- History
- Antiquity
- Isolation
- Physical and chemical properties
- Physical appearance
- Molar mass
- Atomic number (Z)
- Melting point
- Boiling point
- Autoignition temperature
- Density
- Heat of fusion
- Heat of vaporization
- Molar heat capacity
- Electronegativity
- Ionization energies
- Atomic radio
- Covalent radius
- Mohs hardness
- Magnetic order
- Thermal conductivity
- Electrical resistivity
- Solubility
- Decomposition
- Chemical reactions
- Isotopes
- Structure and electronic configuration
- Oxidation numbers
- How is it obtained
- Raw material
- Calcination
- Pyrometallurgical process
- Electrolytic process
- Risks
- Applications
- - Metal
- Alloys
- Reducing agent
- Miscellaneous
- - Compounds
- Sulfide
- Oxide
- Nutritional supplement
- Biological role
- In carbonic anhydrase and carboxypeptidase
- In prostate functioning
- Zinc fingers
- In the regulation of glutamate
- References
The zinc is a transition metal belonging to group 12 of the periodic table and is represented by the chemical symbol Zn. It is the 24th element in abundance in the earth's crust, found in sulfur minerals, such as sphalerite, or carbonates, such as smitsonite.
It is a metal highly known in popular culture; zinc roofs are an example, as are supplements to regulate male hormones. It is found in many foods and is an essential element for countless metabolic processes. There are several benefits of its moderate intake compared to the negative effects of its excess in the body.
Zinc alloy roof of the Riverside Museum. Source: Eoin
Zinc has been known long before its silver color galvanized steels and other metals. Brass, an alloy of varied composition of copper and zinc, has been a part of historical objects for thousands of years. Today its golden color is often seen in some musical instruments.
Likewise, it is a metal with which alkaline batteries are made, since its reducing power and ease of donating electrons makes it a good option as an anodic material. Its main use is to galvanize steels, coating them with a layer of zinc that oxidizes or sacrifices to prevent the iron underneath from later corroding.
In its derivative compounds, it almost always has an oxidation number or state of +2. Therefore, the Zn 2+ ion is considered to be enveloped by molecular or ionic environments. Although Zn 2+ is a Lewis acid that can cause problems within cells, coordinated with other molecules it interacts positively with enzymes and DNA.
Thus, zinc is an important cofactor for many metallo-enzymes. Despite its enormously important biochemistry, and the brilliance of its greenish flashes and flames when burning, within the world of science it is considered a “boring” metal; since, its properties lack the attractiveness of other metals, as well as its melting point is considerably lower than theirs.
Zinc has been manipulated for thousands of years; but in an unnoticed way, since ancient civilizations, including the Persians, Romans, Transylvanians and Greeks, already made objects, coins and brass weapons.
Therefore, brass is one of the oldest known alloys. They prepared it from the mineral calamine, Zn 4 Si 2 O 7 (OH) 2 · H 2 O, which they ground and heated in the presence of wool and copper.
During the process, the small amounts of metallic zinc that might have formed escaped as vapor, a fact that delayed its identification as a chemical element for years. As the centuries passed, the brass and other alloys increased their zinc content, looking more grayish.
In the fourteenth century, in India, they had already managed to produce metallic zinc, which they called Jasada and were then trading it with China.
And so the alchemists were able to acquire it to carry out their experiments. It was the renowned historical figure Paracelsus who named it 'zincum', possibly from the resemblance between zinc crystals and teeth. Little by little, in the midst of other names and various cultures, the name 'zinc' ended up curdling for this metal.
Although India already produced metallic zinc since the 1300s, this came from the method that used calamine with wool; therefore, it was not a metallic sample of considerable purity. William Champion improved on this method in 1738, Great Britain, using a vertical retort furnace.
In 1746, the German chemist Andreas Sigismund Marggraf obtained for the "first time" a sample of pure zinc by heating calamine in the presence of charcoal (a better reducing agent than wool), inside a container with copper. This way of producing zinc developed commercially and in parallel with Champion's.
Later, processes were developed that finally became independent of calamine, using zinc oxide instead; in other words, very similar to the current pyrometallurgical process. The furnaces also improved, being able to produce increasing amounts of zinc.
Until then, there was still no application that required huge amounts of zinc; but that changed with the contributions of Luigi Galvani and Alessandro Volta, who gave way to the concept of galvanization. Volta also came up with what is known as a galvanic cell, and zinc was soon part of the design of dry cells.
Physical and chemical properties
Physical appearance
It is a grayish metal, usually available in granular or powder form. It is physically weak, so it is not a good choice for applications where it must support heavy objects.
