- Location
- General characteristics
- Population
- Economy
- Subregions
- Archipelago of San Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina
- Gorgona Island
- Malpelo
- Archipelago of San Bernardo
- History
- Myths and legends
- Rolling Calf
- Duppy
- Booboo
- Mouth
- Pirate Morgan's Treasure
- Festivities
- Patron saint festivities of San Andrés
- Green Moon Festival
- Crab Festival
- Weather
- Flora and fauna
- Flora
- Fauna
- Relief
- Musical instruments
- Dances
- Typical dishes
- Traditional costumes
- References
The insular region of Colombia is the sixth natural region in which the Colombian territory is divided. It is the smallest of all regions and includes all areas outside the continental territories of the Republic of Colombia. This region includes a group of islands on the coast of the Pacific Ocean and another group on the coast of the Caribbean Sea.
The portion of the insular region of Colombia corresponding to the Caribbean is formed by the islands of San Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina. On the Pacific side, it is made up of the Malpelo and Gorgona islands. Similarly, on both coasts it has other groups of keys and smaller banks.
Malpelo Island. I. Correa / Public domain
According to the 2005 census, around 70,554 people resided in the Colombian insular region. Of the entire set of islands that make up this area, only the largest are inhabited. Among them, San Andrés, Santa Catalina and Providencia have the highest occupation index (Caribbean coast).
These islands form an archipelago that is located in the southwestern Caribbean, off the coast of Central America. According to geographic data, this group of islands has the most extensive barrier reefs in Colombia (78 percent of the country's coral area) that protect the beaches.
With regard to the cultural aspect, various mixtures are observed. In the typical architecture, the colorful houses built in wood stand out. Likewise, you can appreciate the cultural fusion in music from African, Afro-Antillean and Anglo-Antillean traditions. This trait is conjugated in rhythms such as calypso, socca and reggae.
In 2000, Unesco's Man and the Biosphere program declared the archipelago of San Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina as a Biosphere Reserve. Likewise, the organization The Ocean Conservancy included it in its report on the planet's conservation strategy for being one of the six key points for the health of the planet.
The extension of the archipelago that is part of the insular region of Colombia is about 250,000 km² including the marine area. Its location coordinates are latitude 12º 28 '58' 'and 12º 35' 5 '' north, while longitude is 72º 29 '47' 'west.
General characteristics
The population of the insular region of Colombia can be divided into three groups. The first of them is known as the Raizal population. This group is primarily of Protestant religion and Anglo-American traditions. His ancestry is fundamentally African.
In the second instance, there is the group made up of the Syrian-Lebanese community. This community, in general terms, is very closed and concentrates a great economic power. Meanwhile, the third of the groups are called continental. These are mulattos from the departments of Atlántico and Bolívar.
On the other hand, the native island population has been progressively surpassed by that of immigrants. This has generated a problem of overpopulation that has led to serious problems of insecurity, among others.
Likewise, other problems such as contamination of the soil, beaches and sea are reported. Similarly, this region, according to the authorities, has been subjected to the destruction of natural resources and the reduction of the native's living space. This process has resulted in a high degree of acculturation of its inhabitants.
The economy of the insular region of Colombia is mainly supported by tourism and trade activities. Every day, there is an intense movement of tourists, both national and international. They come to the search for rest and recreation
Also, as a complement to tourist activities, subsistence agriculture and fishing is practiced. All the product resulting from these two activities is destined for the consumption of the natives of the islands. Consequently, the rest of the food and articles of daily consumption for the tourist activity must be brought from the interior of the country.
Previously, the main commercially exploited agricultural product was coconut. Additionally, other items were produced such as sugar cane, mango, avocado and yucca.
This agricultural activity declined over the years due to deforestation and urbanization activities that have limited the availability of suitable soils.
On the other hand, both tourist and commercial activity suffered an important boost with the declaration of the free port in San Andrés on August 21, 1997.
The low cost of goods was a great incentive for these two activities. Thus, the number of tourists visiting the island region during the high season increased.
Peter Fitzgerald, OpenStreetMap / CC BY-SA (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0)
Archipelago of San Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina
These islands make up the department of the same name. The archipelago is located in the Caribbean Sea with a total area of 52.2 km².
