Some examples of gender equity are the right to vote for both sexes, freedom of clothing, the same job opportunities or economic independence. Gender equality is a human right that indicates that both men and women should live with the same dignity, rights and freedom.
In this sense, gender equity promotes the construction of fairer societies, where individuals can exist fully and far from any form of discrimination or threat derived from their gender.
Gender equity is considered a tool to eradicate poverty, since it seeks to give women enough power so that they can contribute to the economic and healthy development of their families and communities.
In this sense, the effect of women's work must always be aimed at positively impacting future generations.
Despite the fact that today it can be seen how women have gained more power and strength within societies, gender equality continues to be an unfulfilled promise in many countries, where women do not have the same rights as men and They are subjected daily to the will of external agents without their opinions or wishes being taken into account.
This concept essentially promotes the acceptance of differences and seeks to meet the specific needs of each gender without implying any form of discrimination.
Outstanding examples of gender equity
-The right to vote and free choice on it for both men and women.
-That men and women can drive a car.
-The free choice of clothing that you want to wear and the appearance you want to have regardless of gender.
-Access to the same opportunities and job offers regardless of gender.
-That men and women can earn the same wages for doing the same jobs.
-Implementation of a maternity leave that allows both men and women to spend more time with their children at the time they are born.
-That men and women can choose who they want to marry.
-The free choice of marital status, marriage, courtship and the type of partner you want to have regardless of gender.
-The right to travel and move freely from one place to another without requiring approval from the opposite gender.
-The free choice of sexual orientation and partner, without this implying an issue for gender reasons.
-That men and women can freely choose what they want to do with their body.
-That men and women can belong to the army and have the opportunity to perform in the same positions.
-That men and women can occupy senior positions or management positions within an organization.
-The free choice of spending money and buying objects, without the need for prior authorization from the opposite gender.
-That men and women can freely choose which religion they want to belong to.
-The free choice of the type of educational institution you want to attend and the program you want to study, regardless of gender.
-That men and women can choose the type of work they want to do, and for how long they want to be in it.
-That men and women can decide if they want to stay or leave a place without needing prior authorization to do so.
-That men and women can divorce without restricting this right for reasons of gender.
-That men and women can be "householders" without being judged.
-That men and women have sexual freedom without being discriminated against for this.
-That men and women are not violated or attacked for any reason, especially related to their gender.
-That men and women can inherit their citizenship to their children.
-Regardless of gender, the right to have custody of children in the event of divorce must be respected for both men and women.
-That there is no place for infanticide for reasons of gender.
-The absence of domestic violence, mistreatment, or any type of physical or verbal aggression for gender reasons.
-Access to a valid identity document or citizenship for both men and women upon reaching the age of majority.
-The absence of any type of sexual imposition on any individual.
-The authorization for both men and women to be in the front line if they wish.
-Absence of obstacles or impediments to perform in the desired career regardless of gender.
-The purchase and possession of properties freely, regardless of the gender that is held.
-That both men and women can work and contribute financially with the payment of household expenses, such as educating their children.
-That both men and women can be entrepreneurs.
-Equitable distribution of household chores between men and women.
-Allow children to play the same games regardless of gender.
-Give toys of any kind to children, regardless of gender.
-The practice of any sport by both men and women.
-The free exercise of political tasks without being limited by gender.
-Orientation of body care according to gender, that is, both men and women must have access to a health system that meets their physical needs according to sex.
-Teach children from an early age that men and women have the same rights.
-Provide sex education equally to both men and women.
-That both men and women be taught how to read and write.
-The division in the payment of the bill in a restaurant when a man and a woman go to dinner together.
- Nations, U. (2017). United Nations. Retrieved from Goal 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls:
- (November 3, 2016). Your Examples. Obtained from Examples of Gender Equality:
- (November 20, 2008). Listverse. Retrieved from 10 Extreme Examples of Gender Inequality:
- (2017). United Nations Population Fund. Retrieved from Gender equality:
- Wrigley, J. (1992). Education and Gender Equality. Falmer Press.