- The most prominent branches of psychology
- Applied psychology
- Educational psychology
- Neuropsychology
- Cognitive psychology
- Behavioral psychology
- Psychoanalysis
- Humanistic psychology
- Social psychology
- Cross-cultural psychology
- Cyberpsychology
- Developmental psychology
- Evolutionary psychology
- Psychology of work and organizations
- Gestalt Psychology
- Geriatric psychology
- Positive psychology
- Health Psychology
- Forensic psychology
- Environmental psychology
- Mathematical psychology
- Psychometry
- Comparative psychology
- Animal psychology
- Experimental psychology
- Community psychology
- Group psychology
- References
Among the main branches of psychology are cognitive psychology, psychometrics, psychoanalysis and the psychology of work and organizations. Psychology as a field of study seeks to analyze both the behaviors and the mental processes of people, taken into account as individuals and as social groups.
In its origins, psychology was not seen as a scientific discipline, because the main tool on which it was based was observation. It was in the nineteenth century when a different vision of this science began to turn.
Psychoanalysis, cognitive psychology, and psychometry are some of the most important branches of psychology. Source: pixabay.com
In that century, specifically in 1879, the German Wilhem Wundt created the first scientific laboratory dedicated to psychology. His intention was to concentrate efforts on experimentation framed in mental processes.
Currently psychology encompasses many scenarios, and the influence of this science has to do with the fact that its central object of study is individuals and groups of individuals. Understanding behaviors and mental procedures is essential to understand both our origins and the reasons for our actions and behaviors.
The most prominent branches of psychology
Applied psychology
It is also known as professional psychology. She dedicates her efforts to the study of psychological aspects that have specific and obvious applications in different areas of human endeavor.
Its function is to solve specific problems of the human being through psychological tools, it seeks to act in a positive way in the daily life of individuals and carry out actions that help improve their quality of life.
Within applied psychology you can find sub-branches that are studied independently. Such is the case of sports psychology, advertising psychology and forensic psychology, among others.
Educational psychology
Educational psychology focuses on the analysis of the processes related to education in the different fields in which it is present. Studies related to this field can become very influential in the political scene of a society; This is why the development of this branch of study is very important.
There are two main points of focus considered in educational psychology. The first is related to learning processes; the intention is to analyze, understand and improve the experiences related to the absorption of knowledge.
The second focal point is related to the specific methods through which these educational processes are produced. They are intended to be as assertive, useful and constructive as possible for all sectors of society that actively participate in education.
Through neuropsychology, behavioral and cognitive processes are directly linked to the functionalities of the brain. The focus of this branch of study is the analysis of behaviors and cognitive processes that are generated as a consequence of brain processes that are not considered normal.
Neuropsychology can offer solutions to people suffering from serious illnesses that affect their cognitive abilities, such as hyperthyroidism.
Likewise, treatments are available for individuals who have cognitive deficiencies generated by normal processes related to age; such is the case of people suffering from Parkinson's or Alzheimer's.
Finally, neuropsychology also focuses its studies on the treatment of individuals who are affected by psychiatric illnesses, such as bipolarity and schizophrenia.
Cognitive psychology
Cognitive psychology analyzes the way in which individuals process the information to which they are exposed. This processing includes everything from the way in which said data is acquired to how it is transformed.
Cognitive processes are very varied. For this reason, cognitive psychology analyzes why one type of memory is more important than others, how decisions are made, how thoughts affect feelings and how learning is carried out, among other aspects.
This processing experience is very important for the development of both individual and societies. The way in which the stimuli are received and treated will determine the subsequent actions and, therefore, the growth of the communities.
Behavioral psychology
Through behavioral psychology, we analyze how environmental stimuli directly influence the behaviors of individuals.
The main focus of this branch of psychology is that all behavioral processes find their explanation in how each person (or group of people) perceives and transforms the stimuli they receive from the external environment. Under this view, mental processes are not considered as determining as stimuli from the outside.
In this context, the characteristics of the personality of each individual and the hereditary elements in the genetic field are not taken into account. Behavioral psychology focuses its efforts on understanding how conditioning is generated.
The main premise of psychoanalysis is that the experiences of individuals have a marked influence on the understanding of how these people have developed in their adulthood.
The novelty of the proposal of Sigmund Freud, known as the father of psychoanalysis, is that he introduced the importance of the subconscious in the analysis of the behavior of human beings.
Psychoanalysis has been considered as a very useful tool in therapeutic processes, since through this it seeks the deep interpretation of the actions that a person performs, as well as the modification of said actions in order to achieve a higher quality of life.
