I leave you the best phrases to raise and raise self-esteem, positive and for women, children and men. They will help you feel better and improve the most difficult days when you need to improve your mood.
You may also be interested in these phrases to lift your spirits or are you of self-love.
-Want to be someone else is to waste the person you are-Marilyn Monroe.
-You yourself, like any other person in the universe, deserve your own love and affection-Gautama Buddha.
-The worst loneliness is not being comfortable with yourself-Mark Twain.
-The greatest success is successful self-acceptance.-Ben Sweet.
-If you are not good at loving yourself, you will have difficulties in loving someone, because you will resent the time and energy you give to another person, which you do not even give to yourself-Barbara De Angelisi.
19-Who does not value himself, can not value anything or anyone-Ayn Rand.
-My best friend is the one who brings out the best in myself-Henry Ford.
-I never loved another person the way I love myself-Mae West.
-Self confidence is the first secret of success.-Ralph Waldo Emerson.
-People who want more approval get less and people who need less approval get more-Wayne Dyer.
-Most fears of being rejected rest on the desire to be approved by other people. Do not base your self-esteem on their opinions-Harvey Mackay.
-It took me a long time not to judge myself through the eyes of another-Sally Field.
-Nothing builds as much self-esteem and self-concept as achievements-Thomas Carlyle.
-Adversity and perseverance can form you. They can give you priceless value and self-esteem-Scott Hamilton.
-Depression can seem worse than terminal cancer, because most cancer patients feel loved and have self-esteem and hope-David D. Burns.
-Believe in yourself. You Know More Than You Think You Know-Benjamin Spock.
-Self-esteem is as important for our well-being as legs for a table. It is essential for physical and mental health and happiness-Louise Hart.
-No one can make you feel inferior without your consent-Eleanor Roosevelt.
-Low self-esteem is like driving through life with your broken hand-Maxwll Maltz.
-A person can not be comfortable without his own approval-Mark Twain.
-Until you value yourself, you will not value your time. Until you value your time, you won't do anything with it-M. Scott Peck.
-Many people overvalue what they are not and undervalue what they are-Malcolm S. Forbes.
-You've been criticizing yourself for years and years and it hasn't worked. Try to accept yourself and see what happens-Louise L. Hay.
-You are always with yourself, so you should enjoy the company-Diane Von Furstenberg.
-You gain experience, courage and self-esteem in every experience in which you stand and look at the fear in the face-Eleanor Roosevelt.
-The lack of self-esteem can not be remedied by money, recognition, affection, attention or influence-Gary Zukav.
41-Confidence does not come from always being right, but from not being afraid of being wrong-Peter T. McIntyre.
-Well, we all know that self-esteem comes from what you think of yourself, not from what others think-Gloria Gaynor.
-You have to expect things from yourself before you can do them-Michael Jordan.
-The religion of people should be the religion of believing in oneself.-Jiddu Krishnamurti.
-The opinion of other people about yourself does not have to become your reality.-Les Brown.
-If you are one of those people who think they can never achieve something, then you never will; Even if you have the skills.-Indira Gandhi.
-When you really believe in yourself, there is nothing that is beyond the reach of your possibilities.-Wayne Dyer.
-Everything you need to overcome the obstacles of life, you will find it within you. Learn to search inside your heart.-Brian Tracy.
-Never be intimidated in silence. Never allow yourself to be a victim. Do not accept the definition of your life from anyone, but defend yourself.-Harvey Fierstein.
-Always be a first version of yourself, instead of a second version of someone else.-Judy Garland.
-There is overwhelming evidence that the higher the level of self-esteem, the more likely it is to treat others with respect, kindness and generosity.-Nathaniel Branden.
-The way you treat yourself sets the standard for others.-Dr. Sonya Friedman.
-The best thing in the world is knowing how to belong to oneself.-Michel de Montaigne.
-When you are different, sometimes you do not see the millions of people who accept you for who you are. What you notice is the person who does not do it.-Jodi Picoult.