San Andrés has an area of 26 km². For its part, Providencia has an area of 17 km², and that of Santa Catalina is 1 km².
Gorgona Island
It is a small island system made up of Gorgona, Gorgonilla and three other islets. They are located in the Pacific Ocean and belong to the department of Cauca with 26 km² of surface. There is the Isla Gorgona National Natural Park.
This subregion corresponds to the islet of Malpelo. This islet is volcanic in formation. It is located in the Pacific Ocean and is under the circumscription of the department of Valle del Cauca. It has about 1.20 km² of surface area.
Archipelago of San Bernardo
This subregion of the insular region of Colombia is made up of a set of 10 islands located in the Caribbean Sea. In total, they all have an approximate area of 255 km², and are located in the Gulf of Morrosquillo.
The history of the archipelago of the insular region of Colombia began in 1510 with the arrival of Spanish navigators. They discovered it when they were traveling from Jamaica to Miskitos. It is believed that before, in pre-Columbian times, native inhabitants of other islands in the Caribbean and Central America approached these territories in order to fish.
Painting by Alonso de Ojeda
Some historians link the discovery of the archipelago with Columbus's second voyage. When they granted him the province of Veraguas, they also gave him the island territories. According to other authors, Alonso de Ojeda and Diego de Nicuesa were the first conquerors to arrive in the territory.
One hundred years later, news spread among Dutch and English corsairs, adventurers and smugglers about this group of keys, islands and islets. In the stories, they were said to be surrounded by a sea of seven colors.
During the republican government of Colombia, the archipelago benefited with a series of administrative measures. These allowed him to enjoy periods of moderate prosperity.
Finally, in 1912, Colombia decided to create a new political and administrative entity, the Intendencia de San Andrés y Providencia. In 1991, the island territory was constituted as an Overseas Department
Myths and legends
Regarding the legends of the insular region of Colombia, these are manifested in different ways. Most of these beliefs are based on mysterious things and beings. Some of them will be described below.
Rolling Calf
Popular belief describes the rolling calf as a diabolical animal. They say he has a bull-like appearance with sparkling eyes. They also comment that it moves by rolling and it does so always surrounded by flames, and when rolling it exhales a strong smell of sulfur.
The duppy is another of the legends that frighten the superstitious inhabitants of the insular region of Colombia. This name is a synonym of the English term Ghost.
Like its similar in English, its meaning is the spirit of a dead person. Believers fear it and believe that it appears at night or manifests itself in dreams or in lonely places.
As with the Duppy, the legend of the booboo is used to scare believers, especially children.
On this occasion, the demonic figure is represented by a three-headed dog with a devilish face. The name of this demon is pronounced as Buba.
This legend of the insular region of Colombia has its origin in a custom that is still practiced by the indigenous people of the area.
It is pronounced Buoca, it consists of cutting the mouth and it is very common in the indigenous tribes of San Andrés. Children are frightened by the representation of faces deformed by this practice.
Pirate Morgan's Treasure
The legend of Morgan's treasure is native to the islands of San Andrés and Providencia in the insular region of Colombia. According to her, this pirate would have accumulated a treasure in gold, silver and precious stones that he buried in these islands. They say that this treasure would be the largest obtained in the piracy of the Caribbean
Legend has it that after sharing the treasure with his fellow pirates, Morgan buried it in a cave on the islands called Morgan's Cave. Four of his favorite slaves would have been in charge of the burial. After finishing the work, they would have been beheaded and buried by Morgan himself next to the treasure.
Also, according to the belief, in order to find the treasure, certain rites must be performed at midnight. He also relates that the spirits of the slaves beheaded by Morgan would be the guardians. Over the years many Colombians and foreigners have tried unsuccessfully to find this treasure.
Patron saint festivities of San Andrés
These festivities of San Andrés take place from the 27th to the 30th of the month of November. They are held in honor of the island's patron saint. Within the framework of these celebrations, the Coco Carnival takes place.
The sovereign of the Reinado del Coco is also chosen, a contest in which several countries of the Atlantic Coast and neighboring islands participate.
Green Moon Festival
This festival of the insular region of Colombia is celebrated annually between September 10 and 17. Every year, for 7 days, all the cultural expressions that make up the Caribbean region meet.
