- General characteristics
- Morphology
- Taxonomy
- Etymology
- Distribution and habitat
- Applications
- Handcrafted
- Building
- Cosmetology
- Wood
- Medicinal
- Melliferous
- Tannery
- Culture
- Plagues and diseases
- References
Swietenia macrophylla is a species of timber plant belonging to the Meliaceae family, native to the Mesoamerican intertropical regions. Known as mahogany, it is a very valuable tree, being of vital importance in the forest production of many Latin American countries.
Commonly referred to as mahogany, Honduran mahogany, mahogany, cobano, big leaf mahogany, southern mahogany, or Atlantic mahogany. By indigenous culture it is known by the autochthonous names of kanak-ché, mahonii, maccochuc-quiui, punab, rosadillo, tsulsul, tzopilo-cuahuitl, venadillo or zopílotl.
Mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla). Source: Forest & Kim Starr
Mahogany is a large tree that often reaches 20-40 m in height and 150-350 cm in diameter. It is characterized by the stem covered with a gray rough split bark, and pinnate and compound green leaves.
From mahogany a wood with fine finishes, workability and durability is obtained, being considered the best wood for cabinetmaking. It is used in the manufacture of furniture, musical instruments, interior decoration, moldings, veneers, panels and cabinetmaking in general.
General characteristics
Swietenia macrophylla is a deciduous perennial arboreal species that can reach 35-50 m up to 70 m in height. As well as a diameter at chest height between 1-2 m to 3.5 m in favorable conditions.
The tree is formed by a long and firm cylindrical trunk, crowned by an open and oval crown of robust branches with dense foliage. The cracked bark of smooth texture and gray when young, is scaly with dark tones in mature trees.
Mahogany tree bark (Swietenia macrophylla). Source: pixabay.com
The ramifications begin at a certain height, ascending and curving from 25 m in height. The inner bark is reddish or pink, fibrous and astringent, easily visible through the heavily fissured outer bark.
The alternate and paripinnate leaves 15-40 cm long are grouped in terminal position of 3-6 pairs of opposite leaflets. The mahogany tree is monoecious and its small male and female flowers are yellowish-green in color and have a pleasant aroma.
The fruit is a consistent capsule of oblong shape and reddish brown color 12-22 cm long. When dry they open into 4-5 valves containing numerous elongated, winged and very light seeds easily dispersed by the wind.
The wood of mahogany is solid, firm and heavy with a brown, reddish or wine red color, characteristic of the mahogany color. Wood has high industrial and commercial value in cabinetmaking, due to its fine and smooth grain, excellent workability and fine carving.
- Kingdom: Plantae
- Division: Magnoliophyta
- Class: Magnoliopsida
- Order: Sapindales
- Family: Meliaceae
- Genus: Swietenia
- Species: Swietenia macrophylla King 1886
Mahogany flowers (Swietenia macrophylla). Source: pixabay.com
- Swietenia: generic name in honor of the doctor of Dutch origin Gerard van Swieten.
- macrophylla: Latin adjective that means -of large leaves-.
Distribution and habitat
Mahogany is native to the region that runs from Yucatán to northern Veracruz in the Republic of Mexico. As well as on the Atlantic coast in Central America, Venezuela, Colombia, Bolivia, Peru and the western region of Brazil.
In Central America it is distributed naturally in southern Mexico, the Yucatan peninsula, Belize, the Atlantic coast of Guatemala, Nicaragua, Honduras, Costa Rica, the Pacific coast of Panama and Colombia, in Venezuela and the Peruvian, Brazilian and Bolivian Amazon.
This species has a great ability to adapt to various environmental conditions, which is why it has been introduced to South Florida. Similarly, in Puerto Rico, Cuba, the Virgin Islands, Trinidad and Tobago, India and various tropical countries, either in closed plantations or open fields.
Mahogany seeds (Swietenia macrophylla). Source: Fred Almeida2016
Its natural habitats are tropical evergreen, deciduous and sub-deciduous forests and gallery forests, along streams and slopes. This species is located in low elevation sites at sea level up to high mountain areas above 1,500 meters above sea level.
Regarding water requirements, it tolerates abundant rainfall and short dry periods, in a range of 1,500-4,200 mm per year. It grows in various topographical conditions, from flat terrain to areas with steep and unstable slopes, on soil of different textures, but with good drainage.
It develops best in soils of calcareous or alluvial origin, deep and not very swampy, with well-drained slopes. It adapts to average temperatures of 23-28º C with extreme ranges of 11º and 37º C, either in humid or dry climates.
Today it is a rare species in natural forests. Indeed, due to its high commercial value, it is one of the main species indiscriminately felled for industrial and commercial purposes.
