- What educational stages make up the Finnish educational system?
- Obligatory education
- Upper secondary education
- Tertiary education
- What languages are spoken?
- characteristics
- Student body
- 1- The importance of the student against the acquisition of knowledge.
- 2- A welcoming environment
- 3- Contents adapted to the learning rhythm
- 4- Early detection of special educational needs
- 5- An appropriate ratio for learning
- 6- Motivated students
- 7- Freedom of choice
- 8- Assessment system that motivates
- Faculty
- 9- Socially valued profession
- 10- rigorous selection
- 11- Quality materials for teaching
- 12- Freedom to teach
- 13- Relationship with universities
- 14- Continuous recycling
- References
The main objective of the Finnish education system is to offer all citizens equal opportunities to receive a quality education. The emphasis in education is on learning rather than tests or exams.
There are no national tests for students in basic education. The only national exam is held at the end of upper secondary education. Normally, admission to higher education is based on the results of this exam and the entrance tests.
Education in Finland is one of the most successful in the world, it has no tuition fees and its meals are fully subsidized. The Finnish strategy to achieve equality and excellence in education has been based on the construction of a comprehensive school system financed with public funds.
Part of the strategy has been to spread the school network so that students have a school close to their homes. If this is not possible, free transportation is provided. Inclusive special education in the classroom and instructional efforts to minimize low achievement are also typical of Nordic education systems.
Another of its most outstanding characteristics is that students are not forced to do homework after school hours, so that they can spend time socializing and in leisure activities.
At first glance, if we see its structure, it can resemble that of any country, however, what sets it apart from the others is its way of conceiving the student and the teaching staff.
What educational stages make up the Finnish educational system?
Like most educational systems, Finnish is composed according to the Ministry of Education (2008) by pre-school education, basic education (primary and secondary levels), upper secondary (which includes technical training) and the tertiary (formed by universities and polytechnics).
Obligatory education
Children enter compulsory or basic education at the age of seven, which lasts for nine years, primary covers six and secondary three.
During this period of basic training, children will be trained in different subjects that will prepare them for further training.
Unlike other countries, preschool education is not compulsory but it is conceived as a right to offer a position in the nursery (International Institute of Approaches to Education, 2007).
Upper secondary education
Once they have finished basic education, they will continue their training in upper secondary education.
This is considered non-compulsory and is divided into two: the general one with a duration of three years (consisting of a final exam) and the vocational training, with a duration of three years that gives access to practice a profession (OECD, 2003 in International Institute of Approaches to Education, 2007).
Tertiary education
Tertiary education is offered at universities and polytechnics. If you want to access tertiary education, you have to take a final exam in upper secondary school or in the basic studies of vocational training.
Although passing this type of exam accredits entry into tertiary education, each institute can use the tests they need to select students. Finally, note that you can obtain both undergraduate and graduate degrees. (OECD, 2003 in International Institute of Approaches to Education, 2007).
What languages are spoken?
In Finland there are two languages that are official: Finnish and Swedish. Therefore, being officers, they will receive training and use both at all levels of the educational system.
Below as an outline we present the Structure of the Finnish Educational System:
Source: Ministry of Education, 2008
At first glance it may seem to us that it is an educational system just like the others. What then makes it one of the most efficient and effective according to the PISA report ?, (OECD, 2006 in Enkvist, 2010). Here are some of the characteristics that make this educational system is conceived as one of the best in the world (Robert, 2007).
Student body
Here are the successful characteristics of Finnish education in terms of students:
1- The importance of the student against the acquisition of knowledge.
The Finnish Educational System is characterized by understanding that a student who is happy in the classroom and is comfortable given that they are free to learn at their own pace, will learn the knowledge they need more easily.
2- A welcoming environment
The Finnish Education System understands that students have to feel at home when they are at school. That is, its priority is to offer continuity between the two, and for this, its facilities are conditioned to promote this feeling.
The workspaces are comfortable, the corridors are decorated with children's works and even the colors of these are warm. Since schools are not usually very large, both the tutor and the principal know their students.
The relationship between teachers and students is one of familiarity and respect. Teachers are motivated and seek to help their students learn. They can also impose penalties ranging from half an hour of relaxation for the child who has had a bad behavior to suspension of three months.
3- Contents adapted to the learning rhythm
As in many educational systems, before entering the compulsory stage, the aim is to awaken skills such as curiosity in children. Only in the morning and in an attractive way.
If a child does not go at the pace that the rest of the peers, they are given the opportunity to learn early (6 years) and even with the permission of the parents they can leave it up to 8 years in non-compulsory education until they are ready to learn reading.
No child can repeat a grade, since it is prohibited by law; although it can happen exceptionally. To avoid this, groups of children with this difficulty are created and even assistants are sent to class.
