The parable of the ten virgins or the parable of the ten young women is one of the most famous parables in the Christian Bible in the Middle Ages. Its influence is manifested in Gothic art in sculptures, paintings and some architectural works such as cathedrals located in France and Germany.
This story, like other parables of Jesus, responds to a local and universal sense. Although not all of its elements have a spiritual meaning, each one responds to certain exemplary actions to impart knowledge of social value.
The Gospel of Matthew preaches important life lessons Jesus Christ in the form of stories that can be applied in everyday life, the parable of the ten virgins is one of them.
Parable of the ten young women
Listen, then, what will happen then in the Kingdom of Heaven. Ten young people went out with their lamps to meet the groom. Five of them were careless and the other five cautious.
The careless ones took their lamps as they were, taking no more oil with them. The cautious ones, on the other hand, along with the lamps, carried their bottles of oil. Since the groom was late in arriving, they all fell asleep and finally fell asleep.
At midnight a shout was heard: "The groom is coming, go out to meet him!" All the young women woke up and prepared their lamps. Then the careless ones said to the cautious ones: "Give us some of your oil, because our lamps are going out." The cautious ones said: "There would not be enough for you and for us, better go where they sell it, and buy for yourself."
While they were going to buy the oil, the bridegroom arrived, and those who were ready entered the wedding feast with him, and the door was closed.
Later the other young women came and called: «Lord, Lord, open to us. "But he replied," Truly I tell you: I don't know them. "
Therefore, be awake, because you do not know the day or the hour.
Matthew 25: 1-13
In the Greek text this parable is known as the parable of the ten virgins and is considered one of the most beautiful lessons on faithfulness.
One night ten young people wait for the groom to guide him to the bride's house, as was customary at that time.
The girls fall asleep waiting for the arrival of the groom. However, nothing is said about the bride and this is where the possibility arises that the wife may actually be themselves.
When the girls fall asleep, the gospel shows how not everything is motivated by the first enthusiasm. On the contrary, the weakness of the spirit in this case prevails.
The young women, by being cautious and ensuring the reserve of oil, symbolize the way to persevere in our decisions by keeping the flame of faith lit.
Matthew wrote this parable for believers, in case their faithfulness one day weakens. The greatness of fidelity is to enter the path without knowing very well what we are committing ourselves to, and even so, continuing to walk it through faith.
According to Matthew, surrendering to God is a leap into the unknown and that is when loyalty to Jesus Christ becomes the only way to achieve salvation.
For this reason, the Lord has called his believers for a special mission that requires fidelity and perseverance.
- Parable of the ten virgins. (sf). Retrieved on December 19, 2017, from Wikipedia.
- Parable of the ten virgins. (sf). Retrieved on December 17, 2017, from Predicasbíblicas.
- Arens, Eduardo. (2006). The bible without myths. A critical introduction. Lima Peru. CEP.
- Brown, Raymond. (nineteen eighty one). The critical meaning of the Bible. NY, United States.
- Pérez, Miguel and Trebollé, Julio. (2007). History of the Bible. Trotta and University of Granada.