- Examples of sentences in the literal sense
- Other phrases of literal sense
- Some more examples
- Poems in a literal sense
- The literal sense (tenth)
- Jose found a dog
- References
The literal sense is to express exactly a concept or experience. Whoever speaks or writes literally keeps the true meaning of things true without changing or altering the interpretation. The literal language is intended to convey a message directly and logically.
The literal sense is the emission of an idea as it was thought, what is said or written is direct and descriptive. The foregoing means that what has been expressed adjusts to the palpable reality, therefore its understanding and understanding is easier.
Example of literal sense; expresses exactly one idea. Source: pixabay.com.
Added to what is described in the previous paragraph is the fact that literal language does not use literary resources or rhetorical elements to make the message known. An example of a phrase in a literal sense is: "Francisco felt very cold during the snowfall." It means that he was really cold and that he needed to bundle up. It is not a phrase with a figurative sense.
Examples of sentences in the literal sense
- "Locked cat". The literal meaning of this phrase is that there is a feline trapped somewhere.
- "The comedian died on stage." The literal meaning of this phrase is the one that is expressed, that is, the comedian actually passed away while acting.
- "They ate him alive." The literal meaning is that some animals or people ate another animal while it was alive.
- "Our friend is gone." Literally, this phrase means that "our friend" left this place, possibly moved or only left the premises.
- "He lost his mind." The literal meaning of this phrase is that someone's head or something cannot be found. For example, if a person has been beheaded.
- "He stayed on the street." Literally, this phrase means that something or someone is on the street.
- «Urinate with laughter». Literally, this phrase means that the person is going to urinate because of laughter.
- "He painted himself in colors." In its literal sense, this phrase means that someone took paint or makeup and colored themselves.
- "Threw the towel". Someone was holding a cloth and dropped it.
- "Pedro was very hungry."
- "That day there was a strong earthquake that toppled several buildings."
- "The place was abandoned years ago, its facade was in poor condition"
- "Pedro could not rent the room because he did not have enough savings money."
- "The townspeople were very attentive to the actions of the thugs."
- "The dog was scared by the sound of the explosion."
- "The child cried a lot because his ice cream ran out."
- "The priest's sermons are long."
- "The dictionary is very specific."
- "That field house has two floors and is built of wood and concrete."
- "Emilia's house was very run down."
- "Maria lives far from her work."
- "José was very sad because no one was waiting for him at home."
- "The police did not describe the events."
- "That night it was very cold, and that's why José caught a cold."
- "The palace garden blooms in spring."
- "The midday heat was strong and that's why I started to sweat a lot."
- "The lady was confused with the address of the hospital."
- "The children sang their favorite song at the festival."
- "The indigenous people cross the river in a canoe."
- "The actors arrived on time for the rehearsal of the play."
- "The doctor told Sara that she was cured of her illness."
- "Ten percent of the students raised their grades."
- "The old accountant's office is very dirty."
- "The school was in optimal condition after the repairs made."
- "The control of the video game was damaged after water fell on it."
- "The man ran to help after seeing the fire in his neighbors' house."
Other phrases of literal sense
- "José's parents spent a lot of money on medicine this year."
- "As a result of the storm, many boats ended up destroyed on the shore, the wind swept them away."
- "The thugs took all the money that was in the wallet of the man who robbed."
- "Yesterday I went to the cinema to see the premiere of the film Mulán, it was very well directed."
- "I should have returned home just before I got to school, I forgot my homework in my room."
- “I did not see television yesterday, I preferred to read One Hundred Years of Solitude; what a good book ”.
- "The study carried out on Marta did not show favorable health results"
- "Amanda called the electrician early."
- "Carlos and Darío did not appear in the meeting they had with their boss."
- "Mr. Miguel's glasses fell off and they were useless."
- "Patricia turns twenty on November 15".
- "Armando did not fulfill what he promised to Marlén."
- "Isabel had lost her watch on her parents' wedding anniversary."
- "The athlete drank 1 liter of water after his training."
- "Pablo came out unscathed from the fight he had with Juan."
- "The little twins received a kidney transplant."
- "Roberto woke up at four o'clock in the afternoon to do his homework."
Some more examples
- "The Gonzálezes had a car accident."
- "Miguel traveled to Chile for a job interview."
- "The river overflowed and flooded the entire area near the mountain."
- "Yesterday I went to see my pet at the veterinary clinic, he has been hospitalized for two days after his accident."
- "Luis lost his beat in class."
- "A horse was placed in the middle of the road yesterday, we had to get out of the car and drive it away."
- "The boats were very far from the shore, it was dangerous to approach them by swimming."
- "I ran and ran and I couldn't catch the hare, it was faster than me."
- "Yesterday I couldn't sleep at all, the thunder wouldn't let me."
- "Alba gave the child the flu injection and he healed in three days."
- "His full name is Juan Manuel Ortiz and he plays guitar."
- "Three trees fell to the ground after the strong wind."
- "José arrived at the airport early so as not to miss his flight."
- "The animals were nervous because of the heavy rains."
- "The doctor prescribed paracetamol to Maria after detecting that she had 39 degrees of fever."
- "The child was very thin, his weight was not adequate for a child of his age, so the doctor prescribed vitamins."
- "They gave Ketina a twenty percent raise."
- "Winter in Canada will be colder this year."
- "The coves and sunflowers in Ana's garden withered due to the drought."
- "José passed his exams and was received with honors."
- "Alejandro has been crestfallen."
- "José misbehaves because he doesn't have a good example to follow at home."
Poems in a literal sense
The literal sense (tenth)
"The literal sense
it is direct and it is exact, it is said on the spot, every detail as is.
If you talk about an animal
feelings are not added, if they describe condiments
its flavors are not exalted;
things, colors and smells
they are well explained, without inventions ”.
Juan Ortiz
Jose found a dog
"José found a dog
yesterday at the station
and took him up a hill
mounted on a truck.
On the hill was his house, they arrived very early, Joseph took it in his hands
and put food in the cup ".
Juan Ortiz
- Coelho, F. (2019). Meaning of literal sense. (N / a): Meanings. Recovered from: significados.com.
- Pérez, J. (2009). Definition of literal. (N / a): Definition. From. Recovered from: definicion.de.
- (2019). Spain: Wikipedia. Recovered from: es.wikipedia.org.
- 35 examples of sentences with literal meaning. (2019). Colombia: Examples. Recovered from: examples.co.
- Literal meaning. (2014). Argentina: Waiting to be Born. Recovered from: hjg.com.ar.