- List of strengths of a person
- Dedication
- Concentration
- Creativity
- Mental opening
- Patience
- Perseverance
- Curiosity
- Empathy
- Courage
- Commitment
- Responsibility
- Charisma
- Proactivity
- Humility
- Solidarity
- Respect
- Prudence
- Temperance
- Be positive
- Sincerity
- Adaptability
- Leadership
- Justice
- Vitality
- Wisdom
- Persistence
- Integrity
- Amiability
- Self control
- Gratitude
- Humor
- Compassion
- Resilience
- Sensitivity
- Know how to forgive
- Trust
- Sympathy
- Optimism
- Assertiveness
- Tenacity
- Be decided
- Fellowship
- Motivation
- Puntuality
- Honesty
- Enthusiasm
- Altruism
- Loyalty
- Moderation
- Modesty
- Spirituality
- Communicative skills
- Discipline
- Implication
- Be decisive
- Versatility
- Firmness
- hope
- Nobility
- Ambition
- Energy
- Love
- References
Among the main strengths of a person, compassion, empathy, curiosity, responsibility and prudence stand out. A personality based on strengths guarantees a personal and social development that is much more supportive and committed to the improvement of the individual and their context.
People can have a certain predisposition to one or other strengths, and this occurs as a consequence of their family dynamics and the experiences they have experienced in the different stages of their lives.
In any case, it is always possible for individuals to strengthen these qualities within the framework of their own personalities, so that they can develop to the fullest and allow the construction of more equitable and empathetic societies.
List of strengths of a person
A dedicated person is one who pays special attention to everything he does. Dedication implies a complete surrender with the intention of achieving an optimal result.
The ability to concentrate is related to the ability of a person to offer exclusive attention to a certain task. People with high levels of concentration are more productive.
Creative people are capable of creating very novel elements and concepts. Creativity allows access to solutions with original characteristics. It involves an elaborate imagination and ability to solve problems.
Mental opening
Open-mindedness is another important personal strength, which is closely related to creativity. Mentally open people have an interest in the world, the search for news, openness to experiences, etc.
Patience implies the ability to go through difficulties or adverse situations in the hope of obtaining a desired reward in the future.
Persistent people are characterized by being constant in their actions and by remaining focused with the objective of reaching a certain goal. Perseverance implies firmness in acting and conviction of one's ability to achieve the set objectives.
Curiosity is manifested in an inquiring behavior, with a tendency to want to understand how things and beings work through intense observation. From curiosity, deep exploration is born, thanks to which it is possible to incorporate solid knowledge.
Empathy implies the ability of a person to recognize the feelings, emotions and opinions of others. Empathic people have the ability to put themselves in the shoes of the other and understand their emotions, even when in many cases they do not share the same way of thinking.
Courage is the disposition that a person has to face situations that imply a danger or a scenario of vulnerability for himself. Courageous individuals are capable of acting despite complex contexts.
The commitment implies a fulfillment of something previously scheduled. Committed people are trustworthy, because they keep their word at any cost, regardless of the context or related situations.
Responsibility is the ability of an individual to assume the effects that are generated from their actions, whatever they may be. It is also related to the fact of being able to fulfill the commitments assumed with other people.
Charismatic people are characterized by being able to arouse admiration in other people in a natural way. Those who have charisma have the ability to motivate others through their words and / or their concrete actions.
Proactivity is related to anticipatory behavior. Proactive people cultivate a vision that allows them to foresee certain scenarios or actions, and with this information they are able to carry out specific actions to obtain favorable results. Proactivity implies a reaction on your own initiative.
Humble individuals are those who calmly recognize what their weakest aspects are. Humility implies a high level of consciousness that allows people to realize their own limitations.
Persistence and solidarity are two fundamental strengths for the development of societies. Source: pixabay.com
Solidarity is the ability to provide elements of value to other people without expecting to receive anything in return, with the vision of participating in a process of growth of other individuals in the environment that will be beneficial for them.
Respect is the attitude of recognition towards other people considered valuable. Respectful people show their value to other individuals through esteem and appreciation.
Prudent people are moderate and cautious. Prudence implies the ability to consider the possible risks that may be associated with a certain action before carrying it out, in order to avoid unfavorable consequences.
Temperance is related to the ability to be moderate in actions, especially those related to pleasures. This strength relies heavily on the cultivation of one's own will, so that it carries more weight than instincts.
Be positive
Positive people prefer to focus on the most hopeful and favorable aspects of the situations that come their way. Faced with an adverse scenario, positive people who focus on what can be beneficial, even if it is not in the immediate future.
Sincerity is the ability of individuals to express themselves based on the truth. Sincere people are faithful to the truthfulness of the facts, as well as to that of their feelings and emotions. This truthfulness is expressed both in their actions and in their verbal expressions.
Adaptability refers to the ability of people to adjust their behaviors and actions according to the context in which they operate. Adaptable people have more opportunities to evolve and foster their own personal growth.
Leadership is a skill cultivated by some people with the intention of being able to decisively influence the behavior of other individuals. Leadership put into practice in a constructive way can motivate people to improve their own conditions and those of the environment.
Justice is a value that seeks equity and the recognition of all the actors who participate in a certain context. Fair people are characterized by seeking to eliminate inequality gaps and focus on ensuring that people have access to what is really theirs.
Vitality is associated with an energetic, lively, cheerful behavior and with a focus on the search for happiness in all the actions that are carried out. Vital people are characterized by being vigorous and with a high level of dedication.
Wisdom as strength is related to the ability of people to behave based on prudence and sanity. Wise people take what they have learned from their own experiences and apply it to future scenarios, in which they need to differentiate the positive from the negative.
