- Classification
- 1- Quantitative criteria
- Examples
- 2- Qualitative criteria
- - Convergent
- - Divergent
- Examples
- References
The constructed response is a type of response that consists of responding to a certain question but in a reasoned way, not repetitive or memorized.
This answer is given to a certain kind of question, generally called a development or constructed response. It is written using the respondent's own words, based on information obtained from at least two or more different sources.
The main purpose of the constructed response is to give the person who elaborates it greater freedom to establish and structure an answer to a specific question.
It is also considered the most acceptable way to assess an individual's writing ability.
When making a constructed response, the person will have to apply in it the knowledge acquired in their educational, professional or work experience, in order to analyze, give conclusions, compare results, make graphs and recognize similar situations.
In the educational environment, constructed responses that originate from an essay question or constructed response question are elaborated from a question that requires a writing activity in the first place.
Constructed responses imply a descriptive and accurate development, in which information, narratives or reasoning from a point of view based on acquired knowledge, not on a personal opinion, is exposed.
Constructed responses can be classified using quantitative criteria and qualitative criteria.
1- Quantitative criteria
According to this criterion, the constructed responses can be of two types:
- Short answer or "closed".
- Long or "open" response.
This classification is directly related to the amount and complexity of information that the person asking the question needs.
If an exam or test written to a student is taken as an example, the short or closed constructed responses have a specified space to be answered.
In the case of the long or open constructed response, the respondent is given more freedom to expand on their response.
2- Qualitative criteria
Depending on the nature or quality of the information sought, two categories can be established for the constructed responses:
- Convergent
Convergent constructed responses are those that aim to obtain very precise information, clearly defined and in a few words.
- Divergent
Divergent constructed responses are called those that require a greater amount of knowledge from the respondent, since they force them to decide and choose between their knowledge, experiences and techniques everything that, in their opinion, provides a better response.
An example of a convergent constructed response could be that obtained from a question such as the following: do greenhouse gases affect the ozone layer of the atmosphere or not?
The answer to this question could be as short and precise as just saying "yes."
As for an example of a divergent constructed response, it could be the answer to the following question: how do greenhouse gases affect the ozone layer in the atmosphere?
In this example, the answer implies a more extended explanation, which involves the use of arguments or learned knowledge obtained from formal and published scientific investigations for general knowledge.
- udla.cl. (2015). Excerpts from the UDLA Educational Assessment Guide (51-53), File No. 14 "Development Questions". Recovered from udla.cl
- Papas, P. (undated). Website translation “Teaching With Documents. Constructed Response ”. Recovered from edteck.com
- dpi.wi.gov. (january, 2005). Wisconsin Student Assessment System. Criterion-Referenced Test Framework for Mathematics in Grades 3 through 8 and 10. Retrieved from dpi.wi.gov
- Lowe, C. - Translation of Illana A, P.. (without date). Article "Teaching third year students to answer constructed response questions". Recovered from ehowenespanol.com
- Ramirez Q., K. (July 2006). Excerpt from the prologue of the manual "Qualification protocol Reagents of Spanish constructed response: Excale 03 written expression". National Institute for the Evaluation of Education (INEE), Mexico. Recovered from inee.edu.mx