeleton, the intermediate filaments cannot assemble and come apart at their polar ends.
They are rigid structures (to be able to fulfill their function: cell support and mechanical response to stress) and the assembly of the filaments is a process dependent on phosphorylation.
The intermediate filaments form structures called desmosomes. Together with a series of proteins (cadherins), these complexes are created that form the junctions between cells.
Microtubules are hollow elements. They are the largest filaments that make up the cytoskeleton. The diameter of the microtubules in its internal part is around 25 nm. The length is quite variable, within the range of 200 nm to 25 µm.
These filaments are indispensable in all eukaryotic cells. They emerge (or are born) from small structures called centrosomes, and from there they extend to the edges of the cell, in contrast to the intermediate filaments, which extend throughout the cellular environment.
Microtubules are made up of proteins called tubulins. Tubulin is a dimer made up of two subunits: α-tubulin and β-tubulin. These two monomers are joined by non-covalent bonds.
One of its most relevant characteristics is the ability to grow and shorten, being quite dynamic structures, as in actin filaments.
The two ends of the microtubules can be differentiated from each other. For this reason it is said that in these filaments there is a "polarity". At each of the extremes - called plus p positive and minus or negative - the process of self-assembly occurs.
This process of assembly and degradation of the filament gives rise to a phenomenon of "dynamic instability".
Microtubule function
Microtubules can form very diverse structures. They participate in the processes of cell division, forming the mitotic spindle. This process helps each daughter cell have an equal number of chromosomes.
They also form the whip-like appendages used for cell mobility, such as cilia and flagella.
Microtubules serve as pathways or "highways" in which different proteins that have transport functions move. These proteins are classified into two families: kinesins and dyneins. They can travel long distances within the cell. Transport over short distances is generally performed on actin.
These proteins are the "pedestrians" of the microtubule roads. Its movement closely resembles a walk on the microtubule.
Transport involves movement of different types of elements or products, such as vesicles. In nerve cells this process is well known because neurotransmitters are released in vesicles.
Microtubules also participate in organelle mobilization. In particular, the Golgi apparatus and the endosplasmic reticulum depend on these filaments to take their proper position. In the absence of microtubules (in experimentally mutated cells), these organelles markedly change their position.
Other implications of the cytoskeleton
In bacteria
In the previous sections, the cytoskeleton of eukaryotes was described. Prokaryotes also possess a similar structure and have components analogous to the three fibers that make up the traditional cytoskeleton. To these filaments is added one of its own belonging to bacteria: the MinD-ParA group.
The functions of the cytoskeleton in bacteria are quite similar to the functions they fulfill in eukaryotes: support, cell division, maintenance of cell shape, among others.
In cancer
Clinically, components of the cytoskeleton have been associated with cancer. Since they intervene in the processes of division, they are considered "targets" in order to understand and attack uncontrolled cell development.
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- Fletcher, DA, & Mullins, RD (2010). Cell mechanics and the cytoskeleton. Nature, 463 (7280), 485-492.
- Hall, A. (2009). The cytoskeleton and cancer. Cancer and Metastasis Reviews, 28 (1–2), 5–14.
- Moseley, JB (2013). An expanded view of the eukaryotic cytoskeleton. Molecular biology of the cell, 24 (11), 1615–1618.
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- Svitkina, T. (2009). Imaging cytoskeleton components by electron microscopy. In Cytoskeleton Methods and Protocols (pp. 187–06). Humana Press.