- History
- Name's origin
- What is studying (object of study)
- Applications
- Smart drugs
- Gene therapy
- Main concepts
- Genetic circuit
- Minimal genome
- References
The synthetic biology is the discipline that focuses on the manufacture of biological systems that are not own nature. Therefore, their goal is not to combine genetic information from existing organisms, but to create partially or absolutely artificial life forms.
Following this definition, it is possible to express that this matter of synthesis is a material production technique that is based on innovation through the study of complex molecular processes.
Through DNA, synthetic biology seeks to compose programmable microorganisms or computer genomes. Sources: pixabay.com
It is also convenient to highlight that synthetic biology is characterized by being an interdisciplinary application, since its research method is based on biology and engineering of biological systems.
Unlike bioengineering, whose purpose is to reprogram and alter genetic material at will in order to produce a species of living machines, this specialty seeks to found another way of thinking, observing and proposing the evolution of the human and social organism.
Likewise, synthetic biology also distances itself from traditional biotechnology, since while the latter seeks to manipulate and modify deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) information, the former focuses on composing programmable microorganisms or computer genomes.
Thus, it can be stated that this discipline has the ability to intervene in metabolism and develop industrial products. In addition, in the future you could develop a project to help stop climate change and reduce dependence on fossil fuels.
The birth of synthetic biology includes two fundamental events; the first was carried out in the mid-20th century when a group of Genetic Engineering students managed to manipulate the Escherichia coli bacteria.
The purpose was for the students to have the essential knowledge on how to reprogram a bacillus. However, they ended up discovering that E. coli strains could replace cells obtained from animals or corpses when conducting an experiment
Thanks to this activity of intervention and modification of an organic system, another field of study emerged, which they called synthetic biology. This discipline acquired greater relevance in the 60s, after the studies carried out by Jacques L. Monod (1910-1976) and François Jacob (1920-2013), this being the second most important event for synthetic biology.
The contribution of these scientists was to reveal the bases to regulate the genetic message. That is to say, they exposed the content of a genome and the technique to decode said information in order to design, through the disclosed data, new models of cellular networks.
This advance fueled the growth of synthetic biology, as it gave it the tools to program, describe, and interact with genetic material.
Synthetic biology has tools that allow programming, modifying and describing genetic material. Source: pixabay.com
Name's origin
Synthetic biology, also referred to as "SynBio" by its acronym in English, is an emerging discipline. However, it emerged as a subject of study at the end of the 20th century.
Since then, research on molecular functions has been in constant progress both in the United States and in Europe; but beyond its scientific principle, it is convenient to emphasize that the origin of the specialty is not the same as that of the name.
This is because the term synthetic biology was used for the first time in 1912. This categorization was used by Stéphane Leduc (1853-1939) to refer to his works on the physical and chemical mechanisms of life.
The terms were used by the French biologist to describe how a natural system could coexist with artificial processes. For this reason, decades later, scientists resorted to the name to indicate a specific branch of biology and genetic engineering.
What is studying (object of study)
The main object of study of this scientific application is the decomposition of the various biological circuits that make up deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). The purpose is to examine the sequence and coding of each gene in order to later be able to imitate their behavior.
Once the function of the genetic material has been altered, specialists dedicate themselves to manufacturing and programming unnatural organisms that contribute to improving people's quality of life.
In this sense, the role of researchers is to blur the boundaries that distinguish living systems from automata; For this reason, they try to find a tool for crops to grow in wasteland in order to test their hypotheses.
Synthetic biology not only intends to link natural with artificial processes, but also seeks to participate in the many sectors of reality such as technology, agriculture, industry and energy.
However, it is worth emphasizing that it is a discipline in construction, which is why its applications vary continuously. Some of the most important variants are:
Smart drugs
It consists of the production of drugs whose essential elements are microorganisms. For this project to work it is necessary to encapsulate the genetic material. In this way, the drugs can be personalized, depending on the needs of each individual.
Gene therapy
This application is characterized by manufacturing viruses that will be incorporated into the tissues so that they are integrated into the genomes of the patients. The expected result of this experiment is that mechanical infection will recognize and destroy all abnormal cells.
Main concepts
The foundation of this scientific discipline is not to devastate the immune systems by incorporating synthetic organisms into biological studies, but rather it seeks to rethink the structure of cellular networks through the genome.
Therefore, synthetic biology - in addition to designing biomolecular systems - reinterprets genetic behavior to understand life processes. Hence, the two main concepts of the specialty are considered technological instruments. These are:
Genetic circuit
It is a tool made up of a set of genes or miniature computers, which perform the task of regulating metabolism. These microorganisms were designed to reduce the damage caused by the E. coli bacteria.
Minimal genome
It is the fundamental element that scientists use when designing automated cells. This is because artificial organisms are built when it is possible to identify the minimal configuration of the biological material, which is essential because it contains the information to counteract the significant defenses of the bacilli.
- Benner, S. (2009). Redesigning genetics. Retrieved on October 4, 2019 from Nature: nature.com
- De Lorenzo, V. (2007). Biology and genetic engineering. Retrieved on October 04, 2019 from the Royal Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences: rac.es
- Endy, D. (2012). Design biology. Retrieved on October 5, 2019 from the University of Barcelona: ub.edu
- Feber, D. (2004). Synthetic biology: microbes made to order. Retrieved on October 4, 2019 from Science: sciencemag.org
- Isaacs, F. (2012). Synthetic biology evolves. Retrieved on October 05, 2019 from Faculty of Biology: bg.ac.rs
- Moronge, A. (2015). A new revolution? The fundamentals of science. Retrieved on October 5, 2019 from Universidad Simón Bolívar: usb.ve