- characteristics
- Absence of oxygen
- High intensity
- Short duration
- It can be lactic or alactic
- Lactic anaerobic capacity
- Alactic anaerobic capacity
- Amerita high energy diet
- Methods to develop anaerobic capacity
- Very short races
- Short races
- Jumps in the vertical plane
- Interval Workouts
- Benefits
- Greater resistance in explosive exercises
- Toned muscles
- Volume increase
- Weightloss
- References
The anaerobic capacity is the one that is implemented when high intensity exercises are executed, for which it is necessary to apply considerable force. This effort implies a depletion of the amount of oxygen used by the body.
A person will have high anaerobic capacity to the extent that he can support the little amount of oxygen in the muscles for a certain time. During the process, chemical interactions are generated in which phosphocreatine, ATP (adenosine triphosphate) and glycogen participate.
Weight lifting is an anaerobic exercise. Source: pixabay.com
The more intense the exercise, the more oxygen is needed. However, the bloodstream cannot move it as fast as it is required, and the muscles cannot absorb it quickly either, given the intensity of the activity.
A high anaerobic capacity allows effective toning, muscle enlargement, and bone mineralization, among other benefits.
Many of the exercises are considered anaerobic during the first moments of the action because they usually involve intense movements; however, for an exercise to be anaerobic it must have a short duration.
Absence of oxygen
The term anaerobic refers to the absence of oxygen. For this reason, the anaerobic capacity is related to the possibility that the muscles have to contract intensely with little presence of oxygen.
High intensity
All anaerobic activity is characterized because it deserves a great effort executed in an explosive way; That is why weightlifting or 10-meter sprints are clear examples of anaerobic exercise.
Also all exercises that involve the use of strength machines fall into this category. These are demanding actions in which the muscles are quite demanding.
Short duration
This intense effort is characterized by its short duration. If the activity lasts for a longer time, it is considered to be an aerobic exercise, since this type of activity implies the ability to resist the fatigue associated with exercise for a much longer time.
It can be lactic or alactic
This classification refers to the presence or absence of lactic acid. Below we describe the characteristics of each type of anaerobic capacity:
Lactic anaerobic capacity
The anaerobic capacity is lactic when the efforts last a maximum of 120 seconds. Glycogen is used as the main source of fuel and there is production of lactic acid; This happens because the action is fast, but not so fast that it prevents lactate production.
Alactic anaerobic capacity
The exercises associated with this type of anaerobic resistance are explosive and very short, up to 20 seconds.
In these cases, the main source of energy is ATP, and as long as the action is maintained over time, it is possible that phosphocreatine is also used as a fuel source.
Amerita high energy diet
Since energy consumption is abundant, a high-energy diet is necessary in order to cultivate a high anaerobic capacity. The consumption of high-protein food supplements is also recommended.
Methods to develop anaerobic capacity
A training that seeks to develop anaerobic capacity should focus on explosive actions, with a high degree of intensity and executed in a short time.
There are several ideal exercise programs to cultivate this ability, below we describe some of the most relevant:
Very short races
Running short stretches, between 5 and 10 meters, is a good way to train explosive strength. Some coaches recommend doing these runs on slopes so that the effort is greater.
Being such short races, the intensity of the exercise is very high and demands 100% of the runner's effort.
Short races
Another method to work on anaerobic endurance is to run slightly longer but just as explosive runs. These are distances that are between 50 and 100 meters. Since they are a bit longer, the runner's effort will not reach 100%, but will be around 95% approximately.
Jumps in the vertical plane
A recommended activity is to perform vertical jumps in succession. Elements can be arranged that serve as obstacles, they can be drawers or any object that has a considerable height, so that it is necessary for the runner to jump to be able to cross it.
These obstacles can be placed every 2 meters. The runner must successively jump each element, applying intense effort in each jump and maintaining balance with the arms.
Interval Workouts
This method is also well known in its English form: interval training. The intention is to execute exercises that deserve an effort of between 80 and 95% of the capacities of the person who carries them out.
Rest times are short, which implies that the person will not be fully recovered before facing a new repetition. For example, exercises can be considered between 10 and 15 seconds in duration, and a recovery of between 5 and 15 seconds.
Greater resistance in explosive exercises
The most obvious benefit of anaerobic capacity has to do with the possibility of having more resistance to more intense efforts. In other words, a person with ample anaerobic capacity can exercise intensely for longer without feeling the fatigue associated with the action.
Toned muscles
Intense muscle work translates into more toning. This means that the muscles will have less risk of injury, as they are in good shape.
It is important to emphasize that anaerobic training must be done with great caution, knowing very well the morphology of the muscles to work or going to experts who have such information; poorly designed training can lead to serious injuries.
Volume increase
If you train consistently, the volume of your muscles can increase considerably.
For people who develop in the field of bodybuilding, or for those who want to increase their body volume a little, developing a high anaerobic capacity is very important.
A few years ago it was thought that only aerobic exercises facilitated weight loss; however, several specialists have indicated that training with weight and intensity can generate the same or even better effects.
When the body is recovering from a vigorous exercise routine, the muscles continue to need oxygen; For this reason, the body continues to burn calories in order to provide oxygen to the muscles that need it.
- Díaz, D. "Lactic and alactic anaerobic training" in Vitonica. Retrieved on October 14, 2019 from Vitonica: vitonica.com
- Gascó, T. "Anaerobic resistance" in Fitness Guide. Retrieved on October 14, 2019 from Fitness Guide: guiafitness.com
- Vásquez, J. "Learning to train: Lactic Anaerobic Capacity (R4)" (2017) in Planeta Triathlon. Retrieved on October 14, 2019 from Planeta Triathlon: mundotriatlon.com
- Radák, Z. “Fundamentals of Endurance Training” (2018) in Science Direct. Retrieved on October 14, 2019 from Science Direct: sciencedirect.com
- Green, S. “Measurement of anaerobic capacities in humans. Definitions, limitations and unsolved problems ”in US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health. Retrieved on October 14, 2019 from US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health: ncbi.nih.gov
- Pérez, C. "Benefits of anaerobic exercises" in Natursan. Retrieved on October 14, 2019 from Natursan: natursan.net
- Puig, M. “Lose weight with weights? Yes, it is even faster than with 'cardio' ”(2019) in La Vanguardia. Retrieved on October 14, 2019 from La Vanguardia: láguardia.com
- "Methods for the development of resistance" in Aragonese Educational Platform. Retrieved on October 14, 2019 from Aragonese Educational Platform: e-ducativa.catedu.es