Likewise, it is brittle, although when heated above 100 ºC it becomes malleable and ductile; up to 250 ºC, temperature at which it becomes brittle and sprayable again.
Molar mass
65.38 g / mol
Atomic number (Z)
Melting point
419.53 ° C. This low melting point is indicative of its weak metallic bond. When melted it has an appearance similar to liquid aluminum.
Boiling point
907 ºC
Autoignition temperature
460 ºC
-7.14 g / mL at room temperature
-6.57 g / mL at melting point, that is, just when melting or melting
Heat of fusion
7.32 kJ / mol
Heat of vaporization
115 kJ / mol
Molar heat capacity
25,470 J / (mol K)
1.65 on the Pauling scale
Ionization energies
-First: 906.4 kJ / mol (Zn + gas)
-Second: 1733.3 kJ / mol (Zn 2+ gaseous)
-Third: 3833 kJ / mol (Zn 3+ gaseous)
Atomic radio
Empirical 134 pm
Covalent radius
122 ± 4 pm
Mohs hardness
2.5. This value is considerably lower compared to the hardness of other transition metals, that is, tungsten.
Magnetic order
Thermal conductivity
116 W / (m K)
Electrical resistivity
59 nΩm at 20 ° C
It is insoluble in water as long as its oxide layer protects it. Once it is removed by the attack of an acid or a base, the zinc ends up reacting with the water to form the complex aqueous, Zn (OH 2) 6 2+, placing the Zn 2+ in the center of a limited octahedron by water molecules.
When it burns, it can release toxic ZnO particles into the air. In the process, a greenish flame and glowing light are observed.
Chemical reactions
Reaction between zinc and sulfur inside a crucible where the greenish-blue color of the flames is appreciated. Source: Eoin
Zinc is a reactive metal. At room temperature it can not only be covered by an oxide layer, but also by basic carbonate, Zn 5 (OH) 6 (CO 3) 2, or even sulfur, ZnS. When this layer of varied composition is destroyed by the attack of an acid, the metal reacts:
Zn (s) + H 2 SO 4 (aq) → Zn 2+ (aq) + SO 4 2− (aq) + H 2 (g)
Chemical equation corresponding to its reaction with sulfuric acid and:
Zn (s) + 4 HNO 3 (aq) → Zn (NO 3) 2 (aq) + 2 NO 2 (g) + 2 H 2 O (l)
With hydrochloric acid. In both cases, although not written, the complex aqueous Zn (OH 2) 6 2+ is present; except if the medium is basic, since it precipitates as zinc hydroxide, Zn (OH) 2:
Zn 2+ (aq) + 2OH - (aq) → Zn (OH) 2 (s)
Which is a white, amorphous and amphoteric hydroxide, capable of continuing to react with more OH - ions:
Zn (OH) 2 (s) + 2OH - (aq) → Zn (OH) 4 2- (aq)
Zn (OH) 4 2- is the zincate anion. In fact, when zinc reacts with such a strong base, such as concentrated NaOH, the sodium zincate complex, Na 2, is produced directly:
Zn (s) + 2NaOH (aq) + 2H 2 O (l) → Na 2 (aq) + H 2 (g)
Likewise, zinc can react with non-metallic elements, such as halogens in the gaseous state or sulfur:
Zn (s) + I 2 (g) → ZnI 2 (s)
Zn (s) + S (s) → ZnS (s) (upper image)
Zinc exists in nature as five isotopes: 64 Zn (49.2%), 66 Zn (27.7%), 68 Zn (18.5%), 67 Zn (4%) and 70 Zn (0.62 %). The others are synthetic and radioactive.
Structure and electronic configuration
Zinc atoms crystallize into a compact but distorted hexagonal structure (hcp), a product of their metallic bond. The valence electrons that govern such interactions are, according to the electron configuration, those belonging to the 3d and 4s orbitals:
3d 10 4s 2
Both orbitals are completely filled with electrons, so their overlap is not very effective, even when the zinc nuclei exert an attractive force on them.
Consequently, the Zn atoms are not very cohesive, a fact reflected in their low melting point (419.53 ºC) compared to other transition metals. In fact, this is a characteristic of group 12 metals (along with mercury and cadmium), so they sometimes question whether they really should be considered elements of block d.
Despite the 3d and 4s orbitals being full, zinc is a good conductor of electricity; therefore, its valence electrons can "jump" into the conduction band.
Oxidation numbers
It is impossible for zinc to lose its twelve valence electrons or have an oxidation number or state of +12, assuming the existence of the Zn 12+ cation. Instead, it loses only two of its electrons; specifically those of the 4s orbital, behaving in a similar way to alkaline earth metals (Mr. Becambara).
