- Main types of Colombian biomes
- - Zonal biomes
- 1- Equatorial humid
- 2- Alternate-hydrogen tropical
- 3- Tropical subxerophytic
- 4- Tropical desert
- 5- Mountain orobiome
- 6-Orobiome of tempered thermal floor
- 7- Andean jungle orobiome
- 8- Wasteland Orobiome
- 9- nival orobiome
- - Azonal biomes
- 1- Casmo-kerosity pedobiomes
- 2- Phreatophytic Pedobiomes
- 3- Halohelobiomes
- 4- Helobiomes
- 5- Psammobiomes
- 6- Pedobiomes of savannas
- 7- Kerophytic pediobiomes of savannas
- 8- Amazonian Peinobiomes
- 9- Pedorobiome of temperate subxerophytic
- 10- Pedorobioma of cold kerosol
- 11- Pedorobiome of cold oxyhydrophytic forests
- References
The biomes of Colombia are the areas of this country that share the climate, something that is directly reflected in the fauna and flora present in the area. In the world there are many types of biomes, which can also be understood as a grouping of ecosystems that share essential characteristics among themselves, in addition to being present in a specific territory.
Colombia is a country located in the northwest of South America. Colombia's climate is tropical, because the equatorial line passes through this country. However, Colombia has areas of very prominent heights, so temperatures tend to vary between regions.
Biomes can be grouped into zonal biomes, the composition of which is directly determined by the climate of the area. In Colombia, the area is directly related to the relief. This country has at least three zonal biomes.
There are also azonal biomes, which are not directly related to the climate and where elements such as soil characteristics and meteorological phenomena influence.
Through zonal biomes it is possible to understand the general geographical situation of a certain place, but with azonal biomes the specific characteristics of small portions of land can be studied.
Main types of Colombian biomes
- Zonal biomes
1- Equatorial humid
It is one of the most common biomes in Colombia, because it occupies most of the surfaces that range between 800 and 1500 meters above sea level.
The main characteristic of the equatorial humid biome is that in the areas where it is present there is no water deficit.
For this reason, this biome is the one that is present in the Colombian jungles, which have a warm thermal floor.
The Amazon rainforest is of the equatorial humid type, its vegetation is exuberant and its rains powerful.
2- Alternate-hydrogen tropical
Also within the equatorial zonobiome, it is found in jungles and deciduous forests, tropical forests and tropical dry forests.
Its presence in Colombia originates especially in transition zones from one equatorial humid biome to another.
3- Tropical subxerophytic
It represents the intermediate category, located between the alternate-hydrogen tropical biome and the tropical suxerophytic.
The main difference with the aforementioned biomes is the amount of water, which in the tropical subxerophytic biome begins to be scarce.
Precipitation occurs in less than six months and at low water levels, and can extend in a few years causing major droughts.
In Colombia, this biome is very present in various regions. In the upper part of the department of La Guajira, there is a good representation, although it can also be found on the Caribbean Coast, in the areas of Santa Marta and Barranquilla.
In addition, it finds space in the vicinity of Cúcuta, as well as in the upper parts of the Magdalena River and the Dagua and Cauca canyons.
4- Tropical desert
In the northeast of Colombia, along the border with Venezuela, there is a particular biome, which is not repeated in any other part of the territory. It is the tropical desert, where temperatures commonly exceed 30 ° C.
In Colombia, it is reflected in the department of La Guajira, while in Venezuela it is manifested in the states of Falcón and Zulia.
The vegetation is very limited, consisting of small bushes with abstract shapes, in addition to the traditional cacti and cardones.
When the three months of rain occur, in the non-sandy areas there is a slight greening. The trees that exist are small and their fruits are rich in water.
5- Mountain orobiome
Colombia is an essentially Andean country, so its biomes are directly determined by the height of its mountains.
Through the mountain orobiomes it is possible to understand the thermal floors present in the Colombian mountain ranges.
6-Orobiome of tempered thermal floor
It is situated between 800 and 1500 meters above sea level and 2200-2800 meters above sea level and can extend up to more than 3000 meters in some cases. Marked by the presence of tall trees, it is the first floor of the Andean mountains.
