The relationships of experience are those in which individuals act on themselves, their cultural and biological identities. They also understand the actions and interactions they carry out within their natural and social environment and the way in which they satisfy their desires and needs.
These experience relationships take place within social groups, which are formed, structured, and interact according to common moral and ethical values, beliefs, norms, and interests.
Social structures, in turn, are organized around social relations of production and consumption, relations of power, and relations of experience.
What is experience?
The term experience comes from the Latin experientĭa, which means to check, have witnessed, known or felt. It is a form of knowledge that is generated from experiences or observations.
Experience also refers to prolonged practice that provides sufficient ability to do something, to an event experienced by an individual or group and the general knowledge that is acquired from lived situations.
Experience is an action and a permanent practice that individuals exercise on themselves on a daily basis. It is determined by the interaction of their cultural and biological identities in close relationship with their natural or social environments.
Characteristics of experience relationships
Experience relationships can be defined as those actions in which the individual acts on himself in accordance with and in relation to his cultural and biological identities.
These actions and interactions take place within their natural and social environment. They are also linked to the way individuals satisfy their wants and needs in society.
Human beings daily build and accumulate experience, while they are doomed to the incessant satisfaction of their needs and desires.
This experience is structured around sexual or gender relationships, which have historically been organized around the family and until now have been characterized by the predominance of men over women and children.
Family relationships and sexuality are the foundation on which the personality systems developed by the individual rest.
Personality is, in essence, the individualization of social relationships in the mind of each individual, in interaction with the biological features of the brain.
Individuals during the socialization process also develop power relations and production relations
Types of experiences
-Sensory: are those that are perceived through the five senses. For example, the smell and the sensation of humidity in our bodies when the rain falls
-Sentimental: affective experiences with our loved ones, parents, children, siblings, husband / wife. For example, the feeling of sadness when a relative dies.
-Intellectuals: understand creative and cognitive experiences. Eg what we think when imagining a situation, reading a book, etc.
-Actional: Philosophers say that this type of experience is primary and more human, because it refers to the action of the human being during their social learning process
-Relationships: They are acquired when the individual relates to others within the social group.
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- Cárdenas, Luz Gloria y Restrepo, Carlos Enrique: Didactics of philosophy. Experiences, instruments and methods. San Pablo, Bogotá. Recovered from
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