- Economic components of a country
- The companies
- The consumers
- The markets
- Government
- The economic circuit
- Components of the macroeconomy
- References
The economic components are those that intervene and guarantee the proper functioning of the wealth of a country. These elements include businesses, consumers, markets and the government.
Next, we will develop the importance of each one and what are its essential functions in the framework of the economy.
Economic components of a country
The companies
Companies represent one of the essential elements of the economy, since they are the ones in charge of producing the goods and services that will be purchased by consumers and by governments.
The consumers
Consumers are those who purchase the products offered by companies.
The markets
Economic activity occurs within markets, which are defined by economists as the mechanisms that connect buyers and sellers of goods and services.
Although most economists prefer market economies to a government-run system, it has been recognized that governments play an important role in the modern economic system.
As an economic component, the government can affect market activities through the implementation of public policies; likewise, the government provides goods and services, such as security and defense, elements without which the market could not function.
The economic circuit
According to the economist Francisco Valsecchi, the economic circuit is made up of two basic elements or "economic units" according to his terminology.
In this sense, each of the units refers to one of the fundamental processes of the economy: production and consumption. The production unit is the company, while the consumer unit par excellence is the family.
On the other hand, Valsecchi points out that these two economic units are brought into contact through the market, since it offers goods and services (producers) that are demanded by the family (consumers).
With these elements, the operation of the economic circuit can be described:
1- The family (consumer unit) owns land, capital and labor, which are productive factors.
2- These productive factors are offered to companies (producing units), which remunerate the services rendered in the form of income (land), interest (capital) and wages and salaries (work).
3- Thanks to these factors, companies produce goods and services, which are offered to families through markets.
4- The family acquires the products offered by the company and pays for them with the income it received from it. From there, the economic circuit begins again.
Components of the macroeconomy
The components of the macroeconomy are:
1 - The family
2 - The company
3 - The government
4 - Financial institutions
5 - Import and export market, in which goods and services are exchanged between nations.
6 - The labor market, in which the family offers the factor of labor production.
7 - The market for goods and services, in which the company offers products.
8 - The rest of the world.
- What are economic factors? Retrieved on May 11, 2017, from businessdictionary.com.
- What is component? Retrieved on May 11, 2017, from businessdictionary.com.
- Components of Economic Analysis. Retrieved on May 11, 2017, from bsnlawfirm.com.
- What Are Business Cycle Components? Retrieved on May 11, 2017, from smallbusiness.com.
- The Environmental, Economic and Social Components of Sustainability. Retrieved on May 11, 2017, from soapboxie.com.
- Principles of Economic. Retrieved on May 11, 2017, from philschatz.com
- What are the three components of economics? Retrieved on May 11, 2017, from wiki.answers.com.
- What are the components of macroeconomics? Retrieved on May 11, 2017, from quora.com.