Humanistic psychology
This branch of psychology presents an approach that confronts that of psychoanalysis, since according to humanistic psychology the actions of the human being do not respond clearly to their instincts, but rather that each individual is recognized as self-determining.
Through this argument, humanistic psychology is also opposed to behaviorism, because the human being is not considered as a malleable entity and totally at the mercy of the external stimuli with which it is in contact.
According to this branch of study, the need to fulfill is what allows individuals to develop in the different areas in which they operate in a society.
Social psychology
Social psychology studies the reasons for the behaviors of human beings within the framework of their social environments. That is, the individual is considered according to their particular context.
According to this branch of psychology, people create their own personality structures taking into account the stimuli they receive from their social environment and, at the same time, the characteristics of each individual's personality determine what their social behavior will be.
Through social psychology it is possible to predict future behaviors from the measurement of behaviors of the members of a certain society. It focuses on understanding the reasons for the behaviors and uses different methods, including experimentation.
Cross-cultural psychology
Cross-cultural psychology is in charge of analyzing what similarities and differences exist in individuals who come from different cultural contexts and who share a social setting.
This branch of study observes the characteristics of each person and relates them to the cultural and biological stimuli to which they have been exposed.
The fundamental premise is to understand how the psychological processes of individuals are affected by the transformations that are generated from the stimuli that are presented to them. In fact, it is claimed that the behavior of all human beings is influenced by the cultural differences that make up their context.
The focus of cyberpsychology is the relationship - increasingly determining - between human beings and the stimuli and technological processes that encompass different areas of society.
As a consequence of the marked influence of technology, many dynamics related to people have changed; cyberpsychology directs its efforts to study and understand these changes. The main element of study corresponds to the processes of a psychological nature that are generated in an individual when interacting with technology.
In the range that this branch of psychology covers is the influence that social networks, artificial intelligence, virtual reality and the internet in general have on the psychological field of people and groups.
Developmental psychology
Through developmental psychology (also known as evolutionary psychology) it is possible to observe and understand what transformations individuals go through, from the moment they are gestated until they die. In this branch of study, changes of a psychological and behavioral nature are specifically considered.
It allows us to analyze in detail how evolutionary processes are generated in the different stages of life of individuals, among which the affective, cognitive, physical and social ones stand out. The development of abilities and capacities of people is carefully observed, taking into account how they have evolved.
Thanks to this observation, it is possible to predict certain behaviors, and even intervene in time in the event that a rarity is suspected in the evolutionary process of people in any of the areas mentioned above.
Evolutionary psychology
This approach is based on a more general vision, considering the human species rather than each individual. From evolutionary psychology it is estimated that the minds of all primates have functionalities that have been generated as a result of evolutionary adaptations.
These adaptations arose thanks to natural selection, which is why they were absolutely necessary for the species to develop and remain in time. The processes that are considered through evolutionary psychology are language, perception and emotions, among others.
The detractors of this branch of psychology indicate that there is not enough proven information in relation to the context in which human evolution took place. Therefore, they consider that the base on which it stands is weak.
Psychology of work and organizations
The psychology of work and organizations pursues the application of the principles of a psychological nature in the workplace. It is about studying different scenarios related to the work atmosphere with the intention of determining what effects they have on workers.
One of the main objectives of this branch of psychology is to understand what is the best environment for workers to have greater personal well-being and, at the same time, better performance.
Occupational psychology professionals are in charge of selecting the personnel of a certain company, as well as preparing the training that will be applied to these people.
Among its functions it also stands out to evaluate the performance of workers; The result of said evaluation is binding on subsequent decisions, such as acknowledgments, terminations or other actions that affect employees.
Gestalt Psychology
Fritz Perls, considered the founder of Gestalt
The main focus of Gestalt psychology is on how the phenomenon of perception works in human beings. Psychotherapy based on this branch of psychology focuses its attention on the present of patients, instead of delving into the experiences associated with earlier stages of their lives.
It is based on the fact that it is vital to have a correct perception about the stimuli of the context and your own needs. This scenario is the one that will allow to have a solid connection with consciousness, thanks to which more well-being is obtained.
To strengthen positive perceptions, in many cases Gestalt psychology relies on therapies through which it encourages patients to face directly their own fears.
Geriatric psychology
This branch of psychological study focuses on understanding how the aging process is generated, contemplating both the physical and cognitive fields. Based on this knowledge, the professional in the area will be able to know which are the characteristics of an optimal functioning and detect when anomalies appear.
The professional in this area must cultivate empathy, as well as the different skills that allow them to communicate in the best possible way with individuals and groups of seniors.
