- What criteria have I used to make the list?
- What do I base on for the order?
- Top 100 Best Books and Literature Blogs
- www.lahistoriaenmislibros.com
- www.eraseunavezqueseera.com
- www.sdelibros.com
- www.teregalounlibro.com
- www.trotalibros.es
- www.leemaslibros.com
- www.devoradoradelibros.com
- www.sweetparanoia.com
- www.laplumadelangelcaido.com
- www.eluniversodeloslibros.com
- www.bibliolocura.com
- www.librosyliteratura.es
- www.hislibris.com
- www.quelibroleo.com
- www.todoliteratura.es
- www.lecturalia.com
- www.actualidadliteratura.com
- www.meencantaleer.es
- www.buscando-mi-equilibrio.blogspot.com.es
- www.telarana-de-libros.blogspot.com.es
- www.aeternamdea.blogspot.com.es
- www.antarinith.blogspot.com.es
- www.elimaginariodeideas.blogspot.com.es
- www.queleeriajaneausten.blogspot.com.es
- www.masromance.blogspot.com.es
- www.unlectorindiscreto.blogspot.com.es
- www.lazosdeldestino.blogspot.com.es
- www.adivinaquienlee.blogspot.com.es
- www.perdidaenunmundodelibros.blogspot.com.es
- www.graciasaloslibros.blogspot.com.es
- www.albertochavarino.com
- www.librosquehayqueleer-laky.blogspot.com.es
- www.miventanadelibros.wordpress.com
- www.locuradelectura.blogspot.com.es
- www.elrincondeleyna.blogspot.com.es
- www.nubedemariposa.blogspot.com.es
- www.beingsaray.blogspot.com.es
- www.pasaran-las-horas.blogspot.com.es
- www.laventanadeloslibros.blogspot.com.es
- www.arte-literario.com
- www.devoralibrosespacial.blogspot.com.es
- www.lapagina17.blogspot.com.es
- www.resumiendotodo.blogspot.com
- www.librosenelpetate.blogspot.com.es
- www.letraslibrosymas.blogspot.com.es
- www.archivosdelvalhalla.blogspot.com.es
- www.candy-aleajactaest-candy.blogspot.com.es
- 79 - www.elbuhoentrelibros.blogspot.com.es/
- www.caminandoentrelibros.blogspot.com.es
- www.myobsesionporloslibrosback.blogspot.com.es
- www.viajagraciasaloslibros.blogspot.com.es
- www.kindlegarten.es
- www.comentariosliterarios.com
- www.www.librodearena.com
- www.blogdeliteraturaromanticayotrosgneros.blogspot.com.es
- www.leiendoconmar.blogspot.com.es
- www.desordanlecturas.blogspot.com.es
- www.loslibrosdelpintorciego.blogspot.com.es
- www.masquefantasia.blogspot.com.es
- www.enunrincondelaestanteria.blogspot.com.es
- www.adictaloslibros.blogspot.com.es
- www.librosyopiniones.blogspot.com.es
- www.unlibroaldia.blogspot.com
- www.queesloqueamas.blogspot.com.es
- www.enelpaisdelasmaravillas1.blogspot.com.es
- www.ladomadoradelibros.blogspot.com.es
- www.loqueleoloqueleo.blogspot.com.es
- www.mimapadelibros.wordpress.com
Reading is one of the best habits you can develop. You can learn in a few hours what the writer has learned in years. You can also live an adventure or experience. Who does not imagine the characters or situations when reading?
That is why I have decided to make this list of the best books and literature blogs. In them you can decide what will be your next to read, read reviews or reflections of lovers of reading and writers of various genres.
What criteria have I used to make the list?
- Quality of content.
- Followers and impact of articles on social networks: if it has an impact, it means that the public values its content.
- Author's trajectory: obviously, a person with more experience, experiences and training can contribute more to the reader.
- That they have updated at least in the last year.
What do I base on for the order?