It is an international event also known as The green moon festival. Every year countries like Jamaica and Haiti participate.
This festival is considered a rescue of the cultural and social values of the archipelago. There, rhythms such as calypso, reggae, soca and other rhythms that represent the Caribbean culture dominate.
There are also conferences, documentary screenings, samples of typical dances and exhibitions on local cuisine.
Crab Festival
The Crab Festival is held every year on January 1st. On that day, residents of the island of San Andrés and visitors can savor various dishes prepared based on this crustacean. Also, during the event, music and dances from the region are enjoyed.
In general, the climate of the insular region of Colombia is warm and has an abundance of winds that help alleviate the sensation of heat. With great frequency, these winds can turn into tropical hurricanes.
As regards San Andrés, this island is characterized by definite periods of rain and by a dominant dry climate. Being located in an intertropical zone, high temperatures are predominant. On average, their temperatures hover around an annual average of 27.3 ° C.
On the other hand, the influence of the trade winds determines the rainy season. These start in the month of May and have their maximum value in the months of October and November.
Generally, the rainy season ends around December. Between the months of May and December, 80% of the annual rainfall is recorded.
In Gorgona, despite being also warm, the rainy months are September and October. On this island, the relative humidity is high, around 90%.
This causes that there are no times of drought; on the contrary, fogs and mists are frequent, especially at dawn. The temperature is located, on average, at 28 ° C.
Flora and fauna
The flora of the insular region of Colombia is dominated by large areas of coconut trees (Cocos nucifera). The product of all coconut trees is sold domestically. Likewise, there are many mangroves (Rhizophora mangle) that serve as a refuge for crustaceans, mollusks and fish.
Mangroves. Ianaré Sévi / CC BY-SA (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)
The breadfruit tree (Artocarpus altilis) is abundant and very characteristic throughout the archipelago. This is a leafy tree that produces the bread fruit that is very important in the diet of its inhabitants.
Similarly, on the islands noni (Morinda citrifolia) is coveted for the innumerable healing properties attributed to it.
Regarding the marine flora, it is made up of sea grasses (posidoniaceae) that serve as a refuge for fish, mollusks and crustaceans. In addition, beach vines (ipomoea pes-caprae) and a great variety of algae abound.
Gecarcinus quadratus. (Bhny) / Public domain
In the insular region of Colombia, during the months of April and May, you can observe the spawning of black crabs (G ecarcinus quadratu s). It is the natural habitat of this variety of crustaceans.
Similarly, species such as the lobster (palinurus elephas), the hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) and the green turtle (Chelonia mydas) are common in this environment. Likewise, several species of coral and sponges can be found.
On the other hand, sharks of the manta ray species (manta birostris) and jellyfish (medusozoa) inhabit the insular region. There is also the shovel snail (strombus gigas linnaeus) which is highly desired by the islanders.
Among the fish that make up the coral garden are the red snapper (lutjanus campechanus) and the horse mackerel (trachurus murphyi).
Visit main article: Relief of the insular region.
Musical instruments
Visit main article: Musical instruments of the insular region.
Visit main article: Dances of the insular region.
Typical dishes
Visit main article: Typical dishes of the insular region.
Traditional costumes
Visit main article: Typical costumes of the insular region.
- Hudson, RA (2010). Colombia: A Country Study. Washington: Government Printing Office.
- Kline, HF (2012). Historical Dictionary of Colombia. Maryland: Scarecrow Press.
- Escobar, CP (1997). To the rhythm of our folklore. Bogotá: Editorial San Pablo.
- Lunazzi, E. (1997, August 02). They declare San Andrés a free port. Taken from eltiempo.com-
- Island region. (2016, August 09). myths and legends of the region. Taken from regioninsularweb.wordpress.com.
- Drafting El Tiempo. (1992, April 23). The green moon. Taken from eltiempo.com.
- Colombia land of tasty. (s / f). Green moon festival, in San Andrés. Taken from colombia.travel/.
- Patiño Franco, JE (2012, March 10). San Andres-Providencia-Santa Catalina-Gorgona-Gorgonilla-Malpelo-San Bernardo-Islas del Rosario. Taken from latierrayelhombre.wordpress.com.
- Live Colombia. (s / f). San Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina islands. Taken from cdn.colombia.com.