The schedule is designed to respect biological rhythms. When compulsory school ends, at the age of 16, the sessions are 45 minutes long and are mixed with 15-minute rest periods in which the students can do whatever they want.
4- Early detection of special educational needs
The Finnish Educational System is characterized by having a system capable of detecting any disorder or difficulty in learning. From a young age in non-compulsory education, students undergo various tests to detect any problem in their learning, if any.
If the answer is yes, these children go to primary school in specialized classes with a ratio of five students and specialized teachers in the same center as the other children.
In the event that there are minor problems, the total inclusion of the child is carried out with all the necessary means for this purpose. Specialized teachers are found in all centers.
5- An appropriate ratio for learning
In the compulsory stage (primary and secondary) the number of students per class does not exceed 25, although the norm is that there should not be more than 20. Unlike other countries, there are educational assistants who help the main teacher both with the material such as with students with special educational needs.
In secondary education, there is a counselor for 200 students. This allows you to serve them all efficiently and effectively. All present in the same center and have to be visited at least twice a year by each student.
6- Motivated students
Students usually work in teams or alone. While the teaching staff, as yet another resource, is dedicated to motivating them to participate and stay active in the activities they carry out.
The centers stand out for having shelves full of books, as well as projectors, computers, televisions… Students are constantly encouraged to use everything within their reach to build knowledge.
7- Freedom of choice
In Finland, students can choose progressively and in relation to their maturity. In basic education, for example, the language you want to learn or optional or optional subjects.
They can choose their training thus developing their autonomy and sense of responsibility regarding their studies. This broad autonomy that secondary school students benefit from prepares them for further training.
8- Assessment system that motivates
Students are not assessed using numbers or grades. At the age of 9 it is true that they go through an evaluation, but it has the characteristics previously exposed. Then there is no evaluation until the age of 11.
Therefore, by having the absence of evaluations as such, each student can learn at their own pace without tension. Finland has opted for the curiosity that characterizes children so evaluating would be a mistake.
The marks as such, appear at the age of 13 years and is maintained after using the grades of 4 to 10. At some levels there are exams every six weeks. Therefore, the evaluation is guided by evaluating what the student knows, which stimulates and motivates the student.
Once we have seen how Finland deals with the education of its students, we are going to see the keys to success of its teachers:
9- Socially valued profession
Despite the fact that teaching work is equally paid as in other European countries, the teaching profession is highly valued by society.
This respect arises given the importance that the country gives to its education and the feeling that teachers are experts. Teachers feel that they are at the service of children, so there is an initial motivation.
10- rigorous selection
It considers both the disciplinary and theoretical competences, but also the concept they have of education, which they have formed about their trade in addition to the knowledge they have about their childhood.
The classroom teachers, in addition to having experience as assistants for three years, must have the “matriculation examination”. Once they have it, it is when they can appear at the faculty of education of their choice. Later, they will pass different tests and interviews.
Teachers specialized in a subject must obtain a master's degree in a discipline and study pedagogy for one or two years. To enter the university they must pass the same tests as the previous ones.
When they already have the diploma they have to find a job and for this the municipalities are in charge of the recruitment together with the centers. Both the directors and the committees involved can influence the decision based on their projects and needs.
11- Quality materials for teaching
Teachers have at their disposal a range of material ready to use in their classrooms. Unlike other countries, the classes are comfortable and large equipped with multimedia material.
12- Freedom to teach
Finnish teachers have real pedagogical freedom as well as autonomy to teach. Therefore, they are motivated in their day to day.
13- Relationship with universities
The teaching staff is associated with the university, as they participate in the training of the students who are being trained as teachers and even intervene in the university if necessary.
14- Continuous recycling
Teachers are regularly trained to give a quality education to their students in schools. This training can be voluntarily or suggested by the directors of the centers through dialogue.
In addition, the State conducts service training programs in areas that are necessary or of great importance.
Professionals can also request financing to improve their training. From what has been said above, educators are understood as an important part of education, therefore special importance is given to their training (Ministry of Education and Culture, 2013).
- Robert, P. (2007). Education in Finland: The Secrets of Amazing Success. Translation by Manuel Valdivia.
- Giménez Gracia, F. (2009). The Finnish educational forest. Some keys to Finland's success in PISA. Notebooks of Political Thought, 23.
- Enkvist, I. (2010). Finnish educational success. Drone. Revista de pedagogía, 62 (3), 49-67.
- Ministry of Education and Culture. (2013). Finnish Education in Synthesis. Ministry of Education and Culture.
- Ministry of Education. (2008). Education and Science in Finland. Helsinki University.
- International Institute of Approach to Education. (2007) Teachers as the basis of a good educational system. Description of the teaching training and career in Finland.