- Step 1- Choose the topic
- How to start a trial? - Step 2
- Contradiction
- Interest creation
- Give data of interest
- Confirmation
- Startup example
- Step 3- How to do the development?
- Development example
- Step 4- How to make the conclusion?
- Conclusion example
- Questions for an essay
- Tips for argumentative essay
- Choice of theme
- In-depth investigation
- Organize ideas
- Development
- Look at what is written
- Tips for literary essay
- The topic
- Style
- Author's thought
- Tips for scientific essay
- Selection of the theme
- Objectivity and subjectivity
- Focus on the target
- Tips for philosophical essay
- Discussion of the argument
- Simplicity
- Originality
- Tips for critical essay
- Personal stamp
- Comparison of thoughts
- Skill
- Test examples
- Critical test example
- Example of argumentative essay
- Literary essay example
- Philosophical essay example
- Expository essay example
- Themes of interest
- References
To learn how to do an essay, it is necessary to carry out the beginning, development and conclusion correctly. An essay is a literary writing in prose in which a specific theme is developed, to which the author prints reflection and subjectivity.
For example, you could make an essay on Latin American writers, on the arrival of the first man in America, on the history of sport, on the contributions of Egyptians to the world, and on many other topics.
Essay is a great way to express a thought. Source: pixabay.com.
To carry out an essay it is necessary for the writer to express his thought; that is, their opinion, which will be made up of information received and personal attributes. The development of an essay is not only to expose information on the subject in question, but the author must make an argument that manages to convince the reading public to join his perspective or interpretation.
The creation of an essay is not subject to any special structure, it is the writer who provides it with style and particularity. However, for better guidance, the parts of an essay are considered to be the introduction, development, and conclusion.
The author of this type of literary writing can write about philosophy, history, politics, culture, art, religion, sport, society or another subject of interest with which he tries to persuade. Commonly the language used in the essays is careful, so that the argumentative and reflective thinking of the author is easy to understand.
In addition, it is necessary for the ideas to be organized logically and coherently to clearly explain the topic and for the reader to easily grasp the ideas to be conveyed. The writer can use examples to make her point of view more concrete. Now, if you do not have experience in conducting an essay, it is advisable to first choose a simple topic that the author likes.
On the other hand, the author must ask himself the questions of why and why to develop it. Finally, the essayist reflects on his point of view in relation to the subject and makes a conclusion / summary of the above.
Step 1- Choose the topic
An essay can be about philosophy, history, politics, culture, art, religion, sport, society, or another topic of interest to you. Within these branches of knowledge you will have to choose a specific topic.
For example, you cannot write an essay on the environment as it is too broad a topic, but you could choose to write an essay on global warming.
If you do not have experience in doing an essay, it is recommended that you choose a simple topic that is to your liking.
How to start a trial? - Step 2
Once you have chosen the topic you want to develop in the essay you will have to make the introduction.
In the introduction you will explain what your objectives are when doing the essay, the main subtopics that you will deal with within the main topic and you will also explain the form you will give the text.
For example, if your essay is about global warming, you could explain when you started talking about it in history, why it is important today, what are the most widely defended scientific positions today, and why you have decided to choose that topic. You will also explain the general structure of your essay.
In this part of the essay you can use various techniques to create interest:
The contradiction is a strategy that the author can use at the beginning of the essay to modify or correct an approach that to some extent was believed to be correct. For this tactic to serve its purpose, the writer must first come up with an overall idea or thought approved or accepted by a good number of people.
In the case of the global warming essay, you could first explain what the internationally accepted position is, and then explain another that is not so accepted but that is alternative.
Interest creation
The essay becomes more interesting if the author reveals the information gradually, that is, little by little. This type of procedure gives way to suspense, which gives the writer the freedom to ask questions or queries as if they were directly to the reader.
In the case of our example of global warming, you would not give all the information in the introduction, but you would give small data and brief information of what you will explain in depth in the development.
Give data of interest
One way to create interest is to provide data that creates expectation and shows the importance of the topic you have decided to develop.
