- Historical facts about aloe vera
- Healthy properties of aloe vera
- Protects the skin against sun damage
- Relieves heartburn
- Facilitates digestion
- Ally against breast cancer
- Burn relief
- Benefits in dental treatments
- Alternative to mouthwash and toothpaste
- Keeps the skin hydrated
- Keeps fruits and vegetables fresh
- Protects the skin from radiation therapy damage
- Improves herpes conditions on the skin
- Relief for angina pectoris
- Useful for treating acne
- Effective for wound healing
- Extends the life of cancer patients
- Contraindications
- Allergy
- Pregnancy
- Kidney disease or
- Drug interactions
- Dosage
- External use
- Internal use
- How to cut aloe vera for use
- How to Drink Aloe Vera Juice
The benefits of aloe vera or aloe are numerous: it has healing properties for the hair, improves acne and even helps to lose weight, being described on many occasions as a "miracle plant", which is why in recent years the scientific studies about its properties.
Aloe -also known as aloe vera- is made up of 96% water, some organic and inorganic compounds, a type of protein that contains 18 of the 20 amino acids found in the body and, finally, vitamins A, B, C and E. Another part of the aloe plant that is used is "SAP", a yellow liquid that sticks to the skin inside the plant.
Its incredible potential ranges from its efficacy in dermatological diseases, to being a possible ally against cancer. For something in Ancient Egypt it was known as "the plant of immortality."
Historical facts about aloe vera
The oldest records of the use of aloe vera in humans appear in the Ebers Papyrus (Egyptian medical papyrus) from the 16th century BC, and they called it "the plant of immortality."
This plant has been used therapeutically for many centuries in China, Japan, India, Greece, Egypt, Mexico, and Japan. Cleopatra and Nefertiti, two queens of Egypt, used aloe vera to keep their skin soft.
In the time of Alexander the Great, soldiers used it to heal their wounds. Dioscorides (40-90 AD), a Greek physician, mentioned the therapeutic qualities of aloe vera in "De Mataria Medica", a 5-volume encyclopedia on medicinal substances and herbal medicines. It was widely read for more than 1,500 years.
Gaius Pliny the Second (23-79 AD), better known as Pliny the Elder, a Roman author, naturalist, and philosopher, mentioned the therapeutic benefits of aloe in "Natural History," an early encyclopedia that has survived since the Roman Empire.
Healthy properties of aloe vera
Protects the skin against sun damage
A study by the Institute of Chemistry of the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, confirmed the remarkable protection capacity of aloe vera against cell death produced by UVA rays, which makes it a great candidate as a supplement in protective dermatological formulations.
Relieves heartburn
An article published in 2010 by the journal "Alternative and Complementary Therapies" suggests that consuming 1 to 3 ounces (30-90 grams) of aloe gel before meals could reduce the severity of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), a digestive disorder that often leads to heartburn.
Facilitates digestion
Many studies have been published on the benefits of aloe in facilitating digestion. The Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, recommends using it to relieve constipation but in moderation, since the dose should not exceed 0.04 to 0.17 grams of dry juice.
Ally against breast cancer
A publication from the Department of Life Sciences of National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan, evidenced the therapeutic properties of aloe vera in slowing the growth of breast cancer. However, more studies are needed to back it up.
Burn relief
A team of plastic surgeons from the Department of Plastic Surgery at Nishtar Hospital in Multan, Pakistan, conducted a study to verify the efficacy of Aloe Vera gel in healing and relieving pain from second degree burn wounds, concluding that the cream is highly effective in healing these injuries.
Benefits in dental treatments
A study by the Department of Pediatric Dentistry and Preventive Dentistry at Tamil Nadu Dental University, India, ensures that aloe vera can play an important role in dentistry as an adjunct in the treatment of lichen planus, oral submucosal fibrosis, recurrent aphthous stomatitis, alveolar osteitis, periodontitis, among other conditions.
Alternative to mouthwash and toothpaste
The Public Health Department of Dentistry in Lansdowne, India conducted a study on the use of aloe as a mouthwash. The results showed that it was effective in reducing plaque and also no side effects were evidenced.
On the other hand, a study published in General Dentistry reported that aloe vera in dental gels is as effective as toothpaste in fighting cavities.
Keeps the skin hydrated
Due to the amount of water the plant stores and in combination with its special compounds, aloe is effective as a skin moisturizer. This was confirmed by a study by Dal'Belo et al, in 2006.
