- Characteristics of material values
- Examples of material values
- Smartphones: Powerful Material Values Today
- Essential
- Themes of interest
- References
The material values are those related to acquired objects that become elements that could define the personality of individuals, since they reflect their tastes, preferences, feelings, needs and even their behavior.
Basic material values include food, shelter, clothing, money, and medicine. All these are essential for the satisfaction of the primary needs of individuals.
In many cases, material values reflect status and power. Source: pixabay.com
In addition to material values, within the range of values that make up our existence and shape us socially, family, religious, personal, social and political, among others, stand out.
A material good becomes value when it becomes essential for the person, when it means something beyond the object itself, when the individual adds emotional or sentimental aspects, or when it represents a condition that may be associated with power or status., to mention a few examples.
Material values allow man to protect himself, maintain himself, express himself, meet his main needs and have a comfortable life. They facilitate their activities, and in many cases represent their condition and position within society.
It should be noted that material values can become a vice, and those who allow themselves to be dominated by the power of possession may be willing to break morals and ethics to obtain at any cost what they apparently cannot live without.
This extreme situation has social implications that threaten balance and peace, both our own and collective.
Characteristics of material values
-They are tangible. This means that they can be perceived through the senses; that is, it is possible to see and touch them.
-It is about exchange values. The individual can relate and receive other things in exchange for what she offers, always considering what her needs are.
-Give status. The consumer society supports the value of the individual related to what he has and what it costs him.
-They are needed. These values allow to identify and cover the needs, preferences and tastes, placing the individual within a sociocultural profile.
-They depend on society and culture. Each sociocultural entity manages a set of material values that define it and that are a reference for the individual who lives in it. It is the job of each entity to establish what are the values that govern the status and position of its community, considering its ethical and moral principles and its beliefs.
-They can change in time. Due to the change of self-interests of societies, what is supremely important at a time in life can lose value, or be exchanged for another object that in new situations is more in line with what we need or value at that time.
- They are expendable. There are objects that are given a lot of value at one point in life and that we later abandon without affecting our behavior or personality.
-Modify behaviors. Sometimes, having an object that strengthens the ego or self-esteem manages to produce a change that can be perceived as positive in behavior. In these situations, such an object can even fill the individual's actions with security or arrogance.
-They represent feelings and beliefs. Many people feel supported, cared for and safe when they carry an object that represents an idea of power or protection, which is a reflection of the great value they place on it.
-They allow them to survive. Basic material values such as food, shelter and clothing, among others, are essential to survive in different environments and climates.
-They are useful. They facilitate day-to-day life and allow one to perceive well-being and quality of life through physical sensations of pleasure, comfort and joy. Their usefulness is one of the elements that makes them so valuable.
-Some can be dangerous. Since they come to modify behaviors, they could lead the individual out of the way of moral and ethical values, and support or justify unconstructive actions.
-Caducan. Certain material values lose importance over time because they do not transcend before technological advances and the evolution of humanity.
Examples of material values
-Living place.
-Inheritance (in money or objects).
-Study implements (school supplies, books).
-Products for personal use.
Smartphones: Powerful Material Values Today
Currently, technology has undermined the lives of more than 90% of individuals in the world. Smartphones and tablets have replaced a considerable amount of material objects, to the point where they have become an exhibition value and a necessity.
For example, it could be said that at this moment in the material aspect, smartphones are the object of greatest value to the common individual. The current dynamics and the new ways of relating to each other have given mobile phones a prominent place in today's society.
It is indisputable that its implications in factors and environments such as family, emotional, work and social have transcended to levels in which even life and death come together in the process of having one of these or not.
On many occasions, the greatest demonstrations of affection between parents and children are limited by the fact that they make an effort to provide their children with a cell phone, turning it into an affective exchange value.
The social networks that are consumed through applications within these operating systems define the sentimental life of many of their users. They even allow those who are not experts in showing their feelings to express themselves from an alter ego that "protects" them from a situation that they find difficult to handle personally.
In the era of telecommunications, it is an essential device, because it keeps those who are far united, although paradoxically it can alienate those who are close.
There is a great difference between those who own a Smartphone or not, although the fact that it is an artifact that can bring social sectors of different strata closer together is incredible, since acquiring a device with the latest technology is available to different social and economic profiles.
Themes of interest
Types of securities.
Human values.
Universal values.
Sociocultural values.
Spiritual values.
Aesthetic values.
Intellectual values.
Instrumental values.
Political values.
Cultural values.
Hierarchy of values.
Priority values.
Personal values.
Transcendental values.
Objective values.
Vital values.
Ethical values.
Priority values.
Religious values.
Civic values.
Social values.
- Byron, M. “What are material values? Is it the same as materialism? " at VatechSR Values and Personal Development. Retrieved on March 9, 2019 from VatechSR: vatechsr.com.ve
- Torres Arturo. "The 10 types of values: Principles that govern our lives" in Psychology and Mind. Retrieved on March 9, 2019 from Psychology and Mind: psicologiaymente.com
- Puente, R. and Cavazos, J. "Material values: a study of some antecedents and consequences" in Scielo. Retrieved on March 9, 2019 from Scielo: scielo.org
- Lado, N. and Villanueva, M. "Material values in consumer behavior: an exploratory study of young people" at the Library of the Carlos III University of Madrid. Retrieved on March 9, 2019 from the Library of the Carlos III University of Madrid: e-archivo.uc3m.es
- Ratzinger, J. "When Material Values Make Positive Sense" in Catholic. Retrieved on March 9, 2019 from Catholic: catholic.net