- List of functions or activities performed by the state
- 1.- Defense of sovereignty
- 2.- Guarantee internal security
- 3.- Protect the rights of its citizens
- 4.- Administer justice
- 5.- Formulate laws and policies
- 6.- International relations
- 7.- Internal currency and economy
- 8.- Other functions
- References
Some of the most important functions of the state in society are to provide defense and security to citizens, protect and guarantee universal rights, maintain order and peace, administer justice, and conduct relations with other states.
The state is the political organization of a community acting under the administration of a single system of government. If the state manages a geographic area by itself without dependence on another state, then it is called a sovereign state.
In this sense, the sovereign territory defines the physical space that the state manages where everything that is inside is part of its resources.
The people who live within that territory are called citizens and represent the main responsibility of the state.
Governments within a country change over time, but the modern state remains both as a figure and as a political concept.
The concept of this institution was developed by the ancient Greek city-states and the ancient republic of Rome, both based on the theories of philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle.
The activities undertaken by the modern state are complex and varied, due to the fact that every day people demand more direct intervention in the economic and social affairs of the country.
In this sense, the limitations of the power of the state are very few or very vague depending on the laws and how they are interpreted.
However, the only really valid criterion for state actions is that they promote the general welfare and integral development of its citizens.
List of functions or activities performed by the state
1.- Defense of sovereignty
The protection of the country's territories from external attacks and foreign invasions is one of the primary functions of the state. For this, the armed forces that the nation possesses are trained and employed.
The development of weapons and military technology is also part of this function. The state is independent in determining how to move its military assets in the way it deems necessary, whether by land, water, air, cyberspace, or space.
2.- Guarantee internal security
Maintaining order and ensuring peace within their territories is another of the critical functions of the state.
For the internal productive and economic apparatus to keep working efficiently and effectively, it is essential that the inhabitants live in a peaceful environment.
The state is obliged to guarantee protection to each member of its society equally against all kinds of injustice and oppression.
The internal security forces of the country are used to fulfill this function, the police being the most common of all.
In extreme cases, the state can deploy the army to guarantee public or social order.
3.- Protect the rights of its citizens
The state is responsible for ensuring that the primary rights of all its citizens are respected; the right to life, education, work, among others.
The Declaration of Human Rights serves as a guide to everything that the state must guarantee to people.
The breach or violation of these rights is fully enforceable and reportable to the competent authorities.
In this sense, the mechanisms of the legal power platform are the part of the state that gives institutional character to the rights and duties of citizens.
4.- Administer justice
Under the premise that all people are equal before the law, the state is responsible for taking the necessary measures to resolve conflicts and exercise relevant sanctions for violations of the laws.
The judiciary system is the part of the state charged with enforcing laws.
5.- Formulate laws and policies
As previously mentioned, the platform of the legal power of the state is in charge of institutionalizing how the behavior and procedures of the inhabitants should be within their territories. The task of legislating is one of the most important.
On the other hand, the implementation of internal policies by the executive branch is a quick way to promote the general development of the state and its functions for the welfare of the entire country.
6.- International relations
No country can live in isolation from the rest of the world. The state is in charge of establishing diplomatic policies, procedures and strategies to establish healthy and prosperous relations with other sovereign states.
Between two countries, it is important to build trust and equal benefit agreements. Relations of this type promote international peace and the economic, social and technological development of the nations involved.
For this same purpose, international organizations were created, where several countries with specific interests institutionalized alliances to better manage resources and diplomatic policies.
7.- Internal currency and economy
The state is responsible for keeping sufficient units or copies of paper money in circulation within the territory. Also the renewal of the money cone bills.
Likewise, the value of the domestic currency will always depend on the economic balance that the country has with respect to resources, production, imports and exports.
The state is in charge of managing and regulating these economic factors to guarantee the stability of the cost of living of its inhabitants.
8.- Other functions
Although the state has the duty to guarantee the satisfaction of their basic needs to all its citizens, it is also in the power to promote, allow, grant and request that other organizations support the development of the country by covering these functions.
Education and health is one of these cases. The state is in charge of making the appropriate arrangements to offer the best education to its inhabitants and the largest number of educational institutions and health care centers.
However, it is quite common in all countries for schools and universities to exist both under state administration and under private administration. There are also hospitals and clinics.
The state can grant many organizations the concessions for the construction and administration of this type of facility, but under the legal guidelines and health and education standards of the country.
With regard to employment and work, it is quite normal for the labor sector to exist under state institutions or companies, and the labor sector to exist in private or multinational companies and corporations.
Once again, the state offers or allows these companies to establish economic activity within their territories with the aim of increasing the job offers of the inhabitants and the integral development of society.
It also works in the same way in cases of offering other services such as water, electricity, communication, transport, infrastructure, food, cleaning, recreation and entertainment, and many more products and services.
- Chester Morton (2016). The Functions of a Modern Government. Virtual Kollage. Recovered from virtualkollage.com
- Essays, UK. (2013). Defining Characteristics of the Modern State History Essay. UK Essays. Recovered from ukessays.com
- Saju Chackalackal (2011). Moral Philosophy at DVK. Recovered from moralphilosophyatdvk.blogspot.com
- Ashley Dugger. What is State Government? - Powers, Responsibilities & Challenges. Study.com. Recovered from study.com
- Boundless Sociology. Government and the State - Functions of the State. Lumen. Recovered from courses.lumenlearning.com
- What Is a "State"? Global Policy Forum. Recovered from globalpolicy.org
- Economics Concepts. Functions of Modern State. Recovered from economicsconcepts.com
- Nehi Mohita. State: What are the main Functions of a State? Your Article Library. Recovered from yourarticlelibrary.com