Baja California is one of the most promising states among the 31 in the Republic of Mexico. As of the year 2000, it has opted for policies of opening up abroad as a strategy for economic development.
The annual growth reported proves the effectiveness of these policies. The region is a destination for investors, tourists and immigrants.
Their economic strategy focuses on the diversification of sources of income, which is why they welcome investment capitals that seek to enlarge existing platforms.
The main economic activities include:
Tourism has continuously represented a source of income in Baja California. The geography offers many possibilities, both for adventure tourism and for city entertainment.
They have achieved a good position using the internet as a dissemination tool. The state has two international airports and a maritime port exclusively for tourism purposes in the Gulf of California.
Due to the restrictions established after 9/11, the influx of tourists has decreased and the increase in violence between cartels has also played against them.
However, they continue to work on strategies so as not to lose their position as one of the best destinations in Mexico.
Import and export
Baja California has a maritime outlet to the Pacific and the Gulf of California, and to the north it borders California, with whom it has excellent relations.
Due to its privileged position, they exploited the opportunities to become a region of maritime trade.
They have four commercial ports with access to the Pacific Ocean, which are the doors to commercialize with the west coast of the USA and with Asian countries, such as China, Japan and South Korea.
Numerous well-known brands, such as Sony and Toyota, have chosen to establish assembly and manufacturing points in the Baja California region.
Mainly because they offer cheap and quality workmanship. Products for national sale and for export emerge from these large industries.
This aspect makes Baja California a territory of interest, since they not only offer the tools for manufacturing, but also the platform for export.
The production of televisions and medical devices stand out, as well as the assembly of automobiles and the manufacture of parts for aeronautics.
Despite the high temperatures, which are the average for the region, the Mediterranean climate favors the growth of the vineyards.
The wines produced in this area are of the highest quality, and represent 90% of the national wine production.
The cultivation of cereals and grains in the Mexicali valley also produces quality fruits, for export and domestic consumption.
They have thousands of hectares of fertile land, which make it an ideal land for investment with little chance of loss, since water is abundant.
Mining is currently a growing industry, since geography is convenient for this scenario to develop successfully.
In the lands there are numerous mineral resources, such as gold, silver, onyx, iron, quartz, granite, among many others.
Therefore, starting in 2013, investors have seen the opportunity to establish a large industry, thus generating many jobs in the area.
This opportunity has also aroused the interest of the regional and national government. In this way, concessions have been approved and the infrastructure has been developed to turn this aspect into a source of considerable income for the region.
- Economy of Baja California, extracted from (2016)
- Economic facts about the Baja California Peninsula, extracted from (2015)
- Mining, extracted from (2017)
- Economic traffic light of the state of Baja California, extracted from (2017)
- Political Transformation of the Northern Territory of Baja California to State 29, extracted from (2015)
- Weekly agricultural advance of the secretariat of agricultural development, extracted from (2017)