- Economy sector
- Characteristics of secondary activities
- Examples of secondary economic activities
- Fabrics manufacturing
- Packaged cereals
- Paper industry
- Cosmetic industry
- Automobile manufacturing
- Manufacture of pieces with wood
- Ceramic manufacturing
- Secondary activities in Mexico
- Automotive industry
- Secondary activities in Peru
- Fishing industry
- Textile industry
- In Argentina
- Paraná and Plata rivers area
- Industrial center area
- Northeast industrial area
- Patagonia industrial area
- Venezuela
- Cement
- Food and drinks
- References
The secondary economic activities are the parts of the economy concerned with receiving raw materials to transform them into items, property or other useful goods. The divisions of secondary economic activities are quite varied and involve the production of various goods and services.
For example, aerospace and automobile manufacturing, along with the brewing, energy, textile and chemical industries. This means that secondary activities are more prominently in areas such as manufacturing, processing, and construction.
Source: pixabay.com
For example, both heavy and light industry are integral parts of secondary economic activity. It is also known as the secondary sector of an economy.
A great deal of energy is required to sustain factories and plants. This sector consumes many fuel resources and produces a lot of waste. Consequently, these activities attract considerable attention from environmental regulators, who seek to govern and improve their practices.
Economy sector
Economies work by sector. Each sector is responsible for a certain set of activities. The secondary sector is where resources are transformed into products for the use of the economy and society.
This is in the form of tradable goods that are delivered to the consumer or for the production of materials that are used to strengthen infrastructure or other businesses.
The goods and services produced in this sector are important for the economies of the countries and also for generating income through international trade through exports.
Characteristics of secondary activities
- They belong to the manufacturing sectors. These activities are carried out to produce secondary goods.
- It depends on the raw materials of the primary activities of the economy. With these materials, it manufactures finished products suitable for sale to national consumers, to be used by other companies or for export.
- It is divided into heavy and light industry. Much of these industries require factories and machinery to convert raw materials into products and consume large amounts of energy.
- Heavy industries are primarily located outside urban areas, while light industries are primarily located in urban areas.
- These activities bring industrialization and also the urbanization process. They also activate tertiary economic activities.
- Manufactured products reach higher prices in the market.
- They also produce waste materials and waste heat, which can cause environmental problems or pollution.
- By benefiting from economies of scale, they were able to reduce the cost of production and increase labor productivity. Higher labor productivity also allowed for higher wages and higher earnings.
- It is stronger in the so-called transition economies, which are changing from being traditional economies to being market economies.
Examples of secondary economic activities
Fabrics manufacturing
The fibers of linen, cotton, wool and silk are used to make the fabrics. With these fibers the threads are made that later, through industrialized looms, will manufacture the fabrics necessary for the production of various articles.
Packaged cereals
Cereals first go through their natural cultivation, which falls within the primary activities of the economy.
However, population growth and technology prompted the introduction of machines by means of which crops are harvested and cereal is selected, processed and packaged to obtain a product suitable for human consumption.
Paper industry
Cellulose is extracted from trees, being then processed by machinery to extract moisture from it, and eventually convert it into paper reels.
Different types of paper are used in various fields. For example, toilet paper, craft paper, paper rolls, absorbent towels, notebook sheets or books.
Cosmetic industry
This industry uses ingredients extracted from nature. They are mixed with various components for chemical processing, thus obtaining products such as creams, shampoos, lotions and lipsticks.
Automobile manufacturing
Numerous types of parts and materials are used to make every model of car on the market. There are large companies for this manufacture, having production lines for various models.
Manufacture of pieces with wood
Woodworking went from being a craft process to being an automated mass production process, where furniture, doors and even houses are manufactured.
Ceramic manufacturing
Ceramic tiles are achieved by mixing natural clays with various minerals, to which certain additives are added to achieve the final finish.
Secondary activities in Mexico
Most of the successful performance of the Mexican economy relative to other major economies in Latin America is due to its thriving secondary economic activities.
This sector has managed to grow thanks to its integration with the United States economy. Most of the industries are located in the cities of the north of the country.
The main secondary industries in Mexico are petrochemicals, cement and construction, textiles, tobacco, iron and steel, oil, beverages and food.
However, the sectors driving Mexico's industrial growth are high-end manufacturing, such as the automotive, plastics, and aerospace industries.
Other industries include footwear, metalwork, furniture, and other wood products.
Automotive industry
Since 2010 it has experienced double digit growth in exports each year. It is recognized throughout the world for its high quality standards.
The automotive industry plays an important role in the Mexican economy. This sector is strategic due to its contribution to GDP and because it is very demanding on skilled labor, the multiplier effect in the supply branches and the sale of intermediate products.
The main vehicle manufacturers in Mexico are Ford, Nissan Chrysler, General Motors and Volkswagen.
Secondary activities in Peru
Fishing industry
The first investments in processing plants during the 1960s paid off, making Peru one of the world's leading producers of fishmeal and fish oil, which is used as animal feed and as fertilizer.
Fishmeal is the fourth largest in Peru. In recent years, the production of fish for direct human consumption, whether frozen, canned or cured, has gained importance.
This industry is periodically controlled by the government, which has made an effort to improve the sustainability of Peruvian fishing by establishing a quota.
Textile industry
The impressive growth of the textile infrastructure in Peru is mainly due to the fact that textile production is recognized as a strategic business for the country.
Although much of Peru's manufacturing is small-scale, in the last 10 years factories have invested in cutting-edge technology.
Automatic sewing machines, centralized dye distribution units, modern dyeing machines, compacting machines and other finishing equipment ensure the highest quality textiles.
Peruvian cotton is one of the best in the world and provides the industry with an exceptionally long fiber, famous for its strength, shine and softness.
Alpaca fiber and especially Baby alpaca wool are recognized around the world.
In Argentina
The distribution of industrial zones has a strong concentration on the banks of the Paraná-Plata river.
In other parts of the country there is concentration around large cities, which generate the industrial centers of Córdoba, Mendoza and Tucumán.
Paraná and Plata rivers area
A third of the total Argentine population lives here, which implies a large consumer market and also a source of job opportunities. This area is characterized by the availability of energy resources.
The petrochemical, textile, automotive, metallurgical and iron and steel industries are installed in this area. Also, poultry processing plants and flour mills.
Industrial center area
In Córdoba there are important flour, milk, oil and automotive industries. Bahía Blanca is characterized by petrochemical and flour plants, and Mar del Plata by textile industries and fish processing plants.
Northeast industrial area
In this area there are leather, paper, tobacco, yerba mate, tea, citrus and rice processing industries. Sugar, paper and alcohol also stand out.
The wine industries are in Salta and the steel complex is in Palpalá. There are also oil refineries.
Patagonia industrial area
You can find oil refineries, aluminum industries, wool washing establishments, and fish processing and cold storage plants. In addition, there are plants for canning fruits and vegetables and for producing cider and wine.
The most significant of Venezuela's secondary economic activities is based on oil refining operations, as well as related petrochemical plants.
In the refining center of the Paraguaná peninsula, 70% of the refining of national oil is handled.
Venezuela exports a large volume of oil to its own refineries in the United States and on the island of Curaçao.
The second industrial activity produces consumer goods, mainly for domestic use. It is concentrated in the Valencia-Maracay-Caracas area.
The following set of secondary economic activities includes the group of heavy industries in Ciudad Guayana and a large iron and steel factory, serving national needs and the export market.
Production of iron, steel, aluminum, and hydroelectric power has grown in this region since the 1980s.
Venezuela has an important cement industry, currently almost completely stopped, mainly due to the policies of price regulation by the State.
Food and drinks
The main private industry is dedicated to the production of foods that belong to the basic basket, as well as alcoholic beverages, the most important being beer and rum.
- Reference (2019). What Is Secondary Economic Activity? Taken from: reference.com.
- Lifepersona (2019). 10 Examples of Secondary Economic Activities. Taken from: lifepersona.com.
- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (2019). Secondary sector of the economy. Taken from: en.wikipedia.org.
- Economic Activity (2019). Economic activities in Mexico. Taken from: economicactivity.org.
- Lima Easy (2019). Peruvian Economy. Taken from: limaeasy.com.
- South of the South (2019). Industrial Activity in Argentina. Taken from: surdelsur.com.
- Encyclopaedia Britannica (2019). Venezuela - The Economy. Taken from: britannica.com.