When this happens, zinc is said to participate in the compound with an oxidation number or state of +2; that is, assuming the existence of the Zn 2+ cation. For example, in its oxide, ZnO, zinc has this oxidation number (Zn 2+ O 2-). The same applies to many other compounds, coming to think that only Zn (II) exists.
However, there is also Zn (I) or Zn +, which has lost only one of the electrons from the 4s orbital. Another possible oxidation number for zinc is 0 (Zn 0), where its neutral atoms interact with gaseous or organic molecules. Therefore, it can be presented as Zn 2+, Zn + or Zn 0.
How is it obtained
Raw material
Sphalerite mineral sample from Romania. Source: James St. John
Zinc is in the twenty-fourth position of the most abundant elements in the earth's crust. It is generally found in sulfur minerals, distributed throughout the planet.
To obtain the metal in its pure form, it is first necessary to collect the rocks located in underground tunnels and concentrate the minerals rich in zinc, which represent the true raw material.
These minerals include: sphalerite or wurzite (ZnS), zincite (ZnO), willemite (Zn 2 SiO 4), smitsonite (ZnCO 3) and gahnite (ZnAl 2 O 4). Sphalerite is by far the main source of zinc.
Once the mineral has been concentrated after a process of flotation and rock purification, it must be calcined to transform the sulphides into their respective ones. In this step, the mineral is simply heated in the presence of oxygen, developing the following chemical reaction:
2 ZnS (s) + 3 O 2 (g) → 2 ZnO (s) + 2 SO 2 (g)
SO 2 also reacts with oxygen to generate SO 3, a compound destined for the synthesis of sulfuric acid.
Once the ZnO has been obtained, it can undergo either a pyrometallurgical process, or electrolysis, where the end result is the formation of metallic zinc.
Pyrometallurgical process
ZnO is reduced using coal (mineral or coke) or carbon monoxide:
2 ZnO (s) + C (s) → 2 Zn (g) + CO 2 (g)
ZnO (s) + CO (g) → Zn (g) + CO 2 (g)
The difficulty faced by this process is the generation of gaseous zinc, due to its low boiling point, which is overcome by the high temperatures of the furnace. That is why zinc vapors must be distilled and separated from the other gases, while their crystals condense on molten lead.
Electrolytic process
Of the two methods of obtaining it, this is the most widely used worldwide. ZnO reacts with dilute sulfuric acid to leach out zinc ions as its sulfate salt:
ZnO (s) + H 2 SO 4 (aq) → ZnSO 4 (aq) + H 2 O (l)
Finally this solution is electrolyzed to generate metallic zinc:
2 ZnSO 4 (aq) + 2 H 2 O (l) → 2 Zn (s) + 2 H 2 SO 4 (aq) + O 2 (g)
In the subsection on chemical reactions it was mentioned that hydrogen gas is one of the main products when zinc reacts with water. That is why, in the metallic state, it must be properly stored and out of the reach of acids, bases, water, sulfur or any source of heat; otherwise, there is a risk of fire.
The finer the zinc is divided, the greater the risk of fire or even explosion.
Otherwise, as long as the temperature is not close to 500 ºC, its solid or granular form does not represent any danger. If it is covered by a layer of oxide, it can be handled with bare hands, since it does not react with their humidity; however, like any solid, it is irritating to the eyes and respiratory tract.
Although zinc is essential for health, an excess dose can cause the following symptoms or side effects:
- Nausea, vomiting, indigestion, headaches and stomach or diarrhea.
- It displaces copper and iron during their absorption in the intestine, which is reflected in increasing weaknesses in the extremities.
- Kidney stones.
- Loss of sense of smell.
- Metal
Many musical instruments are made of brass, a copper and zinc alloy. Source: Pxhere.
Perhaps zinc is one of the metals, along with copper, that forms the most popular alloys: brass and galvanized iron. Brass has been observed on numerous occasions during a musical orchestra, as the golden glow of the instruments is due in part to the said alloy of copper and zinc.
Metallic zinc itself does not have many uses, although rolled up it serves as the anode of dry cells, and in powder form it is intended as a reducing agent. When a layer of this metal is electrodeposited on another, the former protects the latter from corrosion as it is more susceptible to oxidation; that is, zinc oxidizes before iron.
This is why steels are galvanized (coated with zinc) to increase their durability. Examples of these galvanized steels are also present in endless “zinc” roofs, some of which come with a coat of green paint, and in bus bodies, household utensils and suspension bridges.
There is also aluzinc, an aluminum-zinc alloy used in civil constructions.
