- Four examples of cooperation between humans
- 1- Cooperative associations
- 2- Volunteer firefighters
- 3- Civil protection bodies
- 4- Communal boards
- Three examples of cooperation between nations
- 1- Hurricane Katrina
- 2- International organizations
- 3- Vaguadas in Colombia
- Six examples of cooperation between animals
- 1- Oxpeckers and rhinos, buffaloes, antelopes and giraffes
- 2- Cleaner fish and customers
- 3- Ants and aphids
- 4- The meerkats
- 5- Humpback whales
- 6- bees
- Seven examples of cooperation with plants
- 1- mycorrhizae
- 2- lichens
- 3- Birds and plants
- 4- Bees, bumblebees or other insects and plants
- 5- Root grafts
- 6- The hermit crab and the sea anemone
- 7- The clown fish and anemones
- References
The cooperation is the action of working or acting together with another individual or group to achieve a common goal or benefits to both. In this sense, it is opposed to competition, in which individuals face each other in order for one of the two to be victorious.
Examples of cooperation are when one country cooperates with another to improve economic exchange, when one company cooperates with another to improve results, or when one person cooperates with another to solve a problem.
Cooperative relationships are characterized by being voluntary and free associations. This means that if one of the two parties does not consent to the association, but is forced to accept, then it is not a matter of cooperation, even if the relationship may be of benefit to the reluctant party.
For the human being, cooperation is an ethical and moral value, so it must be present in the relationships between individuals, as well as in the institutions that they have created (organizations, States, among others).
It should be noted that cooperation not only exists in human relationships, but is also common among other living beings. In this sense, animals and plants also establish cooperative relationships.
Here are some examples of cooperation, classified as: cooperation between human beings, cooperation between nations, cooperation between animals, cooperation with plants
Four examples of cooperation between humans
1- Cooperative associations
Cooperatives are associations of people who come together on a voluntary basis to satisfy their social, economic and cultural needs and aspirations.
Cooperative associations are based on the values of mutual aid, individual and collective responsibility, democracy, equality, equity and solidarity. In addition, among the members of the cooperative there must be honesty, integration.
The principles of cooperatives are:
- Volunteering
- Free adherence, which means that anyone has the right to join a cooperative.
- Acceptance. Cooperatives must not discriminate against any member, regardless of gender, religion, skin color, political or sexual orientation.
2- Volunteer firefighters
The volunteer fire department is an association of individuals trained in first aid, fire control and stopping, who cooperate with other individuals in society.
3- Civil protection bodies
Civil protection bodies cooperate with other citizens to safeguard their security.
4- Communal boards
They are associations that occur between members of a community and that demonstrate cooperation.
Three examples of cooperation between nations
1- Hurricane Katrina
The tragedy of Hurricane Katrina, which devastated the city of New Orleans, caused many countries to come together to help the United States solve the devastation caused by the hurricane.
2- International organizations
International organizations are examples of cooperation between countries. These include the United Nations (UN), which seeks to maintain peace among the countries of the world, and the World Health Organization (WHO).
3- Vaguadas in Colombia
During the troughs that affected Colombia in 2011, many countries demonstrated their support by sending food, medicine and other items to this country.
Six examples of cooperation between animals
In nature, there are examples of cooperation between animals. Some examples of these relationships are:
1- Oxpeckers and rhinos, buffaloes, antelopes and giraffes
The cooperative relationship between oxpeckers (birds) and certain mammals is a type of protocooperation, a relationship in which individuals of two different species establish ties because it is beneficial for both.
In this relationship, oxpeckers feed on parasites found on the skin of mammals (which prevents mammals from contracting certain diseases) and in return obtain transport and food.
2- Cleaner fish and customers
The relationship between cleaner fish and client fish is also an example of protocol cooperation. Cleaner fish are animals with a small size, which allows them to enter the mouth of customers.
In this cooperative relationship, cleaners get food and customers stay clean.
3- Ants and aphids
Ants and aphids are another example of protocol cooperation. In this relationship, aphids produce a substance called "honeydew" from the sage that they extract from the leaves of plants.
Honeydew is beneficial for ants, who "milk" aphids to secrete this substance. In return, the ant protects the aphid from predators.
4- The meerkats
Meerkats, also called mongooses, cooperate with each other by setting watch shifts. This means that while one group of meerkats sleeps, another group is alert.
5- Humpback whales
Humpback whales cooperate when hunting. They swim in groups to corner prey, so that the job is easier for all. Generally, this cooperative relationship is more stable during the summer.
6- bees
Bees, like many other insects, show a great degree of cooperation when it comes to their work.
In this sense, each of the types of bees has a function depending on whether they are workers, drones or queens.
Seven examples of cooperation with plants
1- mycorrhizae
Mycorrhizae are cooperative relationships between a fungus and a plant. In this relationship, the fungi adhere or penetrate the roots of the plants in such a way that they increase the rate of absorption of these. In return, the plant gives the fungus the necessary nutrients for it to live.
2- lichens
Lichens are an example of a symbiosis between a fungus and an alga. In this relationship, the alga provides the food it obtains from photosynthesis while the fungus protects the alga and keeps it moist.
3- Birds and plants
Birds cooperate with plants helping them reproduce. The flowers of the plants contain nectar that is nutritious for birds and pollen particles, necessary for reproduction.
When birds approach the flowers to consume the nectar, their plumage is impregnated with pollen, which they transport to other flowers, fertilizing them.
4- Bees, bumblebees or other insects and plants
As with birds, insects consume the nectar of plant flowers.
In the process, the villi on the body of these insects become impregnated with pollen that they carry to other flowers.
5- Root grafts
The roots of two or more trees can come together naturally sharing nutrients, hormones, and other nourishing substances.
6- The hermit crab and the sea anemone
Anemones attach themselves to the shells of crabs. The crab serves the transport anemone, while the anemone offers food and protection.
7- The clown fish and anemones
Anemones sting most fish except clownfish, which have mucus on their skin that protects them. In this way, the clownfish gets a home and the anemone gets protection from the clownfish.
- What is cooperation? Retrieved on June 27, 2017, from buinessdictionary.com
- Cooperation. Retrieved on June 27, 2017, from dictionary.com
- Cooperation. Retrieved on June 27, 2017, from en.wikipedia.org
- Cooperation. Retrieved on June 27, 2017, from merriam-webster.com
- Cooperation. Retrieved on June 27, 2017, from dictionary.cambridge.org
- Cooperation. Retrieved on June 27, 2017, from thwink.org
- Protocooperation. Retrieved on June 27, 2017, from oxfordreference.com
- Species Interactions. Retrieved on June 27, 2017, from geobotany.uaf.edu.