Persistence is the ability to maintain a constant and focused attitude over a long period of time. Persistent individuals demonstrate firmness and persistence in their actions, and they do not lose their way despite the difficulties that may present themselves.
Integrity is linked to behavior determined by morality. People of integrity seek to achieve their goals by recognizing and respecting the other individuals with whom they interact.
Kindness implies a behavior focused on treating people in the context with respect and consideration. Kind individuals communicate with others through attitudes that demonstrate good manners and high esteem for others.
Self control
Self-control is the ability to contain both behaviors and thoughts, with the intention of having greater control of the actions that each individual carries out. Self-control also includes the containment of emotions and feelings, and the intention is not to repress them but to channel them to express them in the most constructive way possible.
Gratitude is expressed through a deep appreciation to a person for a favorable action that has been carried out on behalf of another. This feeling can generate loyalty and loyalty to the person who has sought the benefit in question.
The person with good humor is able to see the comic scope of things and situations. Through well-executed humor it is possible to generate empathy in the people in the context; Likewise, humor allows people to relax and be more willing to relate to those who express themselves in this way.
The compassionate person experiences within himself a feeling of sorrow before other individuals who are in a situation of vulnerability. Out of this emotion, compassionate people feel the need to help those they feel sorry for.
Resilience is related to the ability of individuals to overcome obstacles or unfavorable situations through constructive adaptation. Resilient people transform their actions or ways of thinking when faced with a complex scenario, and thanks to this adaptation they can progress.
Sensitive individuals are characterized by showing favorable and intense emotions in scenarios related to compassion and affection. Sensitivity implies a greater possibility of connection with feelings in general.
Know how to forgive
The ability to forgive wrongdoers and accept the shortcomings of others is an important personal strength. The execution of these types of skills allows oneself to protect oneself from excesses and emotionally uncontrollable moments.
Likewise, mercy allows us to strengthen personal relationships, give others a second chance and develop a way of being that is neither vindictive nor spiteful.
Confidence is the ability to fervently believe that a situation will play out as planned.
Confidence is also related to the self-determination that a person has in knowing that they are capable of achieving their goals, as well as the security they feel in believing that other individuals will be able to achieve something in particular.
Likeability as a strength is the ability of people to be nice to others. Nice people are perceived by their environment as very attractive and cordial, they are capable of generating empathy and disposition in the people around them.
Optimistic people are characterized by focusing their energies in the most positive areas of situations and people. Optimism is associated with hope and allows to emphasize the more favorable side of experiences, both past and future.
Assertiveness is the ability to recognize the importance of one's own rights and that of the rights of others. Assertive people are very aware of the needs of the people around them, and they understand that they can fight for their own rights while also valuing those of these individuals.
Tenacity is defined as an intense impulse that leads those who feel it to meet their objectives regardless of the adverse scenarios that arise. The attitude of tenacious people shows determination and commitment to the goal they have set.
Be decided
Determined people show determination in their actions and motivation to carry out the actions that will bring them closer to the fulfillment of their objectives. Being determined implies having confidence in the proposed route and standing firm in the face of difficulties.
Companionship is related to an attitude of solidarity and accompaniment towards certain people or groups of individuals. This strength is expressed through sincere friendship and mutual help.
Motivation allows people to feel passion and dedication for something in particular, thanks to which they are driven to take action. Through motivation it is possible to direct the behavior of a person towards what she wants to obtain.
Punctual people are characterized by adapting their functions and actions to time: they strive to fulfill certain commitments during a previously fixed period.
Honesty is linked to upright and honest behavior. Honest individuals pursue justice and their actions are aimed at responding to the truth of the facts.
An enthusiastic person is characterized by having a high spirits and being motivating for those in their environment. The ways of behavior of enthusiastic people are very energetic and passionate.
Altruism is defined as the desire that a person has to help another or others in the most selfless way possible. In some cases, altruists see their own rights diminished because they prioritize those of others.
Loyal people are characterized by showing commitment and fidelity to something or someone. Loyalty is associated with respect and admiration.
Moderation involves the action of containing behavior in the middle of a given context. Moderate individuals are able to control their will to directly influence their behavior.
Modesty is related to humility. It is defined as the quality of people not very vain and with understanding of their own weaknesses.
Through spirituality it is possible to give transcendent meaning to life. Spiritual people tend to cultivate more patience, hope, and motivation.
Communicative skills
People who communicate correctly are able to connect with the individuals around them in a much more efficient way. Among the main communication skills are conscious listening, clarity of the message and attention in non-verbal language.
A disciplined person is able to stick to their routines to the letter. It is rewarded with being able to live by your desires, ambitions and values.
A term similar to dedication, only in this case it goes a little further, since the person involved has a real interest in the matter to be discussed or managed.
Be decisive
It implies knowing how to act in the best possible way (quickly and easily) in a situation of chaos or not very comfortable.
A versatile person is one who is able to adapt to any context and also learn from it. It involves self-actualization and is generally a highly valued skill in the workplace.
Firmness not only has to do with being determined or persistent, but knowing how to manage when you don't like something and not succumbing to the decisions or attitudes of others.
Having hope is synonymous with not throwing in the towel even in the most extreme situations. It says a lot about the positive attitude of the person.
Nobility, in the sense of pure goodness, is an indicator of strength in people who are so. They are usually incorruptible despite the evil they have around them.
Although it can have certain negative connotations such as competitiveness, an ambitious person always seeks to improve and improve his environment.
Getting up every morning with courage, enthusiasm, desire to do things, can be a good ally to make decisions and face the objectives and obstacles of the day to day.
Love is one of the phenomena that most influences human capacity. Having love for something or someone will make you stronger and create the need to fight to the end despite evils.
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