The phrase "worth the redundancy" means that repetition is valid, and is used to anticipate or offer an apology for repeating a word or idea within the same very short sentence.
Although its use is questioned, it is sometimes considered a necessary phrase to give greater emphasis or connotation to what you want to express.
However, many times its inappropriate and indiscriminate use impoverishes the language, since it is used as a catchphrase.
This phrase is widely used in the Spanish language. It is used daily in spoken colloquial language and also by professionals in the media.
What is redundancy?
The word redundancy means excessive repetition or defect in the use of a word considered useless because it expresses exactly the same thing, which is why its use is inappropriate.
The Dictionary of Authorities defines the word redundancy as "a vice of speech that arises from the superfluity of words."
The Dictionary of Doubts indicates that "redundancy is a feminine noun that can refer to several things: it can be the excess or the excessive abundance of a thing".
Another meaning of the term redundancy is the following: “useless repetition of a word, a concept or an idea in the same fragment of speech or text”.
Redundancy is synonymous with excess, excess, excess, superfluity and pleonasm. This last term means the repetition of words that mean the same thing, as reflected in the phrases "go up," "go down," "go outside," or "go inside." For example: “'Juan! Get up, 'Pedro shouted from the balcony.
In information theory, the term redundancy is used to denote the property of repeated messages that do not provide new information or only repeat part of an idea.
In advertising or propaganda advertisements, redundant terms are used very frequently, to emphasize an idea and ensure its informative and persuasive effect on the public to whom the message is directed. This way you avoid confusion or distortions.
Use of the phrase "worth the redundancy"
The use of the phrase "worth the redundancy" has the function of remedying or self-correcting a failure of expression, intentional or not, derived from the use of similar words or ideas.
In some sentences, perhaps the use of redundancies and of this popular phrase in particular could be justified, because they seek to underline or give greater emphasis to the sentence:
- The visitors made a very short visit, worth the redundancy.
- I saw it with my own eyes, worth the redundancy.
But it should be avoided in other phrases, such as the following:
- During the period of time, worth the redundancy, which happened between the robbery and the arrival of the police, the thieves had a lot of time to escape.
The term redundancy should not be confused with the word "rebundance", which does not exist. Sometimes it is used humorously as "braying", precisely to denote its misuse.
- "Worth the redundancy" Anthology of the silliest topics. Retrieved October 9 from
- Rebundance or Redundancy. Consulted of
- The current Castilian. Consulted of
- Use of the expression is worth the redundancy. Consulted from
- Forgive the redundancy? Consulted of
- Redundancy. Consulted of
- Go up 'up' and go inside. Consulted of