- The 20 most important student rights
- Receive respectful attention from all the institution's staff
- Demand tolerance and respect for their moral and ethical values
- Participate in coexistence and academic activities
- Receive a complete and comprehensive education
- Be cared for by the different levels that make up the institution
- Know the PEI and all those documents that compose it
- Receive classes at the scheduled time
- Have hours of rest, exercise and recreational activities
- Submit petitions or complaints
- Know the academic projects and the evaluation plan
- Have a guarantee of compliance with the coexistence manual
- Adequately enjoy the benefits of the infrastructure
- Receive advice and attention from teachers
- Justify absences in case of absence
- Select or be selected during the election of student representatives
- Be represented by the leader or representative in an objective way
- Receive encouragement and congratulations when you achieve a goal
- Request permits in case you need to be absent
- Request permission to leave classes
- Eat properly
- Other student rights to consider
- Obtain information about events, activities or citations of the school daily life
- Enjoy the educational environment
- Enjoy a suitable ecological environment
- Benefit from the services offered by the institution
- Receive appropriate treatment with respectful language
- Have a guarantee of development time
- Respect for human dignity and personal life
- Use the services offered by the institution
- Present initiatives or petitions to the student center or to the board
- References
The purpose of student rights is to protect and safeguard the well-being of the student inside and outside the classroom. In this way, the student will feel motivated to learn and participate in both academic and recreational activities taught by the educational institution.
Student rights allow students to use the benefits offered by educational organizations in an orderly and regularized manner. Generally, these rights are supported by legal documents and gazettes that the student can use in case any authorized figure disrespects or violates such rights.
Student rights protect students and motivate them to participate actively in the different areas of their training process. Source: pixabay.com
Each institution must ensure the protection of these rights, since in this way the physical and mental well-being of students is protected, as well as their educational investment. Maintaining respect for students guarantees a healthy academic environment that, in the future, will contribute to the formation of a prosperous nation.
The 20 most important student rights
The rights of students must be asserted at all stages of training, from primary to secondary school, and later in university studies.
It is important to add that the first right and duty that every human being has is to receive education, this being not only a benefit but also a responsibility. With this in mind, the following student rights can be established:
Receive respectful attention from all the institution's staff
This means that the student must be treated with respect, attention and cordiality by all the people who make up the student community: from classmates to principals and administrative staff.
In addition, the student can express his opinion through dialogue and discussion in a responsible, autonomous and objective way.
Demand tolerance and respect for their moral and ethical values
Students have the right to be respected regarding their religious, ethnic, identity, or ideological beliefs. The rest of the community must also accept the moral and ethical principles that shape the student's thinking.
For its part, the educational institution must ensure that tolerance is practiced within its facilities and classrooms; This can be done by promoting initiatives for teachers and students.
Participate in coexistence and academic activities
The student who aspires to success is empowered to participate in the different academic, coexistence or recreational activities proposed by the institution.
Similarly, the student can get involved in the commitments and ideas proposed by the school government.
Receive a complete and comprehensive education
Students have the right to receive a correct, comprehensive and coherent education, counting in turn on the teaching of principles and values of the educational institution.
Consequently, the student can demand improvements in terms of activities, evaluations and ways of expressing academic content.
Be cared for by the different levels that make up the institution
At the time of suffering any discomfort or filing a complaint, the student must be treated with respect by all educational personnel: from teachers to those in charge of directing the infirmary, cafeteria or other areas of the facility.
Know the PEI and all those documents that compose it
Every student has the right to know and be informed about the Institutional Educational Project (PEI), as well as may demand the reading of the documents that constitute it. If there is any doubt about the project, the student can request the review of these papers.
Receive classes at the scheduled time
Students have the right and power to receive classes at scheduled times, complying with the value of punctuality.
Likewise, students have the right to participate and remain in all those activities that have been scheduled by the educational institution.
Have hours of rest, exercise and recreational activities
Every student has the right to receive moments of rest; that is, certain breaks between classes and activities. In this way, the student may feel more motivated and willing when resuming academic work.
In addition, the student is entitled to receive sports classes and other recreational activities at the times that have been provided for that.
Submit petitions or complaints
Faced with a particular situation, the student has the right to present complaints, claims or petitions to the student authorities; however, this should be done in a respectful manner.
For its part, the institution must ensure a prompt and pedagogical response, always supported by the relevant legal documents.
Know the academic projects and the evaluation plan
Every student has the right to know the evaluation criteria along with the dates of said evaluations; You can also know the academic projects or plans that the teachers have established.
In case of not agreeing with the established criteria, the student may request a modification or revision of the project, provided that it is done in a respectful manner and with the pertinent objectivity.
Have a guarantee of compliance with the coexistence manual
Students have the right to have the institution guarantee all disciplinary actions.
This means that the students have the coexistence manual, which establishes how the dealings will be between all those who make up the student body.
Adequately enjoy the benefits of the infrastructure
All students are empowered to use the institution's infrastructure, as well as educational resources (books, computers, among others), general services, and any space intended for a specific area of knowledge, such as sports or sports areas. theater.
It is worth noting that the use of the facilities by students must be responsible and appropriate, without damaging or harming the different resources.
Receive advice and attention from teachers
The student has the right to receive advice and guidance from all the teachers who teach him; in this way the student will be able to achieve success in her academic record.
Likewise, all students must be evaluated comprehensively and can present the pertinent recovery activities.
All these aspects are established in the internal regulations of the institution and in those issued by the governmental entity dedicated to education, and specify the way in which the improvement, leveling or recovery activities will be imparted.
Justify absences in case of absence
Students have the right to justify their absences, having a maximum of three business days to present them.
If the absence is relevant, the student has the right to present the activities or evaluations that he / she missed during his / her absence.
Select or be selected during the election of student representatives
The student has the right to select the candidate of his or her preference to represent him on the student board.
Likewise, if the student wishes to apply, they can do so without any inconvenience. Once elected as a leader, the student agrees to comply with the requirements requested by the position and to transmit the demands or demands of her colleagues.
Be represented by the leader or representative in an objective way
Students have the right to require their student representative to act with objectivity and responsibility when speaking for the entire group.
In turn, the personero or delegate must promise that he will always address his superiors with respect and rationality, in order to fulfill his functions in the best possible way.
Receive encouragement and congratulations when you achieve a goal
The student may be praised or encouraged by teachers, principals or colleagues at the time of obtaining an excellent performance in any given activity. The rest of the students must respect the achievements of the partner and recognize their performance.
Request permits in case you need to be absent
In cases of health problems or any other inconvenience, the student has the right to be absent; however, it is necessary to present justifications that corroborate said absence.
Request permission to leave classes
In necessary cases, the student can request permission to leave the classroom. In order to do this, the student must communicate with the teacher or professor on duty.
Eat properly
One of the most important rights of the student is to receive food; therefore, educational institutions must provide snacks in their school stores. Likewise, if the student brought food from home, the teachers must grant her a rest schedule in which she can consume her food.
Through proper nutrition, students will feel more motivated to receive information and will want to participate with greater enthusiasm in classes.
In turn, the student must commit to taking care of the facilities and not dirtying the classrooms or infrastructure spaces.
Other student rights to consider
Obtain information about events, activities or citations of the school daily life
Students have the right to stay informed about all the plans of the educational institution, whether they are recreational activities, appointments or particular events. The student can request deliveries of schedules in which such activities can be read.
Enjoy the educational environment
Every student has the right to enjoy a safe and pleasant educational environment, where both teachers and classmates preserve the mental and physical health of the student.
Similarly, in an emergency, school authorities must respond promptly and know how to treat the accident or illness.
Enjoy a suitable ecological environment
The student has the right to cohabit in a clean and healthy environment provided by the institution. This means that green areas must be kept protected and neat.
To promote the care of nature and other living beings, the school can organize workshops through which students are encouraged to respect the ecosystem.
On the other hand, students can also request to do activities that promote the care of green areas. The student body can be in charge of moderating these proposals and activities.
Benefit from the services offered by the institution
Each student can receive and take advantage of all the services offered by the school or educational institution: from regular academic activities to any other recreational or religious proposal, among others.
Receive appropriate treatment with respectful language
Treatment of students must be respectful, friendly and cordial; This means that the language used by teachers, other students, and other staff must be consistent with the speech modes of a responsible institution.
Therefore, within the educational campus, any type of personal offense and verbal damage should be avoided.
Have a guarantee of development time
The institution must guarantee its students the time necessary for the development and completion of classes and other school activities.
This implies that, in case of setbacks, the authorities must ensure that the calendar and schedules are restored so that students receive the amount of academic hours that were guaranteed in the evaluation plan.
Respect for human dignity and personal life
All members of the student community have to respect the privacy and personal life of students. Therefore, any type of comments that are inappropriate and that violate the human dignity of the student should be avoided.
In the event that any member of the institution violates this right, the student may file complaints that must be dealt with immediately by the school authorities.
Use the services offered by the institution
As stated above, the student has the right to access all the infrastructure areas of the school.
Therefore, the student also has the right to use the services that are offered in these areas, such as laboratories, libraries, orientation rooms or computer rooms.
Present initiatives or petitions to the student center or to the board
Each student has the right to promote initiatives or to present petitions that promote the protection of students; These ideas should be raised with student authorities, such as the student council or the teachers' leadership.
The protection of all these rights will have good repercussions in the future, since students will feel more motivated to participate in classes and to respect both their teachers and the rest of their classmates. In conclusion, taking care of student rights generates academic and social well-being.
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