In the example of global warming, you could explain how many degrees the temperature has risen, what the consequences have been so far, or what some research has predicted will occur.
The application of this tactic at the beginning of the essay by the author simply seeks to consolidate the information or knowledge that the receiver has on the subject being developed.
Startup example
“If there is one thing that has captured the attention of millions of people over the last decade, it has been the issue of global warming. And it is not a matter of taking it lightly, there are many signals that the environment is sending to humanity associated with this problem.
The melting of the polar ice caps is one of the signs that has alarmed scientists around the world. This phenomenon is directly associated with the deterioration of the ozone layer and has led to many species losing their ecosystems and thousands of animals dying because they cannot adapt to such sudden changes.
"Some effects of global warming are already visible, such as extreme weather events, the melting of the poles, rising sea levels and changing the calendar of the seasons."
Step 3- How to do the development?
The essay requires the organization of ideas that you want to convey. Source: pixabay.com.
The development of an essay is carried out by presenting the topic presented in the introduction in a clear and convincing way. It is the longest part of the essay and it covers the subject in depth. In this part of the essay the most relevant information on the chosen topic is given.
For this you can use the information collected from books, magazines, newspapers, monographs or sources taken from the Internet.
In the case of the global warming test, we could create this part with the following information:
- Explain what global warming consists of, the science behind it.
- Most accepted positions worldwide on global warming.
- Less accepted positions.
- Recognized authors.
- Recent research.
Development example
This would be a brief part of the development of an essay:
«There are thousands of public and private institutions that have joined the study of the causes of global warming and the consequences that this phenomenon has on the planet, both in the short, medium and long term. As mentioned, and the effects of this problem are being noticed in a considerable portion of the planet.
“According to Dr. Ken Caldeira of the Carnegie Institute for the Study of Science, the figures are not encouraging. The atmospheric scientist made the following statement in a statement: 'Our study indicates that if emissions follow a typical typical use scenario, there is a 93% chance that global warming will exceed 4 ° C by the end of this century.'
«This figure is two degrees higher than what was proposed to be achieved in the Paris Climate Agreement. In this meeting it was established to contain global warming to only 2 degrees Celsius ».
Step 4- How to make the conclusion?
The conclusion of an essay leads the author to present his final ideas on the topic he developed. In addition, there is a closing of the introduction and the body of the work. In this part, the essayist's analysis can pave the way for future research.
The conclusion provides a summary of the entire essay. Here the author includes some thoughtful and thoughtful phrases to impress the reader and generate their own ideas and questions.
In the case of the global warming trial the conclusion could include:
- The consequences that could occur if the current rate of global warming continues.
- What is being done wrong.
- What is being done well.
- The solutions.
- Proposals for future necessary research.
Conclusion example
This would be a short part of the conclusion:
“It can be unequivocally deduced, and based on physical evidence and expert testimony, that global warming is a reality. Every conscientious citizen must take appropriate measures to stop this problem that affects the world as a whole.
"If you really want to reach the goal of 2 degrees Celsius set out in the Paris Climate Agreement, the effort between public and private institutions, government and citizens must be joint."
Questions for an essay
An essay leads to the realization of some questions to make the development and presentation of ideas more precise and coherent. An author may ask the following questions:
- What topic do I want to discuss?
- What topics do I know well and do I like?
- Why do I want to develop it?
- Do I know the subject enough?
- How am I going to organize my ideas?
- What sources should I consult?
- What is my goal with the development of the theme?
- What elements should I use to make it more interesting?
- What language will I use?
- What audience do I want to reach?
- How am I going to persuade or convince the reading public?
Tips for argumentative essay
Carrying out an argumentative essay is easier if the following tips are taken into account:
Choice of theme
Don't forget to make notes of the questions that can strengthen the argument of your essay. Source: pixabay.com.
The first step to carry out an argumentative essay is the choice or choice of the topic. The theme chosen to develop should have enough content for the author to more openly state his position.
