An incidental character is one that appears fleetingly within the plot, with a specific objective with respect to the other characters and within the main story. The participation of the incidental character is usually brief, either to make a specific observation about a situation, comment on something striking or ask a question to one of the protagonists of the story.
As its name indicates, incidental characters are those who do not have a permanent presence in the development of events. Their participation is a resource used to relate, order, clarify, expose, frame, coordinate and give coherence to the main plot.
The incidental characters do not participate in the main anecdote of the narration, they are only used to help define an aspect of interest about the life of some of the fixed characters.
Its main function is to collaborate in the development and improvement of the pre-existing context in the story.
These types of characters usually represent the common environment of the protagonists, or some of the secondary characters, failing that. Therefore, coworkers or classmates, neighbors, waiters, office workers, distant relatives, ex-partners, among others, are usually represented by incidental characters.
The incidental characters are usually part of the scenery of the story, and configure the environment in which the action unfolds.
They help to contextualize the audience about the life of some of the permanent characters within the story; This strengthens the main argument, and lays the foundation for future events.
Generally, the appearance or disappearance of incidental characters is usually imperceptible. They have a brief intervention in a particular episode, playing a minor role, and they do not appear again later.
Their participation refers to the reinforcement of the story itself. They usually have a humorous intervention and are eccentric and / or characteristic characters, which help to anchor an event from the past and establish the foundations of future actions within the main plot.
In the field of audiovisual productions (film and television), incidental characters have a temporary participation, generally to highlight a specific aspect of the plot.
In view of this, his intervention is limited to only a few brief moments; that is, they do not have permanence in history.
More specifically, in television series, this type of incursion is usually represented by guest actors, who personify a relative or an individual from the past life of the main characters.
Incidental characters, also known as fleeting or background characters, should never overshadow the action of the main characters.
These types of characters are used as support resources within the plot, without distorting the focus of the story at any time.
- Short story (2014). A publication of the Popular Autonomous University of Veracruz. Veracruz Mexico. Recovered from:
- Jackson, E. (2014). Secondary Characters. Virginia, USA. Recovered from:
- Narrative texts: Characters (2015). Recovered from:
- Types of Characters (2009). Santiago de Chile, Chile. Recovered from: