- Main sectors of economic activity
- Primary sector
- Secondary sector
- Third sector
- 10 farm products
- Vegetables
- Fruits
- Cereals
- Manure
- Plants
- Corn
- Eggs
- Meat
- Natural fiber
- Crafts
- 12 products of the city
- Buildings
- Car
- Plastics
- Television
- Mobile phones
- Cosmetics
- Computer
- Clothes
- Pharmaceutical products
- Home appliances
- Industrialized food
- Culture and entertainment
- References
The products of the countryside and the city are those destined to shape the environment of consumption and well-being of the individual. Previously, economic activity was classically divided into three specific sectors: primary sector, secondary sector and tertiary sector.
At present, technological empowerment has gained a place within this classification, as well as the sector related to education, entertainment, culture and art, although these are not considered lucrative activities.
The buildings are typical products of the cities. Source: pixabay.com
The former would become the quaternary sector and the quinary sector, respectively. It is worth noting that a production process is carried out in each of the aforementioned sectors.
This structure of the economic sector gives way to more specific divisions determined by the nature of the activity. Specialized sectors include service, construction, transportation, agriculture, industrial, financial, commercial, energy and communication, among others.
The rural economy is related to life in the country, while the urban economy refers to everything related to the city. According to the main sectors of economic activity, the rural economy is the primary sector while the secondary and tertiary sector is the environment to which the urban economy is circumscribed.
Main sectors of economic activity
Primary sector
Activities are carried out to transform natural resources into basic products, which will later be used as raw material in industry processes.
Here we find forestry activities, agriculture, livestock, mining, hunting, fishing, beekeeping, aquaculture and pisiculture.
Secondary sector
This sector is responsible for the transformation of primary products into new ones. Here are the artisanal, industrial and manufacturing areas.
The industrial sector includes that which is in charge of extraction (mining and oil), as well as the transformation industry that packages, bottles and handles the raw material obtained in the primary sector.
Third sector
It is the sector dedicated to offering private and collective services (both to individuals and to society in general and to companies).
These services are related to industry, the field, and various business services. It ranges from small businesses to financial elites, and even the state.
This sector manages the productive activity of the other sectors and facilitates them. Its essential role is to distribute and stimulate the consumption of the products obtained in the industrialization process.
In accordance with the above, the field is perfectly located in the primary and secondary sectors, while the city is concentrated in the tertiary sector. However, part of the secondary sector (the industrial sector) can also have its seat in the urban area.
10 farm products
The countryside provides products both to its inhabitants and to the rest of the populations, including the city.
Most of these inputs are within the area of food and some raw materials to produce derivatives. Among the most common we find the following:
Group of plants that are generally cultivated in orchards and plots. They are foods for consumption that can be cooked or raw. Vegetables are considered to be legumes and vegetables.
They are generally taken from the countryside to the city, although currently in the urban sector cultivation structures that emulate the fields are being implemented.
They are fruits with a bitter or sweet taste and intense aroma that are born from wild plants or cultivated in the fields and that are edible. They provide a large percentage of water and very few calories.
They are grass plants that are grown for their grains. They are almost never woody stems; rather they are usually herbaceous.
Rye, rice, wheat, oats and rye are some of the most common and consumed cereals.
It is obtained from the collection of animal excrement and is used as a fertilizer in the process of cultivating the soils.
Once the animal's body has absorbed the necessary amount of nutrients from the food it consumes, it expels the rest, generating organic compounds.
They are living beings that can produce their own food and have a very important job for the planet. Thousands of varieties of plants are grown in the field: fruit trees, with flowers, without flowers, trees and grasses, among others.
It is a plant with a hard, long and straight stem that alternates elongated leaves. The bunches are the male part while the ears are the female part.
Hundreds of seeds are grouped placed on a hard center. Corn is a plant that belongs to the group of cereals.
They are from birds, rich in vitamins and minerals. When consumed, it provides protein and amino acids, and they have a large amount of albumin, which is involved in the production and reconstruction of tissues.
They are the most extensive source of proteins, minerals and fats in the human diet. They are obtained from mammalian and oviparous animals.