-Your chances of success in anything can always be measured by your confidence in yourself.-Robert Collier.
-Aerodynamically, the bumblebee should not be able to fly, but it does not know, so it flies anyway.-Mary Kay Ash.
-We have to learn to be our best friends because we easily fall into the trap of being our worst enemies.-Roderick Thorp.
-Thousands of geniuses live and die without being discovered, either by themselves or by others.-Mark Twain.
-I think everyone is strange. We should celebrate our individuality and not be ashamed of it-Johny Depp.
-Always remember that you not only have the right to be an individual, you also have the obligation to be one-Eleanor Roosevelt.
-Why should we care what others think about us? Do we trust your opinions more than ours? -Bringham Young.
-To establish a true self-esteem we must concentrate on our successes and forget about our failures and negative things in life-Denis Waitley.
-Loving yourself is the beginning of a long romantic life-Oscar Wilde.
-Don't ask yourself what the world needs, ask yourself what makes you feel alive and then do that. Because what the world needs is people who feel alive-Howard Washington Thurman.
-Never lower your head. Always keep it high. Look the world straight in the face - Helen Keller.
-We have been blessed in a unique and important way. It is our privilege and adventure to discover our special light-Mary Dunbar.
-When people believe in themselves they have the first key to success-Norman Vincent Peale.
-Don't dare, for more than a second, surround yourself with people who are not aware of your greatness-Jo Blackwell-Preston.
- Yours is the energy that builds your world. There are no limitations except what you believe in-Jane Roberts.
-Being beautiful means being yourself. You don't need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself-Thich Nhat Hanh.
-All splendid things have been achieved by those who dared to believe that something within them was superior to the circumstances-Bruce Barton.
-Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its entire life believing it to be stupid-Albert Einstein.
-Enjoy your body. Use it in any way you can. Don't be afraid of him or what other people think. It's the greatest instrument you'll ever own-Mary Schmich.
-You are as incredible as you let yourself be. Let me repeat it. You are as amazing as you let yourself be-Elizabeth Alraune.
-The hardest challenge is to be yourself in a world where everyone tries to make you be someone else-EE Cummings.
-Believe in yourself. Think by yourself. Take action for yourself. Speak for yourself. Imitation is Suicide-Marva Collins.
-Put your future in good hands; in yourself.-Unknown author.
-There are no university, college or institute courses to build self-esteem-TDJakes.
-Be proud of who you are and not ashamed of what others see in you.- Lifeder.com.
-Don't let what you cannot do prevent you from doing what you can do.-John Wooden.
-Talk to yourself as you would to the person you love the most.
-Never tolerate disrespect, not even from yourself.
-The first person you have to believe in life is yourself.
-He thinks you deserve it, that you can do it and that you will get it.
-A positive self-image is the greatest predictor of success in life.
-A tiger does not care about the opinion of the sheep.
-I do not approve of some things that I have done, am or have been. But Iam. Good to know.-Elizabeth Taylor.
-No one can have a good opinion of someone who thinks badly of himself.-Anthony Trollope.
35-Achievements are the maximum expression of the esteem we have for ourselves.-Nathaniel Branden.
-Face the dark parts of yourself and strive to eliminate them with light and forgiveness. Your will to fight your demons will make the angels sing.-August Wilson.
-It's not my responsibility to be beautiful. I don't live for that purpose. My existence is not about how desirable you find me.-Warsan Shire.
-Now I know more and I do what I want to do and, if you don't like it, to hell with you.-Sorothy Parker.
-You can search the entire universe for someone who deserves your love and affection more than you, but you will never find anyone.-Sharon Salzberg.
-Love is to let a person be who he really is.-Jim Morrison.
-There is no magic cure, there is no way to make it go away forever. Only small steps forward: an easier day, an unexpected laugh, a mirror that you no longer care.-Laurie Halse Anderson.