Mahogany leaves (Swietenia macrophylla). Source: JMGarg
The wood and the fruit of the mahogany are used to make handicrafts due to their easy malleability and turning. Among the elaborated pieces, toys, musical instruments or handicrafts are obtained; the nuts are used as a complement to the pieces of wood.
The wooden columns or beams are used for the construction of rural houses, corrals, or arches. In addition, the wood is used for the production of firm and good quality mangoes and agricultural implements.
Mahogany seeds contain 10-30% essential oils that are useful for the cosmetics industry.
The Swietenia macrophylla species is a high quality timber plant with high industrial and commercial potential. The reddish-brown-mahogany wood is firm, hard and heavy with fine grains and homogeneous veins.
This wood is used for the manufacture of boats, pieces of agro-industrial equipment, instruments, furniture and fine cabinetry, veneers and cabinets. In various tropical countries it constitutes the fundamental timber species of their forest exploitation.
Mahogany wood (Swietenia macrophylla). Source: Philipp Zinger
The bark and seed of mahogany contains flavonoids, saponins, and alkaloids that provide certain medicinal properties. The infusions prepared with pieces of bark or some leaves are ingested to calm fever and diarrhea.
Seed tea has a bitter, astringent taste that relieves toothache. Likewise, a concentrated seed and bark tonic is used to treat typhoid.
The pleasant aroma of mahogany flowers and inflorescences are very useful for beekeeping practices.
The bark of mahogany contains a high percentage of tannins commonly used for tanning and dyeing leather.
The establishment of the plantation is done through seeds collected directly from the trees when they spontaneously open. Sowing is done on germinators or polyethylene bags, when using fresh seeds, germination occurs after 10-20 days.
During the stay in the nursery, continuous irrigation, weeding and control of pests and diseases are required. When the plants have reached 10-15 cm in height they must adapt to the environmental conditions placing them in full sun exposure.
Mahogany plantation. Source: pixabay.com
The transplant is carried out to the final field when the seedlings have reached 25-30 cm in height, preferably in the rainy season. From the final sowing to three years, phytosanitary control and cultural management are decisive for the commercial success of the plantation.
At two years of age, the plants reach 5-7 m in height, being convenient to associate the plantation with short-cycle agricultural crops. After three years the trees reach 9 m in height, at this time it is considered an established forest plantation.
In the first years of growth it is convenient to carry out maintenance pruning in order to build the structure of the tree. In this period, frequent fertilization based on soil analysis will favor the productive quality of the species.
Plagues and diseases
The meliaceae boring or boring moth (Hypsipyla grandella) is the most important pest that affects young shoots, fruits and seeds. The larva of this insect causes the highest percentage of damage in nurseries and young plants, limiting the establishment of commercial plantations.
The borer attacks the apical bud of the seedlings destroying the new tissues, eventually causing the death of the plant. In some cases the plant develops a new apical bud, which results in a less strong lateral stem.
The flight of this insect reaches just 2-2.5 m in height, so the plague affects only the first years. The highest incidence of this pest occurs in monocultures, so it is recommended to carry out mixed plantations to reduce its harmful effect.
Wood borers (Platypus cylindrus) is another economically important pest of mahogany. These tiny insects pierce the sapwood and heartwood of the bark, altering the commercial quality of the wood.
Regarding diseases, the one with the highest incidence in mahogany is smallpox (Cercospora sp.) On mature leaves. The main symptoms are the presence of brown spots with a yellowish halo around them.
As the infection matures, the stain turns gray and acquires a fine, brittle texture. Control should focus on the cultural management of the crop, with chemical control being effective in the first stages of infection.
- Panama Canal Authority (2007). Reforestation Manual: Traditional Timber Species. Department of Environment, Water and Energy. Environment Division. Hydrographic Basin of the Panama Canal. Volume 2. 53 pp.
- National Institute of Forests. 2017. Mahogany Swietenia macrophylla; forestry technology package. Guatemala, INAB.
- Pérez Vela, JM (2017) Manual for the Cultivation of Mahogany. Center for Agroforestry Research, Teaching and Production (CEPIAGRY). Technical Series No. 1. Laudato Si 'Institute.
- Saldaña Rojas, JS (2015). Estimation of the potential for management of mahogany seeds (Swietenia macrophylla King) in three indigenous communities of Purús, Ucayali, Peru (No. Thesis S162e). CATIE, Turrialba (Costa Rica).
- Snook, LK (1999). Sustained harvesting of mahogany (Swietenia Macrophylla King) from the jungles of the Yucatan peninsula Mexico: past, present and future. In The Mayan jungle conservation and development.
- Swietenia macrophylla (2019) Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Recovered at: es.wikipedia.org