This product reaches the towns after the domestication and breeding of some animals that will later be slaughtered in order to make cuts for consumption.
Natural fiber
This product comes from plants and some animals. It is regularly used as a raw material (cotton, leather, silk, wool) for the production of fabrics and fabrics that will later be used for making clothes and shoes, among other elements.
They are decorative products, of ritual and utilitarian uses that are made with simple techniques and with materials such as clay, natural fiber, wood and organic material.
In principle, they represent part of the culture of the peoples; Over time, handicrafts were incorporated into the economic sector to be commercialized in the city.
12 products of the city
The city supplies products that have already been made, which have undergone a process of refinement and industrialization and are ready for distribution and commercialization.
A large part of these products come from the transformation of the raw material. Among the most common we find the following.
Constructions used to be used as houses, shops or temples, among other uses, with a vertical structure and with more than one level or floor.
They are the most faithful representation of the urban environment, since cities are characterized by various works of this type, especially those that are intended for housing.
They are vehicles that use fuel and that are used to transport both goods and people within urban roads.
It is an object that went from being a luxury to a basic necessity, since distances in cities are long and the speed of urban life requires certain facilities.
It is a malleable material made of synthetic and semi-synthetic compounds that can be transformed into solid objects in different ways.
It is very useful in industry and construction, as well as in the industrial consumer area, a sector that includes activities normally carried out in the city.
Television is a means of communication. For many years it was the main means of transmitting information; It currently competes strongly with computers and mobile phones, but it still stands out as one of the most mass media.
The entertainment industry has been able to take advantage of this home appliance to bring information and diverse content around the world.
Mobile phones
They are telephony devices that work wirelessly in a portable way, and allow communication between people within the service coverage area.
Calls can be made or received from anywhere. Mobile phones have become indispensable work tools in the city.
These products are part of the individual-society dynamic, in which relationships and the search for physical and emotional health take place.
Cosmetics are used in personal hygiene and as elements to improve appearance, in order to achieve acceptance, attraction and the satisfaction of expectations.
Work tool that facilitates access to information and, thanks to the Internet, shortens distances through virtual contacts.
It has the characteristic of dynamizing the operations of companies. The incorporation of computers has defined a before and after in humanity and its technological evolution.
Clothing is one of the most characteristic products of the city. The textile and footwear industry generates millions of pieces and shoes destined to dress people to protect them from the weather, as well as to define psychosocial and sociocultural elements. It is one of the products that generates the most jobs in the city.
Pharmaceutical products
Pharmaceutical products are manufactured in laboratories generally located in cities, where they are subjected to consumption and distribution controls.
They are primarily intended for medical institutions in order to support individuals in the maintenance and restoration of their physical health.
Home appliances
They are products designed to facilitate the preparation of food at home and also to clean it.
They consist of small blenders, cutters, grinders or toasters that speed up the food preparation process, as well as polishers, cutters and sweepers, among others, that allow the care and maintenance of spaces, even in businesses, industries and other establishments. besides the home.
Industrialized food
This type of food is processed with chemical components called preservatives, which alter their properties and flavors in order to make them more durable and so that they can be transported over long distances.
Some of the best known are soft drinks, packaged juices, canned juices, so-called snacks or sweets and, especially, fast foods.
Culture and entertainment
This is a product that over time has become one of the most prominent businesses in cities. Musical shows, cinema, theater, museums, amusement parks and other activities of the same type are part of an industry that characterizes urban populations.
- "Production sectors" in Wikipedia. Retrieved on June 2, 2019 from Wikipedia: es.wikipedia.org
- "Country-City Relationship" in La garbancita ecológica. Retrieved on June 3, 2019 from La garbancita ecológica: lagarbancitaecologica.org
- "Economic sectors" in Socialhizo. Retrieved on June 3, 2019 from Socialhizo: socialhizo.com
- "Agricultural product" in Wikipedia. Retrieved on June 2, 2019 from Wikipedia: es.wikipedia.org
- "Food from the country" on Cool Food Planet. Retrieved on June 2, 2019 from Cool Food Planet: es.coolfoodplanet.org