I leave you the best phrases of October, the month in which autumn is present and the dry leaves fall from the trees and invade the streets and squares.
You may also be interested in these September phrases or these November.
-For October, add wheat and cover.
-In October, he flees from the shadow.
-In the first waters of October, sow and cover.
-When October thunders, wind carries.
-I am so happy to live in a world where there are October. –LM Montgomery.
-October water, the best fruits rots.
-There is no season in which those pleasant and sunny places are illuminated, and produce such a pleasant effect on the feelings as in October. –Nathaniel Hawthorne.
-October is the month where the slightest breeze covers us with autumn leaves. Campfires and pumpkins and falling leaves; October is red, gold, and brown.
-In October, fall of leaves and fire.
-In October, flee from the shade, but if the sun rises, beware of the insolation.
-In October, water from ten to twenty is convenient.
-October is a month of stories that left bad memories.
-October that ends of course, favors the sown.
-From October to early, replace the implements.
-In October, the maple in front of your window lights up your room like a great lamp. Even on cloudy days, its presence helps dispel the darkness. –John Burroughs.
-If October is short in grains, it will be long in broths.
-It was a Sunday at the end of October, the eyes were stained with coffee and the fresh air in a way that made you shiver if you stayed fixed for long. –Joe Kita.
-The October moon, seven moons covers; and if it rains, nine.
-The farmer for October, his debts covered.
-The mourning is covered who did not sow in October.
-October is the month of painted leaves… Fruits, leaves and the day take on a bright tint before falling, as well as the year about to end. October is the evening sky. November the twilight that follows. –Henry David Thoreau.
-October is the fallen leaf, but also a broader horizon more clearly seen. They are the distant hills in sight again, and the lasting constellations once again above them. -Hal Borland.
-October is cool days and cool nights, a great time to snuggle around the dancing flames and dive into a good book. –John Sinor.
-If you feel cold in October, give your animals shelter.
-October oaks are flaming torches lighting the way into winter. –Nova Bair.
-Rainy October, copious year.
-In October, the firewood fireplace covers.
-In October, the sick person who does not cling falls with the fig leaf.
-Do what you love and you will never have to work a single day of your life. -Confucius.
-What seems like hard work today will one day be your warm-up.
-Never let your life obstruct your ability to manifest your dreams. Delve into your dreams and within yourself, believe that anything is possible and achieve it. –Coren Nemec.
-Life hurts again when it becomes clear in the fall- F. Scott Fitzgerald.
-Living is the rarest thing to find in the world. Most people exist, that's all. -Oscar Wilde.
-Aspire to reach the moon. Even if you fail, you will fall among the stars.
-Hope is the only thing stronger than fear. –Suzanne Collins.
-Being perfect is the wrong way to live life.
-We cannot control the wind, but we can control the direction in which we sail.
-No matter how dirty your past is, your future is still impeccable. –Drake.
-If you have ever tried and failed. Try again. Fail again. Fail better. –Samuel Beckett.
-You can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men fear the light. -Plato.
-To achieve great things one must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe. –Anatole France.
-I am intimidated by the fear of being average. -Taylor Swift.
-The smallest act of generosity is worth more than the most powerful of intentions. -Oscar Wilde.
-When actions speak, words are nothing. –Pierre-Joseph Proudhon.
-When everything seems to go against you, remember that airplanes fly against the wind, not in your favor. –Henry Ford.
-Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. –Hellen Keller.
-I am not the product of my circumstances. I am the product of my decisions. –Stephen Covey.
- Opportunities don't happen. You create them. –Chris Grosser.
-In two years from today you will be more disappointed in the things you did not do than in the things you did. So to lift the anchor. Sail away from the port and catch the wind with your sails. Explore. It sounds. Discover. -Mark Twain.
-Your big opportunity could be where you are right now. -Napoleon Hill.
-What makes a desert beautiful is that somewhere it hides a well. -Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.
-It requires the same energy both to wish and to plan. –Eleanor Roosevelt.
-It is during our darkest moments that we must concentrate on seeing the light. -Aristotle
-Everything has its beauty, but not everyone can see it. -Andy Warhol.
-Sometimes it's the small decisions that change your life forever. –Keri Russell.
-We do not need more than to begin to be the person that God wanted us to be. –Dieter F. Uchtdorf.
-A man must be humble enough to admit his mistakes, smart enough to take advantage of them and strong enough to correct them. –John C. Maxwell.
-Thinking of more leads to negative thoughts.
-The end of summer is not the end of the world.
-We can change our lives. We can and we have to be exactly what we want. –Tony Robbins.
-The only time you should turn back is to see how far you've come.
-People underestimate what they can do in a single day, and underestimate what they can do in a lifetime.
-What we achieve internally will change our external reality. -Plutarch.
-I attribute my success to this: I never gave or allowed myself to receive any excuses. –Florence Nightingale.
-The time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining. -John F. Kennedy.
-When you have a dream, catch it and don't let it go. –Carol Burnett.
-For man, autumn is the time of harvest and communion. For nature it is a time of sowing and dispersal. –Edwin Way Teale.