23-Our dignity can be assaulted, vandalized, mocked, but it cannot be taken away unless we surrender.-Michael J. Fox.
-I would rather be true to myself, even if I risk appearing ridiculous to others, than to be false and run the risk of hating myself.-Frederick Douglass.
-I am so cool that I wanted to go out with myself, but I do not know how.-Rick Riordan.
-I weigh myself in strength, not in kilos. Sometimes, I weigh myself in smiles.-Laurie Halse Anderson.
-One of the most fearsome things is to accept one completely.-CG Jung.
-It is a human certainty that no one can know their own beauty or perceive the sense of their own worth until they see themselves in the reflection of another human being who loves and cares about them. John Joseph Powell.
Anger, resentment and envy do not change the hearts of others, they only change yours.-Shannon L. Alder.
-How different would your life be if you stopped allowing other people to poison your day with their words and opinions? -Steve Maraboli.
-May today be the day you stand firm before your own beauty, without needing the approval of others.-Steve Maraboli
-Everything that happens to you is a reflection of what you believe about yourself. We cannot go beyond our level of self-esteem. We can not push ourselves beyond what we think we are worth.-Iyanla Vanzant.
-All the women who have discovered their value, have collected their suitcases with pride and have boarded the flight of freedom that lands in the Valley of Change.-Shannon L. Alder.
-Dare to love yourself as if you were a rainbow with gold at its ends.-Aberjhani.
-I am only one, but I am one. I can't do everything, but I can do something. And because I can not do everything, I will not refuse to do something that I can do.-Edward Everett Hale.
-As long as you are looking for someone else to validate and approve you, you are preparing for disaster. You must completely trust yourself. No one can give you that.-Nic Sheff.
-You have to know who you are, what others say is irrelevant.-Nic Sheff.
-You believed in yourself, you believed in your beauty, and so did the rest of the world.-Sarah Dessen.
-One of the biggest regrets in life is to be what others wanted us to be instead of being what we wanted to be.-Shannon L. Alder.
-There will always be someone willing to hurt you, speak ill of you, belittle your achievements and judge your soul. It is something we must all accept. However, you should never feel insignificant or alone.-Shannon L. Alder.
-Believe in yourself, have faith in your abilities. Without reasonable and humble confidence in your abilities, you will not be able to be happy or successful.-Norman Vincent Peale.
-Be faithful to what exists in you.-André Gile.
-The better you feel about yourself, the less need you will have to brag.-Robert Hand.
-If you celebrate what makes you different, the world will too.-Victoria Moran.
-Talking to yourself reflects your most hidden feelings.-Asa Don Brown.
-People who love themselves do not hurt other people. The more we hate ourselves, the more we want others to suffer.-Dan Pearce.
-Don't waste your energy trying to make others change their minds… Do your thing and don't worry about whether they like it or not.-Tina Fey.
-The only person who deserves a special place in your life is the one who has never made you feel that you are an option in his.-Shannon L. Alder.
-You must say to yourself: I am not willing to accept less than I deserve. I'm smart. I am beautiful. I am a good woman and I deserve to be happy. It all starts with you.-Amari Soul.
-Who am I to be brilliant, beautiful, talented, fabulous? In fact, why shouldn't it be? "" Marianne Williamson.
-Each star is a mirror that reflects the truth in you.-Aberjhani.
-You have the power to heal your life and you should know it. We often think that we are alone, but we are not. We always have the power of our minds. Claim and use your power with conscience.-Louise L. Hay.
-You have a gift to offer to this world. Be true to yourself, be kind to yourself, read, learn everything that interests you and keep people who want to defeat you away.-Steve Maraboli.
-A diamond does not start out being polished and shiny. In the beginning, it was nothing special, but with pressure and time it turned into something spectacular. I am that diamond.-Solange Nicole.
-Our deepest fear is not being inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we have more power than we imagine. It is our light, not our darkness that frightens us.-Marianne Williamson.