- The 15 most important benefits of drinking water
- Improves the performance of body functions
- Increase energy and improve brain functions
- Prevents headaches
- Improves skin health
- Prevents the appearance of digestive problems
- Improves the effectiveness of the immune system
- Prevents osteoporosis
- Improves the function of the circulatory system
- Regulates body temperature
- Improves joint health
- Prevents hangover
- Avoid or eliminate bad breath
- Helps eliminate toxins
- Helps maintain proper weight and lose fat
- Increases the effectiveness of the muscles
- References
The benefits of drinking water make the consumption of this liquid one of the most important factors when it comes to enjoying good health. Not surprisingly, our body is 60% made up of it; and our blood is 90% water. However, most people do not consume it in adequate amounts.
In some countries, such as the United States, a large part of the population prefers to consume sugary drinks over water. Even where this doesn't happen, many people stay below the recommended daily allowance. This can bring all kinds of problems in the medium and long term.
Source: pixabay.com
It is not known exactly how much water is necessary to consume per day to fully appreciate the benefits of this liquid. The recommendation of 2 liters per day is not based on scientific studies, but on a medical consensus. However, being properly hydrated is essential for our health.
In this article we will look at some of the most important benefits of drinking water. Some of them are related only to our physical well-being, while others also have to do with our psychology and state of mind.
The 15 most important benefits of drinking water
Improves the performance of body functions
A large part of our body (approximately 60%) is made up of water. This liquid is especially concentrated in our blood, saliva, mucous membranes and skin, although it also forms an important part of our organs, muscles, tendons and joints.
Due to the large presence of water in our body, consuming this liquid in abundance is essential to maintain balance in different basic functions. For example, the digestive system cannot do its job properly without it: both digestion and absorption of nutrients require large amounts of water.
In addition to this, other functions such as the correct transport of oxygen and nutrients, good blood circulation, or the regulation of body temperature also require adequate levels of water in the body.
Increase energy and improve brain functions
One of the lesser known benefits of water is the effect it has on our mental abilities. Since our brain is 72% composed of this liquid, consuming it in abundance can improve its performance. In fact, some studies suggest that part of our daily fatigue is due to dehydration.
Among the brain functions that benefit most from a large consumption of water are reasoning ability, concentration, memory, and mood regulation. On the other hand, being dehydrated, our energy levels are also considerably reduced.
According to some research in this regard, a dehydration of only 2% is enough for us to begin to notice the negative effects of water loss. In addition, this negative effect only disappears when drinking this drink, and not when consuming any other such as coffee, soft drinks or alcohol.
Prevents headaches
Something that not many people know is that much of our headaches are caused by lack of water. This fluid is essential in brain function, to the point that low levels of it can cause this organ to temporarily reduce in size due to the compression of its cells.
This reduction is what causes much of our migraines. Therefore, consuming adequate levels of water not only helps the most mental part of our brain, but also its physical well-being and the reduction of headaches.
Improves skin health
The skin is the largest organ in our body, and one of those with the highest concentrations of water in its composition. Because of this, it is one of the parts of our body that are first affected by dehydration, in addition to suffering some of its worst effects.
When our skin does not receive the water levels it needs, the first symptoms that appear are dryness, loss of flexibility and the formation of small scales. In addition, it becomes less resistant and elastic, so in the long term it is more likely to show symptoms of damage or wrinkles.
On the contrary, adequate levels of fluid in our skin make it softer, maintain its resistance, and can even make some small wrinkles that have already formed disappear.
Prevents the appearance of digestive problems
Water is one of the most important elements in maintaining a proper function of the digestive system. This liquid helps to extract the nutrients from the food we eat, move them properly throughout the intestinal tract, and have lighter and less annoying digestions.
In addition to this, maintaining an adequate level of hydration is one of the most important factors to avoid the appearance of constipation. When our body does not have enough water, the colon extracts liquid from the stool, causing this intestinal problem to arise.
Improves the effectiveness of the immune system
One of the most peculiar effects of dehydration is that it greatly increases a person's chances of suffering from all kinds of diseases. This is because water has a very positive effect on practically all the functions of the immune system.
It is not known exactly how this relationship works; several mechanisms are believed to be involved in the process. However, we do know that drinking enough liquid is essential for a sufficient amount of oxygen to reach all the components of the body, which would increase the production of defensive cells.
On the other hand, we have already seen that drinking a lot of water favors the elimination of all kinds of toxins. This makes the work of the immune system easier, as well as helping to prevent diseases such as bladder cancer or urine infections.
Prevents osteoporosis
Normal bone (top) and bone with osteoporosis (bottom)
One of the lesser known benefits of adequate water consumption is the strengthening of our bones in the medium and long term. A study carried out by the Linus Pauling Institute found a strong correlation between good levels of hydration and a lower appearance of fractures of all kinds produced with age.
It is not known exactly why this relationship occurs; but it is believed to have to do with the composition of the bones. Like the rest of the body, they are largely made up of water, so the absence of this fluid in the body could make them more fragile and brittle.