The blogs that we have chosen appear in a certain order, however this does not mean anything, we simply had to place them in some way.
They all have very good content and different themes. I advise you to visit the ones that catch your eye and stick with the ones that serve you.
Is your blog not on the list and do you think it should be? Tell me in the comments and I'll add it if it meets the criteria. Thank you!
Top 100 Best Books and Literature Blogs
It has a very pleasant design full of images and colors that immediately attract attention. It has a very extensive section of books.
Follow him on twitter: @historialibros.
Follow him on facebook: The story in my books.
According to her fairy tale title, Helen McGill, she wants to put her own personal touch on how passionate she is to read. She knows how to recognize a good book and that is what she wants to capture in each of her recommendations.
Follow him on twitter: @ rase1vez
Follow him on facebook: Once upon a time
Its creator known as Bella, has her blog full of a diversity of sections, ranging from phrases, forums, bookstores, interviews, to a new space that shows different costumes of literary characters taken to the real world, along with the crazy things that fans they can do.
Follow him on twitter: @Sdelibros
Follow him on facebook: S for books
For those who love to read book reviews, synopses, and reviews, this blog is especially dedicated to this.
You can find his books, but also other youth and adult titles. You can also find all the news and news of those that are about to come out.
Follow him on twitter: @Teregalounlibro
Follow him on facebook: I give you a book
Its creator considers himself a world traveler through books, he says that each one is a new experience that he wants to share with those who, like him, are passionate about the literary world.
In his career he got the support of illustrators and publishers who promote his work.
Follow him on facebook: Trotalibros
Created by the reader cPedro Román, this is a fairly diverse blog, both in genres and in comments and interviews.
The author is the winner of the third prize in the literary competition "SER épicos" and is currently working on his first fantasy book.
Follow him on twitter: @leemaslibros
Follow him on facebook: Leemaslibros
With a rather striking slogan, "a space for critical reflection on books from yesterday and today" Cristina, a humanist specialized in literature, provides a simple and structured place with a wide range of book reviews.
It also has a section where it recommends reading the month.
Follow him on facebook: Eater of books.
A space both simple and chic, where you can find opinion articles on different topics of interest, book reviews of different genres, and news from the publishing world.
It has a different element when writing about different places in the world and the advantages of visiting them.
Follow him on twitter: @MiryamArtigas
Follow him on facebook: Sweet paranoia
Its creator uses a rather sweet and loving language to address her subscribers, and emphasizes current sagas, where fantasy and romance are the main protagonists.
Its design is simple but creative, and its platform is quite friendly.
Follow him on twitter: The Feather of the Fallen Angel
One of its main attractions is its challenges section, they are placing a number of contests, shared readings and challenges against the clock, which undoubtedly interest all those fans of the literary world.
Although it contains some classics, it usually contains more current books and news.
Follow him on twitter: @universolibros
Follow him on facebook: The universe of books
Two boys with different cultural tastes, one passionate about music and the other about letters, merge to create a space where they can share their hobbies.
It is a blog where musical inspiration can be put on paper and where the subscriber is the main protagonist for opinions.
Follow him on twitter: @bibliolocura
Follow him on facebook: Bibliolocura
It is a blog run by a group of people who are passionate about reading and writing, who combined their pleasure in both and shared them with others.
Here you will find endless books of different genres and they also offer literary course services and desktop publishing for new writers.
Follow him on twitter: @librosylit
Follow him on facebook: Books and literature
It is aimed at lovers of stories. The books are divided into reviews, interviews, images and a ranking based on the most voted by subscribers.
It also has different story contests, which can later be downloaded, as well as a selection of historical maps.
Follow him on twitter: @bchtweet
A very easy to use blog, which has books of various genres grouped by categories. Its design is quite friendly and easy to understand.
It has a news blog for those who like to be always informed, as well as a book club associated with a Facebook account.
