The cellulases are a group of enzymes produced by plants and by various microorganisms "cellulolytic" catalytic activity which involves the degradation of cellulose, the most abundant polysaccharide in nature.
These proteins belong to the family of glycosidic hydrolases or glycosyl hydrolases enzymes, since they are capable of hydrolyzing the bonds between glucose units not only in cellulose, but also in some β-D-glucans present in cereals.
Graphic representation of the molecular structure of a Cellulase (Source: Jawahar Swaminathan and MSD staff at the European Bioinformatics Institute via Wikimedia Commons)
Its presence in the animal kingdom has been argued and the digestion of cellulose by herbivorous animals is attributed to a symbiotic intestinal microflora. However, relatively recent studies have shown that this enzyme is also produced by invertebrates such as insects, mollusks, and some nematodes.
Cellulose is an essential part of the cell wall of all plant organisms and is also produced by some species of algae, fungi and bacteria. It is a high molecular weight linear homopolysaccharide composed of D-glucopyranose linked by β-1,4 bonds.
This polysaccharide is mechanically and chemically resistant, since it is composed of parallel chains that are aligned in longitudinal axes stabilized by hydrogen bonds.
Since plants, the main cellulose producers, are the base of the food chain, the existence of these enzymes is essential for the use of said tissues and, therefore, for the subsistence of a large part of the terrestrial fauna (including the microorganisms).
The cellulases expressed by most of the microorganisms exert their catalytic functions in the extracellular matrix and, in general, these are produced in large quantities, which is industrially used for many purposes.
Bacteria produce small amounts of complex associated cellulases, while fungi produce large amounts of these enzymes, which do not always associate with each other, but do act in synergy.
Depending on the organism that is studied, especially if it is prokaryotes and eukaryotes, the "secretory" pathways for these types of enzymes are very different.
Cellulases or cellulolytic enzymes are found in nature as multi-enzyme systems, that is, forming complexes that are made up of more than one protein. Their classification usually divides them into three important groups:
- Endoglucanases or endo-1,4-β-D-glucan glucanohydrolases: that cut at random "amorphous" sites in internal regions of cellulose chains
- Exoglucanases, cellobiohydrolases or 1,4-β-D-glucan cellobiohydrolases: which hydrolyze the reducing and non-reducing ends of cellulose chains, releasing glucose or cellobiose residues (glucose groups linked together)
- β-glucosidases or β-D-glucoside glucohydrolase: capable of hydrolyzing the non-reducing ends of cellulose and releasing glucose residues
The multienzyme complexes of cellulase enzymes that some organisms produce are known as cellulosomes, the individual components of which are difficult to identify and isolate, but probably correspond to enzymes of the three groups described.
Within each group of cellulases there are families, which are grouped together because they share some special characteristics. These families can form "clans" whose members have differences in their sequences, but share some structural and functional characteristics with each other.
Cellulase enzymes are "modular" proteins that are composed of structurally and functionally discrete domains: a catalytic domain and a carbohydrate-binding domain.
Like most glycosyl hydrolases, cellulases possess, in the catalytic domain, an amino acid residue that functions as a catalytic nucleophile that is negatively charged at the optimum pH for the enzyme and another residue that acts as a proton donor.
This pair of residues, depending on the organism that expresses the enzyme, can be two aspartates, two glutamates or one of each.
In many fungi and bacteria, cellulases are highly glycosylated proteins, however, independent studies suggest that these carbohydrate residues do not play a major role in the enzymatic activity of these enzymes.
When cellulases associate to form complexes, achieving greater enzymatic activity on the different forms of the same substrate, these can have up to five different enzymatic subunits.
These important enzymes, produced especially by cellulolytic bacteria and fungi, have various functions, both from a biological and industrial point of view:
Cellulases play a fundamental role in the intricate biodegradation network of cellulose and lignocellulose, which are the most abundant polysaccharides in the biosphere.
The cellulases produced by the microorganisms associated with the gastrointestinal tract of many herbivorous animals represent one of the most important enzyme families in nature, since omnivores and strict carnivores feed on the biomass assimilated by these animals.
Man, for example, consumes food of plant origin and all the cellulose present in these is considered "crude fiber". Later it is eliminated with the feces, since it does not have enzymes for its digestion.
Ruminants, such as cows, are able to increase their weight and muscle size thanks to the use of the carbon contained in the form of glucose in cellulose, since their intestinal microflora is responsible for the degradation of plants through cellulase activity.
In plants, these enzymes are responsible for the degradation of the cell wall in response to different stimuli that occur at different stages of development, such as abscission and maturation of fruits, abscission of leaves and pods, among others.
At an industrial level, these enzymes are produced on a large scale and used in many agricultural processes that are related to plant materials and their processing.
Among these processes is the production of biofuels, for which cellulases satisfy more than 8% of the industrial enzyme demand. This is because these enzymes are extremely important for the production of ethanol from plant waste from different sources.
They are also used in the textile industry for multiple purposes: production of animal feed, improvement of the quality and "digestibility" of concentrated feed or during the processing of juices and flours.
These proteins are used, in turn, in the production of oils, spices, polysaccharides for commercial use such as agar and also to obtain proteins from seeds and other plant tissues.
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