In-depth investigation
Once the topic has been chosen, an in-depth investigation is carried out on it. Reading previous works helps to have more knowledge about the content to be developed. The sources consulted must be reliable and accurate.
Organize ideas
In an argumentative essay, the use of a “draft” or plan of ideas facilitates the organization and logical exposition of the thoughts or approaches of the author.
After the ideas are clear, we proceed to the elaboration of the argumentative essay. The body of the text must be made up of an introduction, a development and a conclusion as described in previous points.
Look at what is written
Finally, the author should carefully review the entire essay to correct any errors that are present, either in spelling or in the approach of ideas.
Tips for literary essay
Carrying out a literary essay involves applying the advice of the argumentative essay, but with small differences. The following suggestions will help the development of this type of work:
The topic
The literary essay covers a large number of topics, that gives you more freedom. But the author is advised to choose one that he knows well enough to fully state his point of view.
It is recommended to give the literary essay a particular style and form, this depends to some extent on the intention of the author to attract the reading public. Simplicity and clarity are the most advisable qualities for this type of text.
Author's thought
In the literary essay, it is favorable for the author to freely express his thought on the subject. This means that the work does not necessarily have to compare the arguments of other authors or other sources.
Tips for scientific essay
Selection of the theme
For the selection of the topic of a scientific essay it is recommended to go directly to contents related to chemistry, medicine, biology, physics, mathematics or other branches of science. The subject must be treated with naturalness, creativity and originality so that the reader can maintain interest.
Objectivity and subjectivity
Although the essay allows the contribution of the author's ideas, in the scientific essay it is advisable to compare them with the works developed by specialists in the field of science. It is then necessary to consult books, research or any other objective or impartial source in depth so that the content is balanced.
Focus on the target
In the scientific essay, the author must focus on his final objective, this will allow him to be concrete and specific about the subject. In this type of document it is recommended not to fall into detours to avoid that the text loses logic and interest.
The author can use examples to better explain the arguments, in this way the understanding is easier for the reader and the essay is more fluid.
Tips for philosophical essay
Discussion of the argument
In a philosophical essay, the author is advised to discuss, contradict, compare, criticize, or defend the main argument of the chosen topic. In this case, your opinion or ideas alone are not enough to expand the content.
The author of a philosophical essay has to approach the subject with simplicity and naturalness. It is recommended that the writer defend his thesis or arguments clearly so that the content is not complicated.
One trait that should stand out in a philosophical essay is originality. Although the author has to debate arguments, it is necessary to demonstrate his understanding of the topic he develops, in this way he better convinces the reader.
Tips for critical essay
Personal stamp
The development of a critical essay includes the author's judgment and personal style in relation to a given topic. However, it is recommended that reflections are added that lead to a deeper debate, away from simple opinions.
Comparison of thoughts
In the critical essay, the points of view of other authors regarding the subject that is developed can be exposed, in order to contrast or affirm thoughts. Comparisons add precision and reliability to work.
The opinion that an author gives within a critical essay necessarily has to be reflective and logical. It is recommended that the essayist activate his dexterity and thinking ability so that the writing has relevance.
The skill of the author can also be manifested in the closing or conclusion of this type of essay. In this part of the text, the writer can ask one or more questions to get the reader to make their own opinions, without this implying that they agree with the thoughts and ideas of the essayist.
Test examples
To give you a better idea of how to do an essay, I leave you examples divided into critical, literary, philosophical, argumentative, literary and expository essays. The purposes of the essays are to inform, entertain and make us reflect. To do this, it follows a structure and themes.
Critical test example
The mistreatment of women is a real scourge. Source: pixabay.com.
Gender violence against women is any aggressive and violent action that occurs within an area of inequality where the man has dominion and power over the female. The consequences are physical, psychological and sexual. At the same time it affects the entire family environment, especially children.
Now, why does gender-based violence occur? Is it that as a society we have not made enough progress towards equality between men and women? If you are not walking on the right path, it is then necessary to sow and cultivate the seeds of respect and recognition for women in the home.
With the idea of the previous paragraph it is meant that the family as the nucleus of society should lay the foundations to begin to raise men with a different vision towards the female gender. It is the parents who must guide the value of the woman as a being worthy of admiration, love and protection.
In the same way, it is essential that in every family females are taught the value they have as human beings and even more so as women. The constant reinforcement of their capacities, virtues and abilities will give them enough self-esteem to not tolerate any type of abuse. This is where the father figure is fundamental.
A father who cares, accompanies, loves, respects, hugs, advises and uses loving and respectful language towards his daughter is teaching her that she is deserving of the best. Consequently, in her adult life she will choose a man who will give her what she received in her childhood.
Gender violence would not be a family or social problem if human beings were more concerned with valuing the existence of the other. One of the first steps that must be taken to eradicate this type of abuse is to equate the duty and role of men with that of women.
Throughout the history of humanity, societies have placed men above women, either because of their strength or ability, the truth is that it has become entrenched in the collective unconscious that the male gender has power over the female. Visibly, this supposed supremacy continues in force in sexist communities.
It is the Latin American countries that present notable characteristics of macho men. Is it a question of culture? Lack of education? Disinformation? The answers may be varied, the truth is that the man must stop believing that the woman is an object or has to be subject to it.
How does such a change occur? the role of the family is emphasized again in the upbringing and training of men. To this is added a balanced coexistence where roles and activities within the home are shared, where it is shown, for example, that the father can help the mother clean up if she does other work.
The road to equality and justice between men and women remains long. However, it is not impossible to achieve a society where the female gender enjoys full freedom. On the other hand, it is possible to raise future men with sensitivity and appreciation towards women.
The above is achieved through joint action between society, family, school and individual with the application of values such as respect and tolerance.
In addition, it is necessary to create spaces that promote an egalitarian coexistence between men and women based on fraternity and the appreciation of the thoughts and feelings of each individual being.
Example of argumentative essay
Martin Luther King, one of the leading figures against racism in the United States. Source: pixabay.com.
"I hope that people finally realize that there is only one race - the human race - and that we are all members of it." Based on this phrase by the Canadian writer Margaret Atwood, the issue of racism is raised and why it continues to be valid in the 21st century.
According to the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy, racism is an adverse expression of discrimination between ethnic groups. It is a kind of feeling of anger and repulsion from one person to another with a different skin color. Historically, this type of rejection between individuals has existed in all societies and cultures.
Nationality and skin color are not chosen, however there are people who, because they are from one place or another or because they belong to a certain race, believe they are superior to others. Now, when that thought of supremacy comes to life, it gives way to discrimination.
In relation to what is described in the previous paragraph, some scholars such as Ramón Grosfoguel have argued that racism has its origin in the processes of conquest of Europeans. Then he arrived in America in 1492 implanting a racial system made up of “pure bloods”: white, black and indigenous.
Subsequently, at each stage of history and in all societies there were acts of violence that attempted against the lives of those considered to be different. Such was the famous case of the African-American Rosa Park, who on December 1, 1955 refused to give up the bus seat to a white man in Alabama in the United States.
Park's attempt to demonstrate equality between the races led her to jail for a short time, and from that moment on, Martin Luther King began his historic fight for respect for the black race. Ten years later, the United Nations Organization signed a treaty in 1965 to eliminate all expressions of racial discrimination.
While it is true that much has been done to make racism disappear, it is also true that acts of violence, discrimination, intolerance and inequality between races continue even in this century. Why do hate speech still exist? What other political and social measures should be implemented?
The validity of racism in the 21st century may be linked to the growth of communication channels, especially social networks, which are used by political parties and extremist groups to share their thoughts of supremacy. In this sense, reference is made to the anti-immigrant speech of US President Donald Trump.
The elimination of racism may be possible through the application of forceful measures by international organizations and by effective sanctions against those who violate the integrity of the other. Furthermore, it is necessary to reinforce the principle of tolerance and deepen the acceptance of plurality and diversity.
Added to the idea of tolerance is the statement made in 1998 by Kofi Annan, who stated that it was the basis for peace within society. With the application of tolerance in the correct way, the source of wealth and progress is opened in all areas, since we all have something to learn from each other.
On the other hand, the role of educational institutions and the family as the nucleus of society must be firm in the implantation of values, as well as in cultivating the prevention of discrimination.
Everything described above is achieved by promoting respect and valuing the other. The work is not easy, but the commitment must be constantly renewed.
Literary essay example
The habit of reading is a door to infinity of worlds. Source: pixabay.com.
Reading is a gateway to worlds inhabited by new ideas, experiences, emotions and feelings, which in turn broaden thinking and the ability to discern. However, the benefits of reading are not in themselves attractive to everyone. It is usually read by learning system, but not for pleasure.
The habit of reading originates most of the time by imitation, by the contagion that it gives to hear from another how their senses are tuned, their spirit connects with another feeling and the mind sails in seas of infinite creativity. On the other hand, reading constantly gives thought more flexibility, because the points of view are more.
Reading is associated with pleasure, that is, it is an activity that should be carried out for pleasure and not for imposition. The result of a pleasant reading is linked to the development of skills, the expansion of vocabulary, the improvement of concentration and the prevention of the effects of age on the brain.
"The ability and taste for reading gives access to what has already been discovered by others." Abraham Lincoln was not wrong when pronouncing the previous sentence, really reading connects with other forms of thoughts, with new spaces and strengthens the criteria of those who venture into the unknown.
Now, although reading has many positive effects on human life, not everyone is capable of making it a daily and frequent activity such as brushing their teeth.
On the other hand, the fast pace of the world sometimes does not allow space and time to read a good book. However, it is never too late to sow the seeds of habit.
A person can begin to read by choosing a book on a topic that they like or attract their attention, be it poetry or horror. The important thing is that you have the intention and dedicate a daily period of time. Constantly the habit of reading is going to be present and the honeys of pleasure will sweeten the daily life of the individual.
The taste for reading arises to some extent from the cultural environment in which the individual operates. Being surrounded by family or friends who read is exciting and contagious. The idea of sharing new knowledge and learning from others is a valuable incentive to stay connected to a book.
On the other hand, academic schemes should move towards open reading programs, where the student, whoever chooses, wants to read it according to their age and level of understanding. In this way, reading is no longer compulsory or imposed to become fun and interesting.
Together with the previous idea, discussion groups can be developed where what has been learned is shared, games are played around reading and new topics are suggested for future meetings. A child who reads will grow into a more sensitive, tolerant, understanding, analytical, and creative adult.
The subject of the reading habit is related to the individual, that is, to the interest of the person to learn, to know and to know. As they say, nothing forced works. A reader becomes as long as he has books at his fingertips, while watching others read, but above all it is done when curiosity moves his spirit.
Reading has the ability to provide a man with solid arguments on any subject and consequently have the honor of being heard. This is because their knowledge is not empty or hollow. Finally, reading helps to interpret life and reflect on it.
Philosophical essay example
Human beings often wonder what happiness is, the answer to this question will depend on each individual. The Greek philosopher Aristotle expressed that "true happiness lies in the free exercise of the mind", that is, that each person relies on their thoughts to be happy.
According to Aristotle, happiness is linked to the circumstances and experiences that are lived, but above all to the position of the mind. Although a person does not always have pleasant moments, that does not mean that they cannot be happy. Your attitude is decisive.
Returning to the question of what happiness is, it can be said that more than a state of mind, it is an attitude that the human being controls to survive and face certain situations. Happiness is associated with desire, it is satisfied if what is wanted is sufficient, meaningful in itself and can be achieved.
Every human being wants to achieve happiness, the paths that are chosen will be different. The debate begins when the how and when to this state of mind arise. However, it must be borne in mind that what is desired must produce satisfaction, self-realization, pleasure and therefore be contrary to pain.
Happiness can be considered as a state of gratitude and appreciation of what you have and what you live. Furthermore, it can be defined as a permanent joy of the soul.
There are people who, having everything, feel incomplete and frustrated, that may be related to their thinking and the way they perceive what happens to them.
On the other hand, if happiness is in achieving what you want, it is important to remember that nothing is forever and that at any moment that for which we struggle so much can vanish. Right at that moment you think that happiness disappears, but it is not, it is there waiting for the mind to focus on the good that is to come.
Is happiness possible? Buddhism, for example, maintains that it does, as long as man does not associate it with external agents to his spirit, whether they are people or objects. Within the Buddhist culture, happiness is possible when the individual understands that he is inside himself and that there is no circumstance that can disturb his peace.
In Western culture, happiness begins to approach the descriptions that Buddhism makes of it. Society has opened thought and understands that being happy is getting to connect with the most intimate part of being, taking care of filling the empty spaces of life and being in constant harmony with oneself.
The first step to experiencing happiness is to be comfortable with what you are and what you have achieved, being aware that you have the ability to go for more. The achievement of goals should not be a reason for competition and comparison with other people. The path to happiness is walked with mind and heart in complete serenity.
In conclusion, happiness becomes a satisfying or joyous experience in relation to the meaning that each person has of life. It is a personal choice that depends solely on the way things are perceived and the fullness of the inner self.
"Most people are as happy as they decide to be." This phrase by Abraham Lincoln affirms what has been described above, happiness is subjective and individual and is subject to the attitude towards life.
Expository essay example
Adolescence is a period of important changes for the human being. Source: pixabay.com.
Adolescence is defined by the Royal Spanish Academy as the stage of human life that is after childhood and before the juvenile period. On the other hand, this phase can be defined as the transition from childhood to adult life, but first experiencing peculiar effects and characteristics.
The word adolescence comes from the Latin word adolescentia, which translates to young; at the same time it is related to the adolesque verb, which means to develop or grow. From the above it follows that this stage is known and identified as a process of constant change.
Now, it is necessary to know that an adolescent is one whose age is between 11 and 19 years old. In this period of time the individual presents a series of changes at the psychological, physical, emotional and sexual level. Consequently, both males and females develop distinctive features of their sexuality.
In general, in girls breast growth occurs first, while in boys the most noticeable change is the timbre of the voice. The transformations in both sexes are taking place gradually, it is as if the body were training the individual little by little.
Although adolescence is a necessary stage for everyone, not everyone experiences it in the same way. This means that some individuals show rebellious behaviors, sometimes difficult to control. On the other hand there are those who become introverted and submissive. In any case, personal safety is consolidated in this phase.
The adolescent stage allows the individual to prepare for the responsibilities that he will face in his adult life. On a psychological level, he develops certain capacities that help him evolve. What are those skills? They are all those that lead you to be independent.
Some of the skills that can be acquired in adolescence are related to personal care and grooming. Followed by emotional freedom, with the ability to create lasting interpersonal bonds and opens up space to set the pillars of healthy behavior.
From the moment adolescence appears, the child must have the support of his parents, family, friends and teachers. This stage is defining in relation to the character, autonomy and independence of the individual, therefore it is necessary that they have a safe guide and that they understand the stage they are going through.
One of the main enemies of adolescence is limitation, the adolescent does not support the imposition of norms or rules because they are supposed to know everything.
This is due to the degree of immaturity and lack of experience, which is why it is insisted that he have the presence of a flexible adult who constantly remembers that he also lived this stage.
In conclusion, adolescence is a necessary stage that can be fully lived through good communication with parents, few strict limits and also by letting the adolescent make decisions and take responsibility for the consequences of their actions. In this way the path to adulthood will be lighter.
According to all the above, the adolescent goes through a path in which he suffers or "suffers" a series of changes in his entire structure, which will mark his identity and promote his potentialities. Tolerance, patience, understanding, good advice and love are necessary to survive this revolution called adolescence.
"Adolescence represents an internal emotional upheaval, a struggle between the eternal human desire to hold on to the past and the equally powerful desire to move on to the future."
Themes of interest
What are the parts of an essay?
The scientific essay.
List of topics for essays.
Interesting topics to investigate.
Topics to expose in class and work.
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