- Examples of dialephs
- Sinalefas
- Verses with dialephs and synalephs
- Example of verses where there are dialephs and synalephs
- References
The dialeph is a phonetic composition of a verse that allows to eliminate the diphthong to form a hiatus. That is, it allows two contiguous vowels to be separated into different syllables, in order to satisfy the metric needs of the verse.
Some bibliographies define the dialect as a "poetic license" because it violates the laws of grammar.
The dialeph is compared to the "hiatus" because both have the concept of dividing two vowels into different syllables. However, the hiatus is grammatically correct because there are words in the Spanish language that have vowels separated into syllables.
But the dialeph, unlike the hiatus, separates the vowels when they are grammatically diphthongs, in order to change their pronunciation in the verse.
The following is a list of the most significant vowel encounters that are converted into dialephs and their incidence rate (GUIL):
- yy: 4.85%
- áa: 1.38%
- ae: 6.79%
- air: 3.00%
- ea: 8.73%
- ee: 6.43%
- ee: 3.26%
- ee: 4.85%
- eo: 2.03%
- oa: 7.37%
- oe: 9.12%
- oe: 3.20%
- oo: 0'20%
Examples of dialephs
A classic example where dialephs can be found is in the following verse by Pablo Neruda:
In this verse different dialephs are obtained. For example, between the "the" and the "o" of (the wave); between "na" and "o" of (a wave), etc.
In these parts of the verse the vowels are separated into syllables so that there is metric and their pronunciation is harmonious. Rather, this would be pronounced with synalepha (see below) in everyday writing and speech.
Therefore, the pronunciation of the verse would be like this:
>> de-la-o-lau-na-o-la-yo-tra-o-la
la-o-lain-di-vi-si-ble-de-tu-cuer-po <<
It is inevitable to talk about dialeph without mentioning synalepha, because both are crucial tools in poetic meter. Sinalefa, unlike dialepha, is the phonetic union of two contiguous vowels found in different words.
Usually it is the last letter of a word that ends with a vowel and the first letter of the next word that begins with a vowel.
Synalephs are considered diphthongs, unlike dialephs that form hiatuses. It occurs with great spontaneity both in verses and in everyday speech
The opposite happens with dialephs, which are generally used as poetic tools.
Verses with dialephs and synalephs
It is important to bear in mind that although the synalepha is used more frequently than the dialeph and that these have totally different effects, in the verse you can get both synalephs and dialephs.
Linguistic studies reveal that synalepha and dialepha mostly use the stressed syllable, so that two different verses with the same meaning can have different metric rules. Such is the case of the verses of Miramontes:
that just anger incited her (dialeph)
those incited by the_iracunda Aleto (sinalefa)
Example of verses where there are dialephs and synalephs
Body of the woman, river of gold (<
Where, arms sunk, we receive
A blue lightning, a few clusters
Of light torn in a golden border. (<
Body of the woman sea of gold (<
Where, loving hands, we don't know
If the breasts are waves, if they are oars
The arms, if they are single wings of gold. (<
- Rhetorics: Examples of Dialephs. (November 11, 2014). Retrieved on August 11, 2017, from Rhetoric: rhetoric.com
- Torre, E. (2000). Comparative Spanish Metric. Seville: University of Seville.
- Vicente, MV, Gallarí, CG, & Solano, S. (1990). Akal Dictionary of Literary Terms. AKAL editions.
- Zuázola, J. d. (2006). Antarctic weapons. PUCP Editorial Fund.