The consecutive sentences are those that show a cause and an effect, ie, communicating the result of an action, quality, event or circumstance. In this article we will show you up to 70 examples so that you can better understand the concept.
There are several types of consecutive sentences, among which the intensive, non-intensive and juxtaposed ones stand out. Intensive consecutive sentences are the most commonly used and stand out for making use of the “what” connector between the two parts of the sentence.
The non-intensive ones, meanwhile, are in charge of transmitting the consequence of an event, using different types of connections and imperative verbs. In the case of sentences of the juxtaposed type, connectors are used that denote deduction.
This type of sentence is structured in such a way that there is a nexus or link between the first and the second part of the sentence.
In this sense, it is essential to use connecting terms such as “therefore”, “consequently”, “for this reason”, among others. Usually, a comma (,) is used before the connector or nexus.
Examples of Consecutive Sentences
1- It was so high that it did not fit in the place.
2- It was so beautiful that everyone talked about its beauty.
3- It was so expensive that nobody could afford it.
4- He was so funny that everyone laughed at his jokes non-stop.
5- It was so boring that everyone fell asleep during their classes.
6- He is such a liar that I do not believe anything he tells me.
7- The sun is so strong that at any moment it burns the plants.
8- She is so upset that at any moment she explodes with anger.
9- He is so full that he will stop eating.
10- She is so in love that she wants to get married.
11- He was so happy with the news that he ran to tell it to all his friends.
12- There was so much noise that I couldn't hear what he said.
13- It was so hot that I couldn't think of anything.
14- It was so tasty that I had two.
15- He is so naive that he believes everything I tell him.
16- It rained so hard that the roof fell off.
17- He screamed so hard that his voice went away.
18- She is so beautiful that men are afraid to talk to her.
19- I'm cold, so I'll put on my coat.
20- I'm hungry, so I'll eat.
21- I will organize my day efficiently, so that I can do many things with it.
22- I'm going to the movies, so I won't be able to answer the phone.
23- She was in a meeting, then she couldn't answer any calls.
24- It's a city that I don't know, so I have this map so I don't get lost.
25- I am allergic to nuts , so I will not eat them.
26- I love that woman, so I 'll ask her for her number.
27- It doesn't seem like a very safe place, so I wo n't stay there.
28- It was a woman of high society, then not want to be associated with such scandals.
29- It was a hot day, luckily the house had air conditioning.
30- We are in love, so we have decided to move in together.
31- All my clothes got wet with the rain, so I have other dry clothes at home.
32- The government is giving free education, so that all citizens are educated.
33- I want to go to university, therefore I am going to enroll in it.
34- I am saving to buy a new car, hence I do not want to spend more money than necessary.
35- He was taking antibiotics, for this reason he could not consume alcohol.
36- She did not want to have children, hence she decided to take contraceptives.
37- He finished doing his homework, therefore he can go out to play on the street.
38- The refrigerator broke, then we had to eat everything that was in it so it wouldn't get damaged.
39- We bought the Christmas gifts during a promotion, in this way we could save a lot of money.
40- We have finished with the housework, therefore we can go out to play at the beach.
41- Maria has spent the year at school with excellent grades, for this reason her parents have given her a gift.
42- Everyone arrived late, consequently we could not go out on the excursion.
43- The other week my aunt's birthday, that's why we are going to visit her.
44- My parents got divorced, for this reason they no longer live together.
45- The porcelain fell off the shelf, for this reason it broke.
46- I did not study enough for the exam, therefore I think I am going to fail it.
47- She was sick, so she couldn't go to work for several days.
48- My father is such a good lawyer that people line up outside his office to be treated.
49- That restaurant was so good that people had to reserve a table two months in advance.
50- She is so responsible that the teacher never reviews her homework.
51- I hit my knee, for this reason it hurts to walk.
52- His hand was cut with a knife, therefore he must go to the hospital to have it sutured.
53- I was working until 3:00 am, hence today I feel so tired.
54- Andrés ate so much that his belly started to hurt.
55- The dentist took out a tooth, for this reason it hurt to eat.
56- The weather was so wonderful that they decided to stay longer.
57- Your sales pitch was so good that it convinced everyone to buy your products.
58- The lights of the house are on, therefore there are people in it.
59- I received so much sun on the beach that my skin burned.
60- The sun has already risen, therefore we must close the curtains.
61- The children broke the glass with the ball, for this reason they must pay for it.
62- Ana ate so much chocolate that her belly started to hurt.
63- I am so hungry that I would eat a cow right now.
64- Yesterday my cell phone was stolen, for this reason I must buy a new one.
65- I lost my wallet in the pool, for this reason I must go to the police.
66- I liked the movie so much that I want to see it again.
67- Ana's cell phone broke, so she must take it for repair.
68- I bought a new apartment, this way I must move in a few months.
69- I really like the color pink, for this reason all my things are pink.
70- His eyes were so dark that you couldn't see his pupil.
71- He is so smart that he got a scholarship to the best university in the capital.
72- The glass of my mobile broke, so I will go to the repair shop.
73- We will send the army to the fire source, in this way we will put an end to the fire.
74- I was at home with the flu, hence I decided not to party.
75- My pants zipper broke, luckily I had a spare one in my suitcase.
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