Emphasis is placed on understanding emotional and cognitive processes, and strategies are generated through which it is possible to intervene in a non-invasive way, always with the intention of ensuring the highest possible quality of life for patients.
Positive psychology
This area of psychology is more recent and focuses its efforts on promoting psychological well-being based on the optimal experience of human beings.
According to positive psychology, existence in general is not just about solving problems but about understanding what makes a life fully satisfying. The focus is not on difficulties, but on the recognition of what generates well-being.
In short, through this branch of study, great importance is given to both problems and strengths. In fact, the intention is to work on those strengths in a very constructive way to guide the individual to the full life that will give him more happiness.
Health Psychology
Health psychology studies those behaviors that feed certain lifestyles that can be harmful to people, specifically in the physical sphere.
Through health psychology it is sought to work on the modification of behavior patterns, thanks to which physical deficiencies can be corrected. In addition, this branch of study seeks to promote behaviors favorable to the health of the body.
It has obvious applications in the processes of prevention of diseases and chronic conditions, as well as in cases of physical rehabilitation. Research results in this area can be influential in decision-making within the context of public health and health services.
Forensic psychology
This branch of psychology is linked to the judicial sphere. Through forensic psychology it is possible to give a psychological context to certain cases, as it provides knowledge related to human behaviors within the framework of a specific procedure.
The main function of a forensic psychologist is to detect if the people involved in the case - be these witnesses, accused or accusers - are healthy in the psychological field, in order to determine if their arguments can be considered as valid.
Likewise, professionals in this area can work together with the police forces in the elaboration of profiles directly linked to criminal conduct. Based on this information, investigations can be conducted, which later help to clarify certain procedures.
Environmental psychology
Environmental psychology is dedicated to observing and analyzing the relationships that are generated between human beings and their physical and social environments. The focus point does not only cover the scenes built by people, but also the natural environments.
The main premise of environmental psychology is that the environments that surround people directly affect their behaviors, even though many times they are not fully aware of this phenomenon.
For this branch of study it is very important to frame the interactions between human beings and environments in the specific social context in which they are generated.
At first, environmental psychologists did not give much emphasis to this aspect, but thanks to practice they noticed that social reality directly affects how people perceive their environments.
Mathematical psychology
Through mathematical psychology it is possible to measure qualitative elements related to the processes of motor skills, perception and cognition. This area of study is based on average profiles determined through experimentation, on which mathematical models are applied that allow assessing the psychological processes described above.
This discipline is based primarily on statistics and the cognitive area of psychology. In short, mathematical psychology comprises all the models that are used to generate the most optimal measurement possible.
Like mathematical psychology, psychometrics focuses its efforts on an observation of psychological processes through mathematical models. However, unlike mathematical psychology, psychometrics takes into account variables that are static most of the time.
The main focus of psychometrics is on psychological tests and all that they imply: from the design of structures to the application of these tests. The implications also include the ethical field, related to the implementation of these psychological evaluations.
Comparative psychology
This discipline is responsible for the study of the behaviors of the animal kingdom. The specialist in this area works in conjunction with anthropologists, biologists, ecologists and other professionals; This common work allows us to have a fairly accurate approach in relation to the behavior of animals from an evolutionary point of view.
It is called comparative because the main method it uses is based on the comparison of the different species, considering both the elements in common and those that differentiate them. Thanks to these comparisons, it is possible to understand how animals are related in evolutionary terms.
Animal psychology
The psychology of animals, also known as ethology, is a discipline that has been generated from comparative psychology and focuses its attention on the study of the behavior of animals in general.
The intention of ethology is to understand the reasons why a certain animal behaves in this or that way. For this, innate aspects are taken into account, as well as behaviors that have been learned in various ways.
Experimental psychology
Experimental psychology studies the forms and mechanisms through which human beings absorb information and how this is translated into concrete behaviors and actions.
This area of study is based on the fact that the behavior of all beings, both animals and humans, can be understood through experimental processes. These experimentation methods include the control of variables, observations, determination of possible results and analysis of projections, among other procedures.
Community psychology
Through community psychology, the aim is to diagnose the psychological processes that influence a given community. The intention is that the community members themselves are the ones to transform their reality, relying on the recommendations offered by the community psychologist.
In this discipline, the integration of theoretical and practical aspects is extremely important, since the main purpose is for community members to understand their needs and carry out the transformations they deem appropriate.
Group psychology
The main motivation of group psychology is to understand how and to what extent groups influence people's behavior.
This area of psychology is based on the premise that human behavior is susceptible to groups, and tends to be influenced in different ways. Among the main considerations taken into account are role structures and how they are interrelated.
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