- Home remedies to treat cystitis
- 1- Blueberries
- 2- Citrus fruits
- 3- Orange fruits and vegetables
- 4- Radishes
- 5- Water
- 6- garlic
- 7- Probiotic foods
- 8- Parsley
- 9- Onion
- 10- Fiber
- Helpful Tips to Avoid a UTI
- Prefer cotton underwear
- Hygiene
- Clothes
- Not taking stimulants
- Shower
- Contraception
- Some recipes to put prevention into practice
- - Blueberry Banana Smoothie (2 servings)
- Ingredients
- Preparation
- - Muesli with blueberries for breakfast (1 portion)
- Ingredients
- Preparation
- References
The home remedies for cystitis are based on habits that strengthen your immune system, healthy habits, hygiene and conservation of the normal bacterial flora of the body.
This annoying inflammation is usually related to urinary infections. If they occur in the bladder, it is called cystitis; if they appear at the level of the urethra, urethritis. Urinary tract infections are the most common infections that affect humans throughout their lives, and they are 14 times more common in women than in men.
Women have urinary tracts that are more prone to infection. The urinary tract that carries urine from the bladder to the outside is shorter than in men. In addition, synthetic underwear, an active sexual life, some contraceptive methods, poorly treated urinary infections, attending contaminated pools or beaches, are factors that further predispose to this discomfort.
Presenting symptoms are cloudy and foul-smelling urine, fevers, pain and burning when urinating, increased desire and frequency of urination. An infection that is not treated properly carries a lot of risk, as it can lead to kidney damage.
That is why these conditions should not be taken lightly. Visit a doctor and take note of the following recipes to prevent cystitis.
Home remedies to treat cystitis
1- Blueberries
Blueberries Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay
Blueberries have been used for hundreds of years as a remedy for urinary tract diseases and have garnered a lot of attention for their health benefits.
This fame against the prevention of urinary infections, is due to the fact that some compounds in this fruit, called type A proanthocyanidins, prevent bacteria from adhering to the walls of the bladder or urinary tract.
A recommended way of consumption is natural or in juices. It's good to remember that blueberries have lower effects than an antibiotic, so we don't recommend replacing your doctor's treatment.
2- Citrus fruits
Lemons, oranges and limes. Mattie B from Santa Cruz
Citrus fruits not only help fight the cold, but also the proper functioning of the immune system. They help fight a number of infections that the body has to fight. They also act in inflammatory reactions, by helping to synthesize compounds to control them.
Among the most prominent fruits we have oranges, tangerines, grapefruit, lime, lemon. The consumption of these fruits should preferably be natural, at the moment and without exposing them to cooking, since the nutrients it has are sensitive to heat.
3- Orange fruits and vegetables
Papayas Image by Couleur from Pixabay
Orange fruits and vegetables owe their characteristic color to carotenes, which in our body are transformed into vitamin A. These compounds, from the days of their discovery, were popularly known as the anti-infectious vitamin, given that their scarcity in the diet it caused a poor immune response and increased susceptibility, duration, and severity of infections.
Many infections begin with the colonization of bacteria on the skin or mucosa of the affected organ. Vitamin A strengthens the mucous membranes and keeps them in a healthy state to deal with microbial attacks. This happens at the level of the mucous membranes of the urinary tract and is beneficial in preventing infections.
Some ideas to include them in the diet are: carrot salad, pumpkin cream, fruit salad (papaya, mango and melon).
4- Radishes
Radishes. Image by Pexels from Pixabay
The consumption of radishes has been used for antimicrobial purposes by popular wisdom and then its effect has been scientifically proven. Radishes contain compounds called defensins; as their name implies, they have defense properties against microorganisms, specifically fungi.
Consuming a salad, a pickle or a radish extract will allow you to enjoy its benefits.
5- Water
Water. Image by congerdesign from Pixabay
Drinking plenty of water helps prevent bouts of urinary infections. It is recommended 1/5 to 2 liters of water a day. Liquids are good allies when it comes to dragging bacteria attached to the urinary tract.
When there is an adequate flow of urine in the urinary tract, there is less chance that bacteria will proliferate and cause an infection.
Therefore, in addition to staying hydrated, you must also obey the desire to urinate and avoid repressing this need. The frequency with which you should go to the bathroom is every 2 to 3 hours.
6- garlic
Garlic. Source: pixabay.com
Garlic has known antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties, which are attributed to a compound called allicin and other sulfur-containing compounds.
Garlic also has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory effects that help in the treatment of cystitis.
A study has revealed that garlic has a positive effect on attenuating a bacterium called Pseudomonas aeruginosa. This effect was verified by administering it in the diet of a sample of patients with urinary infection, in which it was observed that it acted by preventing bacterial growth and proliferation.
7- Probiotic foods
Sauerkraut is an excellent probiotic food. Image by Pavlofox from Pixabay
Probiotics refer to products with microorganisms that when administered in an appropriate amount provide benefits to humans by improving the intestinal microbial balance.
The urinary tract can be colonized by bacteria that come from the intestine or vagina. Therefore, probiotic foods (eg probiotic yogurt) that help to repopulate the normal bacterial flora of the intestine, are positive for the prevention of urinary infections.
Probiotic foods are believed to help the intestine or vagina resist the invasion and adherence of disease-causing bacteria. Also, to regulate the intestinal flora, reduce constipation in the appropriate doses and improve the immune system.
A Dutch study has shown that probiotics help improve vaginal health, and cause relief of symptoms of urinary tract infection in women.
8- Parsley
Parsley. Image by baakk from Pixabay
Parsley is a vegetable that has been used as an additive in culinary art and as a medicinal plant, among other uses. Its contribution in the prevention of urinary infections is due to the fact that it has diuretic effects, as well as anti-inflammatory, which are essential properties in the treatment of these ailments.
Substances such as apigenin and flavonoids, present in the chemical composition of parsley, are those that have been shown to give it these positive effects. However, excessive consumption is contraindicated in pregnant women due to its content of other substances that could predispose to abortion.
9- Onion
Onions. Image by Steve Buissinne from Pixabay
The use of onion in gastronomy is varied. It can be consumed in soups, salads or stews. The seasoning effect of onion in food is widely recognized. Likewise, its medicinal effects have spread within popular culture.
The onion belongs to a group of fruits and vegetables, such as apple, celery and pepper, which have a substance called quercetin. Onion is one of the foods that most has this substance. Among other properties, antioxidants, anti-inflammatory and immunoregulatory stand out.
10- Fiber
Fruit and cereals, an important source of fiber. Image by Steve Buissinne from Pixabay
Sources of fiber should not be lacking in the diet. It is also not advisable to go a day without an intake of at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables, which also have a high water content.
It is advisable to consume foods rich in fiber because they help regulate intestinal transit. Avoiding constipation helps the expulsion of bacteria and germs near the bladder, which can colonize the urinary tract and lead to infection.
It is good to include salads with a variety of vegetables, natural and shell fruits, nuts, legumes, whole grains; in this way a diet full of fiber is guaranteed.
Helpful Tips to Avoid a UTI
Prefer cotton underwear
Currently it is very common to use garments made with synthetic materials, these garments do not allow adequate perspiration, keeping moisture in intimate areas. In summer season, care must also be taken with the prolonged use of swimwear.
During intimate hygiene, always wash and dry from front to back; it is a good cleaning habit and a barrier against infection. Most of the bacteria that cause UTIs come from your stool
Avoid tight garments because they can cause an increase in temperature and humidity in the intimate area, and thus favor the appearance of infections.
Not taking stimulants
Avoid consuming stimulants such as alcohol, caffeine, and tobacco, in addition to carbonated beverages.
A bath in the shower is more recommended than in the bathtub. Upon receiving the stream of water that flows from the shower, the bacteria are washed away with the pressure. However, this does not happen in bathtubs, where we submerge ourselves in water and without proper care, it can be harmful.
Over-grooming can also be a danger. The use of douches is not advisable. The ingress of water can push bacteria inside. The internal vaginal environment has an ideal degree of acidity for its self-protection, if this medium is modified, it becomes unprotected and can lead to infections.
The beaches and swimming pools that we attend must have guarantees of health. Generally in summer, cases of urinary infections tend to increase due to the contamination of these places.
Some contraceptive methods also make you more prone to infection. The use of a diaphragm and condoms with spermicides is not recommended.
Some recipes to put prevention into practice
- Blueberry Banana Smoothie (2 servings)
- 1 unit of banana
- ½ cup blueberries
- 1 Glass of Milk
- 3 ice cubes
Wash the fruits. Remove the peel from the banana. Cut them into chunks and set them aside with the blueberries. In a blender, place the ice cubes with a little milk and blend them at maximum power.
Then add the fruit and the remaining milk until you get a smooth smoothie. Choose a ripe banana so you don't need to add sugar to the smoothie. Enjoy it immediately and feel the freshness that this shake will bring you.
- Muesli with blueberries for breakfast (1 portion)
- 3 tablespoons instant oatmeal
- 15 gr of chopped walnuts
- 50 gr of blueberries
- 120 ml of yogurt
- 2 tbsp. of honey
Mix the oat flakes, chopped dried nuts and blueberries in a bowl. Add the yogurt and drizzle with honey. Let it rest for a few minutes and you will have a healthy, nutritious and protective breakfast ready.
- Anthony Mansour, Essa Hariri, Samar Shelh, Ralph Irani and Mohamad Mroueh. Efficient and Cost-Effective Alternative Treatment for Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections and Interstitial Cystitis in Women: A Two-Case Report. Case Rep Med. 2014.
- Andrea Occhipinti, Antonio Germano, Massimo E. Maffei. Prevention of Urinary Tract Infection with Oximacro®, A Cranberry Extract with a High Content of A-Type Proanthocyanidins: A Pre-Clinical Double-Blind Controlled Study. Urol Journal. 2016.
- Juan R. de Xammar, M. Cristina Donnamaría. Pharmacological Action, Biophysicochemical and Dynamic Structure of Vitamin C. Acta Farm. Buenos Aires. 2005.
- Munday JS, McKinnon H, Aberdein D, Collett MG, Parton K, Thompson KG. Cystitis, pyelonephritis, and urolithiasis in rats accidentally fed a diet deficient in vitamin A. J Am Assoc Lab Anim Sci. 2009.
- Reyes-Munguía D. Zavala-Cuevas A. Alonso-Martínez. Parsley (Petroselinum Crispum): Chemical compounds and applications. Academic Research Journal. Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí. 2012.
- Vicariotto F. Effectiveness of an association of a cranberry dry extract, D-mannose, and the two microorganisms Lactobacillus plantarum LP01 and Lactobacillus paracasei LPC09 in women affected by cystitis: a pilot study. J Clin Gastroenterol. 2014
- Micali S, Isgro G, Bianchi G, Miceli N, Calapai G, Navarra M. Cranberry and recurrent cystitis: more than marketing? Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr. 2014.