7- Andean jungle orobiome
It corresponds to forests or cloud forests, with dense vegetation and reduced sunlight. The vegetation is still abundant, especially with regard to the tree category.
8- Wasteland Orobiome
It is found when the height in the mountain exceeds 3000 meters above sea level. The vegetation is reduced to small plants such as frailejones.
Temperatures range between 7 and 10 ° C, and can drop to 0 ° C. In the rainy season, these areas have significant snowfalls.
9- nival orobiome
It corresponds to perpetual snow, made up of ice caps and glaciers. These are found in the Andean region and in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, which is the highest coastal mountain range in the world.
It occurs at altitudes greater than 4700 meters above sea level. In Colombia there are six perpetual snows.
- Azonal biomes
1- Casmo-kerosity pedobiomes
Present in rocky areas and foothills. They can be found in the Amazon and the Colombian Orinoquía.
There are small shrubs, although the vegetation is essentially grass. It is similar to the tepuis of the Gran Sabana in Venezuela or the Guiana Shield in general.
2- Phreatophytic Pedobiomes
They are found in gallery jungles. In Colombia, they can be observed in the eastern plains, especially on the coasts of rivers.
In addition, it can also be seen in areas flooded by rain. In Sucre and Chocó you can see this biome.
3- Halohelobiomes
They are the mangroves. They can be observed in the lagoons, generally with a marine connection. They are jungles that settle their roots in the water, with trees that can reach up to 5 meters in height.
In the Colombian Caribbean coast there are many species of mangroves. They are also observed on the Pacific Coast, to a lesser extent.
4- Helobiomes
In those areas with insufficient drainage that tend to flood, helobiomes form.
In Colombia you can see the morichales, the guandales, and the cativales. The vegetation is made up of tall palm trees, forming swampy structures.
5- Psammobiomes
Traditional of the fluvial margins, this biome can be observed in the Orinoquía or in the Colombian coasts. In addition, it can be present in the dunes.
6- Pedobiomes of savannas
With a vegetation made up of grasses and some isolated arboreal entity, the savannas are constituted as vast extensions of flat land.
Drought tends to last more than six months and the rains are characterized by their intensity. The Colombian Plains are the best sample.
7- Kerophytic pediobiomes of savannas
The vegetation increases, with a greater presence of not so isolated trees and shrubs, among which are the short trees. Present in Guianía and Vaupés.
8- Amazonian Peinobiomes
They are forests of low trees, known as caatingal in Guainía.
9- Pedorobiome of temperate subxerophytic
With a semi-arid climate and a soil prone to erosion, it occurs in enclaves of river basins such as Chicamocha or Patía.
10- Pedorobioma of cold kerosol
It occurs strongly in valleys where there are lake bodies at more than 2300 meters above sea level. The Sabana de Bogotá and the Ugaté Valley are some examples.
11- Pedorobiome of cold oxyhydrophytic forests
They are characterized by black, acidic and boggy soils. Present in the highlands of the department of Boyacá and Cundinamarca.
- Acosta, N. (sf). Biomes of Colombia. Recovered from webcolegios.com.
- Behling, H., Berrío, J., Boom, A. Hooghiemstra, H and Marchant, R. (2006). Colombian dry moist forest transitions in the Llanos Orientales-A comparison of model and pollen-based biome reconstructions. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 234. 28-44.
- EFE. (June 18, 2015). 22% of Colombia's ecosystems are in critical condition. The viewer. Recovered from elespectador.com.
- Hernández, J. (nd). Synthesis of the biomes of Colombia. 15-33. Recovered from biblovirtual.minambiente.gov.co.
- Colombian Environmental Information System. (sf). Ecosystems of Colombia. Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development. Recovered from ideam.gov.co.
University of California. (sf). The world's biomes. University of California Museum of Paleonthology. Recovered from ucmp.berkeley.edu.
- Valderrama, A. (2014). Main Colombian biomes and ecosystems. Recovered from prezi.com.