Improves the function of the circulatory system
By Lomappmi, from Wikimedia Commons
Drinking an adequate amount of water on a daily basis also has a number of very positive effects on the circulatory system. In fact, it has been found that having inadequate hydration is one of the factors that most influence the appearance of problems such as high blood pressure, heart attacks or strokes.
This occurs for various reasons. On the one hand, our body needs large amounts of fluid to eliminate the toxic particles that accumulate in our veins and arteries; and on the other, low hydration levels worsen the health of all our organs, the heart being one of the most sensitive in this regard.
Regulates body temperature
One of the most popular benefits of drinking water is that it replenishes the body's sweat reserves. This substance not only eliminates toxins, but it is the main mechanism that our body has to regulate its temperature. Therefore, in very hot months it is necessary to maintain adequate hydration.
Improves joint health
All the joints in our body are made up of cartilage; and one of its main components, therefore, is water. Because of this, dehydration can cause the joints to suffer, cause discomfort or deteriorate in the long term.
Therefore, drinking water is one of the most effective ways to improve the health of these components of our body, and to reduce pain associated with the joints. For example, back or knee pain can be partially relieved by ingesting more of this fluid.
Prevents hangover
Although consuming alcohol has many negative consequences, possibly one of the most unpleasant is a hangover. This feeling of discomfort, headache and fatigue is caused, to a large extent, due to the fact that alcoholic beverages cause our body to become dehydrated.
Because of this, drinking water when you are drinking alcohol can help prevent the most annoying effects of a hangover, or even prevent its onset altogether. To achieve this benefit, experts recommend drinking a glass of water for each alcoholic drink consumed, preferably alternating the intake of both.
Avoid or eliminate bad breath
Many people attribute halitosis to eating foods with unpleasant odors; But in a large number of occasions, the bad smell in the breath is due to low levels of water in the body. When the tongue becomes dry, its odors are carried more easily through the air. In extreme cases, this problem can become quite serious.
In addition to this, consuming an adequate amount of water and maintaining a good level of hydration can help eliminate food particles that have become trapped in the mouth, in addition to reducing the amount of bacteria present on the tongue that can make a problem worse. existing halitosis.
Helps eliminate toxins
Due to different factors in our lifestyle, we are increasingly exposed to all kinds of toxins that harm our health and worsen our mood. Water plays a fundamental role in the elimination of these harmful substances, both through urine and sweat.
There are several mechanisms involved in the elimination of toxins, with organs such as the lungs, kidneys and liver playing a fundamental role in this regard. However, if our body does not have an adequate water level, all these processes are less efficient and the effects of these harmful substances are more pronounced.
One of the most serious consequences of dehydration in this regard is the formation of stones in the kidneys. These are generated when the amount of water that reaches them is insufficient, so that small particles of harmful substances accumulate that can end up becoming a serious problem.
Helps maintain proper weight and lose fat
One of the lesser known benefits of drinking water is the impact it has on our metabolism and body weight. Among the main functions of fat is to store toxins to prevent them from causing damage to the rest of the body. Therefore, by eliminating these substances, water helps to reduce fat naturally.
On the other hand, numerous investigations have shown that this natural drink also has a powerful satiating effect. This means that if several glasses of water are consumed before each meal, we will feel less need to eat very high amounts of food, which has a positive impact on our body composition.
Finally, some studies suggest that drinking large amounts of water could increase the metabolic rate of up to 20%, which would translate into even greater fat losses. This effect would be even more pronounced when ingesting the liquid at a very low temperature.
Increases the effectiveness of the muscles
In addition to all the health benefits of drinking water that we have seen so far, maintaining adequate levels of this fluid in the body can also be very helpful in preventing muscle fatigue. This is because, when losing the proper balance of fluids and electrolytes, all cells in the body shrink, including muscle cells.
When this occurs, the muscle fibers' ability to exert force is greatly diminished, increasing feelings of fatigue and reducing physical power. For this reason, drinking water is essential during exercise; especially at times when you are sweating profusely.
On the other hand, maintaining adequate levels of water in the body is one of the most effective ways to prevent the appearance of pulls, and it can also reduce soreness and prevent its formation.
- "14 overlooked benefits of drinking water" in: Elemental Bottles. Retrieved on: April 04, 2019 from Elemental Bottles: elementalbottles.com.
- "7 Science-Based Health Benefits of Drinking Enough Water" in: Healthline. Retrieved on: April 04, 2019 from Healthline: healthline.com.
- "Fifteen benefits of drinking water" in: Medical News Today. Retrieved on: April 04, 2019 from Medical News Today: medicalnewstoday.com.
- "6 reasons to drink water" in: Web MD. Retrieved on: April 04, 2019 from Web MD: webmd.com.
- "10 Reasons Why You Should Drink More Water" in: Mind Body Green. Retrieved on: April 04, 2019 from Mind Body Green: mindbodygreen.com.