Follow him on twitter: @quelibroleo
Follow him on facebook: What book I read.
It is very current, it keeps its subscribers up to date with relevant information about the literary world, ranging from criticisms, interviews with writers and advertising presentations.
The books are of different genres and provide a forum for users to comment on them.
Follow him on twitter: @Todoliteratura
Follow him on facebook: All literature
For those who love literature awards, this blog is a place to find award-winning books.
The list of highlights is based on the recommendations of its subscribers and even has some videos of those titles that have been taken to the big screen.
Follow him on twitter: @Lecturalia
Follow him on facebook: Lecturalia
Amateur writers don't always know where to look for contests and opportunities to show their talents, here is a section dedicated exclusively to them.
It is a fairly complete page that includes good books, interviews, poetry and the most relevant news from the publishing world.
Follow him on twitter: @A_Literatura
Follow him on facebook: Literary News
Clara Ortega shares with her subscribers her main hobbies, a bit of crafts and her passion for reading.
It has a space to comment on the books that are there, usually they are specialists or they are the authors themselves, but here each reader has the opportunity to do so.
Follow him on twitter: @Me_encanta_leer.
Follow him on facebook: I love reading.
Nominated for several blogger awards, Esther is a girl with a peculiar way of writing her reviews. They are stories based on your point of view, ending in a story and an own anecdote that is reflected in the content of the book.
Follow him on facebook: Looking for my balance
Upon entering, the first thing you see is the invitation to be part of a 10 × 10 reading challenge (which means 10 people for 10 days reading the same book), it is an original way of encouraging reading and fostering debates or forums on the subject.
Follow him on twitter: @ Oly2289
Follow him on facebook: The spider web of books
A bohemian and vintage space run by Anjara, who wishes to promote romance through literature. She is an amateur writer, who uses her blog to recommend books on a monthly basis and take up those forgotten by the years with themes that are now obsolete.
Follow him on twitter: @AeternamDea
Follow him on facebook: Aeternam Dea
A purely interactive portal, where the subscriber or follower can place their favorite quotes from books they have already read or are currently reading. They can also share musical tastes or opinions that allow others to know and expand their shelves and libraries.
Follow him on twitter: @Antarinith
Follow him on twitter: @Hermy_C
Follow him on twitter: @queleeriajane
Follow him on facebook: What would Jane Austen read
Follow him on twitter: @otroromancemass
Follow him on facebook: Another romance
Follow him on twitter: @portelapaco
Follow him on facebook: An indiscreet reader
Follow him on twitter: @rafelina_g
Follow him on facebook: Ties of destiny
Follow him on twitter: @Adivinaquienlee
Follow him on facebook: Guess who reads
Follow him on twitter: @Perdidaenun
Follow him on facebook: Lost in a world of books
Follow him on facebook: Thanks to the books
Follow him on twitter: @Chavarino.
Follow him on facebook: Alberto Peña Chavarino.
Follow him on facebook: My book window.
Follow him on twitter: @locuradelectura
Follow him on twitter: @ElRinconDeLeyna
Follow him on twitter: @miss_xerinola
Follow him on twitter: @ bookisa4letter
Follow him on twitter: @PasaranH
Follow him on twitter: @Ventanalibros
Follow him on twitter: @natalia_blogAL
Follow him on twitter: @Maria_StDelphi
Follow him on twitter: @ lapagina17
Follow him on facebook: Summarizing
Follow him on twitter: @LPetate
Follow him on facebook: Esperanza García Vegarali
Follow him on twitter: @FreyjaValky
Follow him on facebook: Alea jacta est
79 - www.elbuhoentrelibros.blogspot.com.es/
Follow him on facebook: The owl among books.
Follow him on facebook: Walking between books
Follow him on twitter: @Rosalia_RT
Follow him on twitter: @MIMAPADELIBROS
Follow him on facebook: My book map
Isn't yours on the list? Tell me in the comments and I'll add it if you meet the conditions.