The typical costume of Zacatecas is used in the dances and cultural manifestations of this region of Mexico. It has its origin in the 19th century and its colors symbolize different elements of the culture of Zacatecas.
The typical costume is no longer as used as in previous times, due to the implantation of Western culture in the region.
However, it is still relatively common to see it in official celebrations and typical state holidays.
The inhabitants of the region try to keep their traditions alive. As a consequence, the tourist can observe the typical costumes in celebrations such as the tamborazo, which is celebrated in the capital in December.
You may also be interested in the history of Zacatecas or its traditions and customs.
Main features
As in many other regions of the world, the typical costume of men and women presents great differences.
Despite sharing the same colors and a traditional style, each one features a typically masculine or feminine cut.
Typical male costume
The man's suit in the state of Zacatecas consists of three different garments.
The first is a light colored campero pants, usually beige or cream. However, it is possible to find it in other less common colors.
The second garment is a white shirt with a high collar. Usually this shirt has embroidery on the chest area.
The last garment is a red jacket, with sleeves at the elbow. It is normally worn open and decorated with gold-colored buttons.
Finally, it is common for men to wear various accessories. The most common are leather ankle boots, a red tie or handkerchief around the neck, and a high top hat with a wide brim.
Traditionally, the typical male costume was used to show the social class to which the man belonged.
However, today it is common for all men to wear the same suit, regardless of their social or economic position.
Typical female costume
As is usual in the typical clothing of the states of Mexico, the typical costume of women presents more complexity than that of men.
In this case, the female suit consists of a red cloth skirt to match the man's jacket. This skirt is A-line in the front, and planks in the back.
The lower part of the skirt usually has a white lace embroidery with flowers. Usually the flowers are also red, to match the rest of the skirt.
The blouse is French cut, usually with a high neck and a narrow waist to the waist. It is usually white.
In the upper part it presents a kind of skirt that falls to the chest, and that ends with a lace of the same color.
This ruffle features an embroidery similar to that of the skirt. In this you can see the same red flowers from the bottom of the suit.
As footwear, women often wear high-top leather boots with a slight heel. It is also possible to find women with boots of another color, such as white or red.
- "Typical costume" in: Zacatecas in your hands. Retrieved on: November 7, 2017 from Zacatecas in your hands:
- "Typical costume for a woman - State of Zacatecas" in: Cibertareas. Retrieved on: November 7, 2017 from Cibertareas:
- "Typical man's suit - Zacatecas State" in: Cibertareas. Retrieved on: November 7, 2017 from Cibertareas:
- "Zacatecas" in: National Park Service. Retrieved on: November 7, 2017 from National Park Service:
- "Zacatecas" in: Wikipedia. Retrieved on: November 7, 2017 from Wikipedia: