- 10 of the most interesting animals in Madagascar
- Hapalemur
- Aye Aye
- Trachelophorus giraffa
- Malagasy porrón
- Sifaca of Verreaux
- Indri
- Blue cúa
- Pit
- Satanic Leaftail Gecko
- Panther chameleon
- References
Some of the most representative animals of Madagascar are the hapalemur, aye-aye porrón, Malagasy, the Verreaux sifaka, the blue cúa, the Indri and the fossa.
The fact that Madagascar is a large island, separated from the African geographical continent, generated that the species that developed in Madagascar have evolved with unique characteristics.
10 of the most interesting animals in Madagascar
Because Madagascar is an island and developed its own biodiversity in the region, the species that are going to be found will be very different from the rest of the world.
The hapalemur, commonly known as the bamboo lemur, is a species of lemur found in the forests of Madagascar only, which feeds on bamboo.
Aye Aye
The aye-aye are another species of lemur that can be found in Madagascar. It feeds on insects and larvae.
Many people consider that aye-aye can bring bad luck, in the same way as black cats, so they kill them. This has as a result that the aye-aye is currently in danger of extinction.
Trachelophorus giraffa
This is a species of coleoptera that lives only in Madagascar. It has a body with a very peculiar shape, similar to that of a giraffe.
It has a deep red belly and its head is widely separated from its belly by a relatively long neck.
Malagasy porrón
This is one of the rarest duck species in the world and they are endemic to Madagascar.
In 2006 it had been declared extinct, however, later 20 individuals of this species appeared. Currently, they are in a state of conservation, with a population of 100 ducks.
Sifaca of Verreaux
The famous Verreaux sifaca is one of the most emblematic animals of Madagascar.
This white primate is also recognized as the dancing sifaca, and is another of the several types of lemur that can be found in Madagascar.
The indri is another species of lemur in Madagascar. It has a black and white fur.
This animal is herbivorous, it feeds on fruits and plants. Currently, the indri is in danger of extinction due to damage to its habitat.
Blue cúa
The blue cúa is another of the endemic species of Madagascar.
This bird is royal blue in color, with a variation around the eyes where it has a bright blue color. This bird is so unique that it has not described any type of subspecies.
The graves are mammals that can be found in Madagascar. They are carnivores, with an appearance that resembles a cross between a dog and a cougar.
Satanic Leaftail Gecko
It is a species of gecko, also endemic to Madagascar. It is recognized by the shape of its tail, which is very similar to a leaf, so it can be camouflaged very well in the forest.
Panther chameleon
Madagascar is home to about half of the chameleon species in the world. Among them, is the panther chameleon, characteristic of Madagascar.
This animal is recognized for its ability to change color. Among the colorations that this chameleon presents, many are typical of its habitat.
- "10 Amazing Animals Found Only In Madagascar" in: The Mysterious World. Retrieved: November 25, 2017 from The Mysterious World: themysteriousworld.com.
- "The Real Animals of Madagascar" in: Wild Madagascar. Retrieved on: November 25, 2017 from Wild Madagascar: wildmadagascar.org.
- "Leaf-tailed Gecko" (January 9, 2017) in: AZ Animals. Retrieved on: November 25, 2017 from AZ Animals: az-animals.com.
- McLeod, L. “Panther Chameleon” (23 August 2017) in: The Spruce. Retrieved on November 25, 2017 from The Spruce: thespruce.com.
- Bates, M. "The Creature Feature: 10 Fun Facts About the Fossa" (January 5, 2015) in Wired. Retrieved on November 25, 2017 from Wired: wired.com.