Reducing agent
Zinc is a good reducing agent, so it loses its electrons for another species to gain; especially a metal cation. When in powder form, its reducing action is even faster than that of solid granules.
It is used in the processes of obtaining metals from their minerals; such as rhodium, silver, cadmium, gold and copper.
Likewise, its reducing action is used to reduce organic species, which may be involved in the oil industry, such as benzene and gasoline, or in the pharmaceutical industry. On the other hand, zinc dust also finds application in alkaline zinc-manganese dioxide batteries.
Because of its reactivity and more energetic combustion, zinc dust finds use as an additive in match heads, in explosives and fireworks (they impart white flashes and greenish flames).
- Compounds
Clock with phosphorescent paint on the hands and hours. Source: Francis Flinch
Zinc sulfide has the property of being phosphorescent and luminescent, which is why it is used in the production of luminous paints.
The white color of its oxide, as well as its semi and photo conductivity, is used as a pigment for ceramics and papers. In addition, it is present in talc, cosmetics, rubbers, plastics, fabrics, medicines, inks, and enamels.
Nutritional supplement
Our body needs zinc to fulfill many of its vital functions. To acquire it, it is incorporated in some nutritional supplements in the form of oxide, gluconate or acetate. It is also present in creams to relieve burns and skin irritations, and in shampoos.
Some benefits known or associated with taking zinc are:
- Improves the immune system.
- It is a good anti-inflammatory.
- Reduces the annoying symptoms of the common cold.
- Prevents cell damage in the retina, so it is recommended for vision.
- It helps regulate testosterone levels and is also associated with men's fertility, the quality of their sperm and the development of muscle tissue.
- Regulates the interactions between brain neurons, which is why it is linked to improvements in memory and learning.
-And also, it is effective in the treatment of diarrhea.
These zinc supplements are commercially available as capsules, tablets, or syrups.
Biological role
In carbonic anhydrase and carboxypeptidase
Zinc is thought to be part of 10% of the total enzymes in the human body, approximately 300 enzymes. Among them, carbonic anhydrase and carboxypeptidase can be mentioned.
Carbonic anhydrase, a zinc-dependent enzyme, acts at the tissue level by catalyzing the reaction of carbon dioxide with water to form bicarbonate. When the bicarbonate reaches the lungs, the enzyme reverses the reaction and carbon dioxide is formed, which is expelled to the outside during expiration.
Carboxypeptidase is an exopeptidase that digests proteins, releasing amino acids. Zinc works by supplying a positive charge that facilitates the interaction of the enzyme with the protein it is digesting.
In prostate functioning
Zinc is present in different organs of the human body, but it has the highest concentration in the prostate and in semen. Zinc is responsible for the proper functioning of the prostate and the development of the male reproductive organs.
Zinc fingers
Zinc is involved in the metabolism of RNA and DNA. Zinc fingers (Zn-fingers) consist of zinc atoms that serve as bridges between proteins, which together are involved in various functions.
Zinc fingers are useful in reading, writing, and transcription of DNA. In addition, there are hormones that use them in functions associated with growth homeostasis throughout the body.
In the regulation of glutamate
Glutamate is the main excitatory neurotransmitter in the cerebral cortex and brainstem. Zinc accumulates in glutaminergic presynaptic vesicles, intervening in the regulation of the release of the neurotransmitter glutamate and in neuronal excitability.
There is evidence that an exaggerated release of the neurotransmitter glutamate may have a neurotoxic action. Therefore, there are mechanisms that regulate its release. Zinc homeostasis thus plays an important role in the functional regulation of the nervous system.
- Shiver & Atkins. (2008). Inorganic chemistry. (Fourth edition). Mc Graw Hill.
- Wikipedia. (2019). Zinc. Recovered from: en.wikipedia.org
- Michael Pilgaard. (2016, July 16). Zinc: chemical reactions. Recovered from: pilgaardelements.com
- National Center for Biotechnology Information. (2019). Zinc. PubChem Database. CID = 23994. Recovered from: pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
- Wojes Ryan. (June 25, 2019). The Properties and Uses of Zinc Metal. Recovered from: thebalance.com
- Mr. Kevin A. Boudreaux. (sf). Zinc + Sulfur. Recovered from: angelo.edu
- Alan W. Richards. (April 12, 2019). Zinc processing. Encyclopædia Britannica. Recovered from: britannica.com
- Purity Zinc Metals. (2015). Industry applications. Recovered from: purityzinc.com
- Nordqvist, J. (December 5, 2017). What are the health benefits of zinc? Medical News Today. Recovered from: medicalnewstoday.com