The typical costume of Belize corresponds to the dress styles of the Central American peoples. For the women; Long, loose and fresh skirts, multiple colors and embroidered with flower prints. For the gentlemen; trousers and shirts of soft fabrics, and the traditional use of the hat and scarf.
Belize is located in the northeastern part of Central America, bordering Mexico, Guatemala and Honduras. With them he shared broad features of cultural identity, to the point of being the most widely spoken language in the north and in some western towns, ignoring English, the language that represents the official language.
Typical Belizean costume
The country that we know today as Belize, or Belize in English, was an area that belonged to the Mayan Empire. In its classic period, it was home to nearly 400,000 inhabitants throughout its territory.
It was under the rule of Spain and the so-called Baymen pirates. It was a colony of the British Crown in what is called British Honduras, until it finally achieved its independence in 1964.
Despite the fact that the English domain prevailed for a longer period of time, the identity of its inhabitants remained more linked to Mayan traditions, and later to the miscegenation with the Spanish culture.
This condition arises because although the English communities dominated the area, they did not mix with the aboriginal settlers, who represented mere workers for the English.
Main features
The typical costume of Belize bears a considerable resemblance to the forms of the costumes of the Central American peoples. They could almost be confused with the clothing of the Mexican indigenous communities.
For women long skirts, with multiple colors, embroidery and floral prints. For gentlemen, trousers and shirts in soft fabrics, with the usual use of a hat and a handkerchief.
In general, the color is what describes their typical clothing. Geometric and floral elements abound in feminine clothing pieces.
An essential part of women's clothing is the shirt or blouse, in which it is customary to add the so-called ruffles, which are adhesions of fabric in the form of a waterfall with lace decorations.
The premise with skirts is comfort. It is their entirety they are long and wide, allowing women to take them from the ends to manipulate them.
Decorative embroidered elements, pockets and in some cases ruffles are also inserted into them. In case the attention of the decoration is directed towards the blouse, the skirt can have striking colors such as blue or red.
Another characteristic element of women's clothing is the use of woven bags based on wool and in which beautiful geometric elements of multiple colors are captured.
For men, the suit consists of fresh black or white trousers, a white shirt, a handkerchief and a hat.
Another notorious combination is a white shirt and pants, a red sash at the waist with a long bow ending, and a white hat with black details.
Nowadays it is rare to find people who wear the typical costume as daily clothing. Its use was destined to commemorations and national or patronal holidays.
The communities that are located further north in the border region with Mexico, are those that still tend to wear these types of costumes because they belong to indigenous ethnic groups.
- Hennessy, H. (2003). Belize. Retrieved on December 17, 2017 from:
- Typical Belizean costume. Retrieved on December 17, 2017 from:
- Belize. Retrieved on December 17, 2017 from:
- Costume of Belize. Retrieved on December 17, 2017 from:
- Mayan culture in Belize. Retrieved on December 17, 2017 from: