- 10 tips to help you overcome depression
- 1-Confirm the diagnosis with a professional
- 2-Collaborate with professionals
- 3-Research and learn about depression
- 4-Do not harass with questions
- 5-Do not get angry or leave room for negative conversations
- 6-Express directly that you are to help
- 7-Do not give advice
- 8-Try to know what the thoughts of the depressed person are
- 9-Plan an activity program
- 10-Be generous
To know how to help someone with depression, the first thing you have to know is what you are dealing with. Depression is a complex illness that can lead to death for those who suffer from it, and even make those close to them sick.
Therefore, this disease should not be underestimated; you have to act fast and precisely. The good news is that it has a cure, there are several treatments, both natural and professional.
One of the great disadvantages of this disease is that it is sometimes not easy to recognize. Many times it is confused with a mere state of sadness and the other is simply told: "Come on, it's not that bad", while hitting her back.
Depression is a disease, often silent, that when it is expressed it is too late. The first big effort you have to make to help a person with depression is to confirm the diagnosis.
If you know the signs of a depressive picture, you identify and recognize them, then it is likely that the person is suffering from the disease.
However, the treatment and the steps to follow must be guided by a professional. In the case of depression, treatment is usually interdisciplinary, and in addition to psychological care, the patient may require the intervention of other professionals, such as a psychiatrist for example.
10 tips to help you overcome depression
Each human being is unique, and depression is usually the funnel through which a series of conflicts are drained that the person has not been able to resolve on their own.
However, and beyond the particularities, there are practices and behaviors that will allow you to help.
Some of them are the following:
1-Confirm the diagnosis with a professional
If you suspect that a loved one is suffering from depression, confirm it first.
Sometimes a deep state of sadness can be confused with pathological behavior, such as depression. To be completely sure, consult a professional.
When making the consultation, keep in mind that there is a possibility that you cannot go to the person who is suffering from the disorder.
Part of the illness implies that the patient shows apathetic behavior and reluctance to accept help. You cannot accept his will but you are the one who must take charge of the matter.
In the event that you decide to go to a professional on your own, try to bring a complete description of the symptoms.
Without harassing someone who is going through a bad time, try to do some research. For example, try to find out if your friend or family member is sleeping well, eating normally, or losing their appetite.
These are some of the clear signs that would indicate you are facing the disease.
2-Collaborate with professionals
If the diagnosis is confirmed, then a great task begins for you. Don't expect the depressed person to understand what they are going through and don't expect them to act accordingly.
Therefore, think that you can be alone in your great mission to help and prepare for it.
When a depressed person is only suggested to seek professional help, it is common to find comments such as: "Why am I going?", "No one is going to fix my problems but it is me."
A depressed person has an excessively negative and unreasonable perception of himself, the present and the future.
3-Research and learn about depression
As with any other illness, depression has symptoms, typical behaviors, and stages to go through.
In order to help the person you love in a sustainable and effective way, you have to know each of these aspects.
Among the various sources of information that the digital age provides us, asking and speaking personally with a professional is always current.
In fact, it may be absolutely necessary since each case is particular and there are no infallible rules. Knowledge is the key to proper treatment and effective support.
4-Do not harass with questions
When you see a loved one suffer, you are probably feeling anxious about wanting to immediately pull them out of the well. You want him to be able to see everything positive that he has in his life and thus show him the light.
People who suffer from depression are generally very misunderstood. People ask him why are you bad if you have a job and economically your things are going well? Or what is it that really has you so bad?
That kind of questioning, far from being of any use, plunges the anguished person further. Perhaps without realizing it, but with these questions you are insinuating that he has no reason to be like this, and yet he is.
Even if your intention is good, don't ask so much and listen more. The least a depressed person needs is to be questioned and blamed for their condition.
Diseases are not chosen, they are simply suffered.
5-Do not get angry or leave room for negative conversations
Sometimes it can happen that you feel helpless and that leads to a certain anger. You may wonder how it is that he cannot see the good things in his life, for which he should be grateful and feel happy.
Be patient, and think that the depressed cannot think like you. If he could, he would not be sick and would not need help.
When a person is going through a depression, the world turns completely negative for him. It is as if you were wearing glasses through which you only see the color “black”.
Be patient when listening to the "infinite misfortune" that lives and try to change the course of the conversation.
Every time your friend or relative tells you that this or that thing is going wrong in his life, try to delicately show him that other aspects are nevertheless going well.
Negative dialogues feed and activate negative thoughts. On the contrary, the positives generate positive thoughts.
Find pleasant conversation starters, and do not talk about the scourge of humanity or other unfortunate events.
Sometimes without realizing it you can find yourself talking about hungry people or the decline of the world economy.
Even if you are absolutely right in the world, these are not the appropriate circumstances to talk about it. It is also important not to judge, but to fully accept the person.
Finally, reinforce when your family member is upbeat or talking about positive topics; be more sympathetic or encouraged to interact with him.
6-Express directly that you are to help
That the depressed person feel and hear over and over that they are not alone in their illness is key.
It is not only important because it is a show of affection on your part, but because it will feel that you are not underestimating the disease.
"I know this is difficult for you, but I am by your side, to help you."
That message between over and over again through different channels will be very effective for the depressed person to understand that there is a way out.
7-Do not give advice
Giving advice when someone is depressed is not a good idea. Here it is key to distinguish between giving advice and helping to make a decision. When the person gets to the point of being depressed more than advice, she needs a noose to hold on to.
Giving advice is suggesting that you do something, but you are probably not yet in a position to do it alone. The best way to help someone who is depressed is to accompany her to do things for example.
Instead of saying: "You should go for a walk because the afternoon is very nice", go find that person and go with him / her for a walk.
Find a way to dissuade him if you see that he offers resistance, but never leave him alone in the action of choosing, because it is very likely that he will not.
8-Try to know what the thoughts of the depressed person are
This does not just refer to whether the person is thinking about suicide.
The goal goes beyond that, but also always keep in mind that a depressed person can be potentially suicidal.
Although the common denominator of a depressed state is anxiety, negative thoughts and discouragement, there may also be times when the person feels better.
In these mood swings, you can take the opportunity to find out what he is thinking.
It can be an opportunity to discover what things are that can get you out of that agonizing depressed state.
9-Plan an activity program
To help a person who is depressed it is convenient that you have an activity schedule.
What does it mean? Always keep in mind a list of things to do and places to go.
Of course, you do not have to do this agenda with those who are suffering from the disease, as it would mean a weight that they cannot carry.
10-Be generous
If you really love that friend or that family member and you want him to overcome this disease, then give him the priority. This means putting what is best for him before your particular interests.
And it is not just about giving you thousands of tips, but spending time and attention, listening to what you have to say.
When discouragement also comes to you, think that this is temporary and that it is you who has the role of leader. Helping a person with depression is not an easy task.
However, these tips can be very useful, so don't wait any longer and put them into practice immediately to help that person you love so much.
And what have you done to help? I am interested in your opinion. Thank you!