- What is the use of studying mathematics?
- Mathematics in times past
- Use of mathematics in different areas
- In society
- In architecture
- In science
- In the technology
- In the kitchen
- In art
- In the everyday
- References
The mathematics used for a multitude of functions and implementations in all areas of human reasoning, even in the humanities professionals, but his greatest contribution is applied in careers such as engineering, management or economics.
Mathematics is the science that studies quantities, abstract entities and their relationships, as well as the forms and logic of elements. That is, they study symbols, numbers, geometric figures, among others.
In every aspect of everyday life, mathematics plays a vital role, it can be evidenced from something as simple as making a purchase at the supermarket.
Mathematics is responsible for reasoning about the structures, magnitudes, composition and links of numbers, which leads to establishing patterns, formulas, and definitions in order to deduce a problem.
Mathematics is implicit in society, architecture, art, science, research or simply in everyday life.
In the world, the term "mathematics" is very representative, because it is of extreme necessity. Each individual must have the knowledge to add, subtract, calculate percentages, divide and more, for their development within society.
What is the use of studying mathematics?
The usefulness of mathematics is great and it is important to know its functions in various circumstances, since they start from knowledge that responds to a large number of problems, provides solutions and makes life easier.
Starting from mathematics, it has been possible to create strategies and insights to be able to build large buildings, technological devices, works of art, reach results in an investigation and even maintain the profitability of a company.
Which indicates that mathematics goes far beyond the administration of the family and personal finances.
Mathematics is applicable, logical and makes a person correct and not let himself be carried away only by his intuition, but allows him to find the reason for the accounts or some type of reasoning.
Mathematics in times past
Some countries such as Egypt, China, India and Central American countries, throughout history, made great contributions to what mathematics is today. Therefore, mathematics has existed since ancient times and has been evolving over the years.
The first to develop a counting system were the Sumerians. Later, a group of mathematicians created arithmetic that included simple operations, multiplication and fractions.
Later, they began to work with geometry, which has been a fundamental piece in many sectors, such as architecture.
The Mayans devised the calendar system taking into account mathematical calculations, and thanks to this, today, it is possible to talk about dates of births, holidays, historical events and more.
Mathematics emerged approximately 5000 years ago, and since then humans have not stopped applying it.
Use of mathematics in different areas
Mathematics is essential in many aspects and has contributed to the existence of great discoveries such as the precision of the circumference of the earth, the creation of mobile equipment, highways, the construction of bridges or underground tunnels and even the development of the Internet.
Based on the mathematical calculations it was possible to create the calendar, it was possible to measure the time and even the distance between the planets.
Due to mathematics, it is possible to measure temperature, climate and determine natural phenomena in speed, distance and time.
In society
For a society to be fully organized and to be able to contemplate its growth and development, the use of mathematics is extremely necessary.
Taking into account that they are first used for the administration of state resources, in turn, they serve to know the population level, also to keep the accounts of the institutions that strengthen their economy, and like this example many others.
Mathematics helps a society to advance in an organized and systematic way, and helps to recognize substantial data and real statistics to find key points in favor of its development.
In architecture
Mathematics is quite valuable at this point since it is possible to build houses and other buildings, bridges, tunnels, means of transport, among others.
For this, it is required to know the proportions, magnitudes, quantities of materials for construction, general calculations, and endless data that are directly linked to mathematics.
In science
Mathematics is applied in different sciences or engineering, and it is used as a tool to discover approaches or solve problems, analyze cases from data, equations or formulas that can be very beneficial for humanity.
In addition, this science helps to determine or forecast any case with the climate and nature, which is useful to avoid risk situations. Likewise, it is possible to explore new places or understand certain phenomena.
In the technology
Having made so many technological advances and continuing to investigate them is largely due to mathematical calculations.
Engineers, inventors or creatives translate their ideas and search for the necessary formulas to create the elements that have given life to telephones, computers, connections and more.
Already existing electronic devices have mathematics implicit and even if it does not seem like it or is not realized, they are being used at all times. A clear example is the clock, which to indicate the time first calculates it to be precise.
In the use of a computer, for example, mathematics is used when translating actions and processes, when executing an application and even when interacting with a game; in all these situations this numerical science keeps working.
In the kitchen
Many phases of the kitchen require the use of mathematics for its punctual and detailed development, from the measurement of the ingredients to the budget of the same.
Mathematics is necessary in cooking and baking, to handle the right times and temperatures; also in the adjustment of a recipe, measuring the percentages to maintain the original value of the preparation, its consistency and flavor.
In the kitchen, a basic knowledge of addition, subtraction, division, percentages, conversions, and more is essential for fast, accurate and fruitful food planning and preparation processes.
Mathematics is essential to manage budgets, especially if you are cooking for a group, event or if you are a professional in gastronomy.
In art
From symmetry, angles, perspectives, drawing a circle or creating a rectangle, mathematics is used to measure, analyze, average and provide some figure.
Since ancient times, artists and design masters have questioned how an object can be divided into two parts and that it has a perfect and harmonious result, they also wonder about the relationship between the measurements of the parts that make up an object so that it is beautiful.
Plato, Euclid, and other thinkers sought a way to divide an object into two parts through geometry, in which mathematical formulas are applied to give appropriate results for artistic and creative purposes.
In the everyday
As simple as managing a family, distributing the food budget, accounting for the use of electricity or drinking water.
Solve banking matters, plan a trip or even go on a diet; mathematics is present in everything. Musicians also use mathematics to keep track of their melodies.
- Elaine J. Hom. What is Mathematics? (2013). Source: livescience.com.
- Justo Fernández. What is mathematics for? (2016). Source: soymatematicas.com.
- Diego Santos. Use of mathematics. (2013). Source: goconqr.com.
- What use is maths for everyday tasks ?: mathscareers.org.uk.
- Kevin Hartnett. Mathematics. (2016). Source: quantamagazine.org.
- The Story of Mathematics: storyofmathematics.com.
- Miguel de Guzmán. Mathematics and Society. Source: mat.ucm.es.