Keeps fruits and vegetables fresh
Research published by the University of Cambridge showed that aloe vera coating blocked the growth of many types of harmful bacteria in vegetables.
Similar results were also found in a study with apples, which means that aloe vera gel helps keep fruits and vegetables fresh, which could fill the need for dangerous chemicals to extend the shelf life of products.
Protects the skin from radiation therapy damage
A study carried out by the University of Naples, Italy, verified the efficacy of five topical creams in protecting the skin of patients receiving radiotherapy.
During six weeks, the participants underwent evaluations, and all the moisturizers in the study were effective, including the one containing aloe.
Improves herpes conditions on the skin
As published by the University of Maryland, evidence suggests that aloe vera gel can improve symptoms of genital herpes and some skin conditions such as psoriasis.
Relief for angina pectoris
In a 1985 study by Agarwal, improvements were seen after 2 weeks of applying an aloe vera gel in combination with seed bread.
Useful for treating acne
A team, Department of Dermatology, Faculty of Medicine, Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, Sari, Iran, conducted a study to see if combination therapy with natural preparations such as aloe vera could be effective in treating and decreasing the common acne.
They concluded that the applications were well tolerated and significantly effective.
Effective for wound healing
An investigation carried out by Dermatol Surg Oncol, in 1990, showed that wound healing is approximately 72 hours faster with the application of aloe vera than with a standard gel.
According to the author, this acceleration in wound healing is important to reduce bacterial contamination, subsequent keloid formation, and / or pigmentation changes.
Extends the life of cancer patients
The Division of Radiation Oncology of the San Gerardo Hospital in Milan, Italy, conducted a study with patients with untreatable metastatic solid tumors, to assess whether the simultaneous administration of aloe vera and pineal indole melatonin (MLT) could improve therapeutic results.
The study included 50 patients suffering from lung cancer, gastrointestinal tract tumors, breast cancer, or brain glioblastoma.
The 1-year survival rate was significantly higher in patients treated with MLT and aloe vera, so this preliminary study suggests that this treatment may produce therapeutic benefits, at least in terms of stabilization of the disease and survival.
Aloe vera appears to be safe and has been well tolerated in most studies to date. However, there are contraindications that must be taken into account.
The use of aloe vera preparations should be avoided in people with known allergies to plants in the lily family (garlic, onion, and tulips).
The use of aloe as a laxative during pregnancy may pose potential teratogenic and toxicological effects on the embryo and fetus.
Kidney disease or
Long-term use of aloe has been associated with watery diarrhea that results in electrolyte imbalance, and reports suggest that increased potassium loss can lead to hypokalemia. Therefore, it is contraindicated in patients with a history of kidney or heart disorders.
Drug interactions
There is a clinical case of a 35-year-old woman who lost 5 liters of blood during surgery as a result of a possible interaction with aloe vera and sevoflurane.
There are also other interactions that can be dangerous, so you should always consult your doctor before starting any treatment.
External use
- For burns: pure gel from the interior of pure aloe or preparations containing 10% -70% of internal gel. It must be stabilized by pasteurization at 75-80 ° C for less than 3 minutes and applied to the affected area 3 times a day.
- For seborrheic dermatitis: 30% aloe vera in a hydrophilic emulsion, twice a day on the affected area.
- For psoriasis and genital herpes: hydrophilic cream containing 0.5% aloe gel 3 times a day on the affected area.
Internal use
- Treatment of diabetes and angina pectoris: 100 mg of fresh inner gel every day or 1 tablespoon twice a day.
- For ulcerative colitis and irritable bowel syndrome: a dose of 25-50 ml of 95% gel from the inside of aloe vera is recommended 3 times a day.
How to cut aloe vera for use
Use a sharp knife to extract a leaf from the plant at its base, near the ground. Better select one of the outer sheets, since they contain the highest amount of gel.
With the knife, carefully cut the thorny edges from the end of the blade. If you use all the gel from the leaf, wrap the remaining leaf in a plastic bag and store it in the refrigerator until you need it again.
How to Drink Aloe Vera Juice
The natural flavor of aloe is so bitter that you won't be able to drink it alone. The solution is to take pieces of the gel and mix them with another fruit or vegetable juice that is preferably sweet, then add honey and a little lemon.