The Aunt Tona is a place known in Mexican culture because it is a reference to one of the most popular legends of the city. Currently there is still a halo of mysticism about the house and the events that happened there. The house is located in the third section of the Chapultepec forest, in Mexico City.
Due to its location and difficult access, it has become the perfect setting for lovers of the paranormal, which has led to a series of urban myths and legends. Doña Toña was an older woman who decided to shelter poor children to offer them food, protection, and a place to sleep.
However, it is at this point where there are two aspects in the story that are still valid today. Thanks to the mysticism and those involved in this story, Aunt Toña's house is a reference in the culture of the city.
As mentioned above, there are two versions about the origin of the mystery of Aunt Toña's house:
First version
In her youth, Doña Toña married a rich merchant, to later settle in Mexico City. However, she became widowed and was practically alone.
It was for this reason that he decided to lend the facilities of his house to give shelter to children and adolescents who lived on the street. In this way, she provided food, clothing and a house for several boys, while they accompanied her.
It was rumored that large amounts of money were kept in the house thanks to the inheritance left by Doña Toña's husband. That is why the boys showed interest in knowing where the loot was.
As they prepared to search all the facilities, the lady suddenly woke up. Due to the outrage and heat of the moment, she decided to beat the children to death.
After what happened, the woman realized what she had just done, and the feeling of guilt was such that she locked herself in a room and decided to commit suicide.
Second version
The other version of the legend does not have too many variations of the one previously narrated. In this case, Dona Toña was rather poor and had the habit of receiving people who needed shelter and food.
So she decided to offer accommodation to the street children, so as not to feel alone in that spacious place. It is even said that thanks to these noble actions, several members of the community came to say that the old woman had won heaven.
In the first instance the children felt comfortable and free where they were, but then they began to show signs of violence, rebellion and bad behavior. In certain cases many of the children took on an almost unbearable attitude.
Because of this, Dona Toña lost her patience. Thanks to an altered state, she killed all the children through beatings.
Shortly after, he decided to dump the bodies in the river that was in the vicinity of the house. However, the guilt that the old woman suffered was enough to cause her to commit suicide.
Urban reality or legend?
Apparently, there are historical records (photographs and documents) that prove that this woman really existed and that, in fact, she did try to help street children. However, there are several components that allow nurturing the paranormal aura of the house:
-Despite being in one of the most exclusive areas of the city, the house is difficult to access. It is said that a thick and strange fog forms around the construction, and that the people who go there to learn more about it end up dead (although this has more to do with the dangerous conditions of the terrain).
-On the other hand, those who have ventured to the adjacencies have stated that the voices and laughter of children are heard, and that the figure of an old woman that seems to be leaning out of the windows of the place is also seen.
-Before arriving at the house, there is a fairly old bridge that is no longer used due to the poor condition it is in. In that place some people have experienced dizziness and heaviness in the environment.
Thanks to rumors about the house's appearances, as well as a series of tragic accidents and disappearances, the authorities began a search for it, as well as any other evidence that was related to it.
However, it was concluded that the construction does not exist, at least not according to the descriptions of the witnesses. The truth is that Aunt Toña's house is part of the most popular modern myths in the city.
-Although certainly the history of the house of Doña Toña generates fascination, there are some skeptics who do not take long to point out some inconsistencies with respect to the story. An incongruity has to do with Dona Toña's inability to kill, at least with blows, a group of children.
-It is said that the house, as it is described in the stories, does not exist. In fact, there are rather photographs of a luxurious construction that has been under construction for more than 20 years, which is now inhabited.
-Currently, this house is heavily guarded by the police, especially at night, since there was a time when thieves and beggars tried to find the place to take refuge.
-The mystery of the house is linked to an accident that happened in 2009, in which a group of 20 students prepared to explore the surroundings of the Chapultepec forest and tragically died when falling down a ravine more than 30 m high. height.
-Although some affirm that the accidents that occurred are generated by the tormented souls of the children and of Doña Toña herself, rather it has to do with the dangerousness of the terrain, which has made its constant supervision necessary.
-Another little-known version of the story affirms that Dona Toña amassed her fortune because she deprived those people who dared to violate her house of money and life.
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- La Casa de la Tía Toña: One of the most chilling places in Mexico. (2016). In Minemio. Retrieved: April 26, 2018. In Minemio de
- The haunted house of Tía Toña. (2016). In Solved and Unsolved Mysteries. Retrieved: April 26, 2018. In Solved and Unsolved Mysteries from
- Aunt Toña's house: legend or reality. (2016). In Taringa. Retrieved: April 26, 2018. In Taringa de