- General characteristics
- Structure
- Stereoisomerism
- Hemiaceles and Hemicetales
- Conformations: chair and ship
- Properties of monosaccharides
- Mutarrotation and anomeric forms of d-glucose
- Modification of monosaccharides
- Action of pH on monosaccharides
- Features
- Power source
- Cell interaction
- Components of oligosaccharides
- Classification
- Important derivatives of monosaccharides
- Glycosides
- N-glycosylamines or N-glucosides
- Muramic acid and neuraminic acid
- Sugars-alcohols
- Examples of monosaccharides
- Glucose
- -Towered
- Goddesses
- Trios
- Glyceraldehyde
- Tetrosa
- Erythrosa and Treosa
- Pentosas
- Hexoses
- -Kets
- References
The monosaccharides are relatively small molecules that form the structural basis for more complex carbohydrates. These vary in terms of their structure and their stereochemical configuration.
The most distinguished example of a monosaccharide, and also the most abundant in nature, is d-glucose, made up of six carbon atoms. Glucose is an indispensable source of energy and is the basic component of certain polymers, such as starch and cellulose.
By Alejandro Porto, via Wikimedia Commons
Monosaccharides are compounds derived from aldehydes or ketones and contain at least three carbon atoms in their structure. They cannot undergo hydrolysis processes to decompose into simpler units.
In general, monosaccharides are solid substances, white in color and crystalline in appearance with a sweet taste. As they are polar substances, they are highly soluble in water and insoluble in non-polar solvents.
They can be linked with other monosaccharides through glycosidic bonds and form a variety of compounds, of great biological importance and structurally very varied.
The high number of molecules that monosaccharides can form makes it possible for them to be rich in both information and function. In fact, carbohydrates are the most abundant biomolecules in organisms.
The union of monosaccharides gives rise to disaccharides - such as sucrose, lactose and maltose - and to larger polymers such as glycogen, starch and cellulose, which perform energy storage functions, in addition to structural functions.
General characteristics
Monosaccharides are the simplest carbohydrates. Structurally they are carbohydrates and many of them can be represented with the empirical formula (CH 2 O) n. They represent an important source of energy for cells and are part of different molecules essential for life, such as DNA.
Monosaccharides are made up of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen atoms. When in solution, the predominant form of sugars (such as ribose, glucose, or fructose) is not an open chain, but rather energetically more stable rings.
The smallest monosaccharides are made up of three carbons and are dihydroxyacetone and d- and l-glyceraldehyde.
The carbon skeleton of monosaccharides does not have branches, and all carbon atoms, except one, have a hydroxyl group (-OH). On the remaining carbon atom is a carbonyl oxygen that can be combined into an acetal or ketal bond.
Chemical structure of glucose, a monosaccharide.
Monosaccharides - with the exception of dihydroxyacetone - have asymmetric carbon atoms, that is, they are linked to four different elements or substituents. These carbons are responsible for the appearance of chiral molecules and therefore optical isomers.
For example, glyceraldehyde has a single asymmetric carbon atom and therefore there are two forms of stereoisomers designated as the letters d- and l-glyceraldehyde. In the case of aldotetrosses, they have two asymmetric carbon atoms, while aldopentoses have three.
Aldohexoses, like glucose, have four asymmetric carbon atoms, therefore they can exist in the forms of 16 different stereoisomers.
These asymmetric carbons exhibit optical activity and the forms of monosaccharides vary in nature according to this property. The most common form of glucose is dextrorotatory, and the usual form of fructose is levorotatory.
When more than two asymmetric carbon atoms appear, the prefixes d- and l- refer to the asymmetric atom furthest from the carbonyl carbon.
Hemiaceles and Hemicetales
Monosaccharides have the ability to form rings thanks to the presence of an aldehyde group that reacts with an alcohol and generates a hemiacetal. Likewise, ketones can react with an alcohol and generally a hemiketal.
For example, in the case of glucose, carbon at position 1 (in the linear form) reacts with carbon at position 5 of the same structure to form an intramolecular hemiacetal.
Depending on the configuration of the substituents present on each carbon atom, sugars in their cyclic form can be represented following the Haworth projection formulas. In these diagrams, the edge of the ring that is closest to the reader and this portion is represented by thick lines (see main image).
Thus, a sugar that has six terms is a pyranose and a ring with five terms is called a furanose.
Thus, the cyclic forms of glucose and fructose are called glucopyranose and fructofuranose. As discussed above, d-glucopyranose can exist in two stereoisomeric forms, denoted by the letters α and β.
Conformations: chair and ship
Haworth diagrams suggest that the structure of monosaccharides have a flat structure, however this view is not true.
The rings are not flat due to the tetrahedral geometry present in their carbon atoms, therefore they can adopt two types of conformations, called chair and ship or ship.
The saddle-shaped conformation is, compared to the ship, more rigid and stable, for this reason it is the predominant conformation in solutions containing hexoses.
In the chair form, two classes of substituents can be distinguished, called axial and equatorial. In pyranoses, the equatorial hydroxyl groups undergo esterification processes more easily than the axial ones.
By Alejandro Porto, via Wikimedia Commons
Properties of monosaccharides
Mutarrotation and anomeric forms of d-glucose
When in aqueous solutions, some sugars behave as if they have an additional asymmetric center. For example, d-glucose exists in two isomeric forms that differ in specific rotation: α-d-glucose β-d-glucose.
Although the elemental composition is identical, both species vary in terms of their physical and chemical properties. When these isomers enter aqueous solution, a change in optical rotation is evidenced as time passes, reaching a final value at equilibrium.
This phenomenon is called mutarrotation and occurs when one third of the alpha isomer is mixed with two thirds of the beta isomer, at an average temperature of 20 ° C.
Modification of monosaccharides
Monosaccharides can form glycosidic bonds with alcohols and amines to form modified molecules.
Similarly, they can be phosphorylated, that is, a phosphate group can be added to the monosaccharide. This phenomenon is of great importance in various metabolic pathways, for example, the first step of the glycolytic pathway involves the phosphorylation of glucose to give the intermediate glucose 6-phosphate.
As glycolysis progresses, other metabolic intermediates are generated, such as dihydroxyacetone phosphate and glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate, which are phosphorylated sugars.
The phosphorylation process gives a negative charge to sugars, preventing these molecules from leaving the cell easily. In addition, it gives them reactivity so that they can form bonds with other molecules.
Action of pH on monosaccharides
Monosaccharides are stable in environments at high temperatures and with dilute mineral acids. In contrast, when exposed to highly concentrated acids, sugars undergo a dehydration process that produces aldehyde derivatives of furan, called furfurals.
For example, heating d-glucose together with concentrated hydrochloric acids generates a compound called 5-hydroxymethylfurfural.
When furfurals condense with phenols, they produce colored substances that can be used as markers in the analysis of sugars.
On the other hand, mild alkaline environments produce rearrangements around anomeric carbon and adjacent carbon. When d-glucose is treated with basic substances, a mixture of d-glucose, d-fruit, and d-mannose is created. These products occur at room temperature.
When an increase in temperature or in the concentrations of alkaline substances occurs, monosaccharides undergo processes of fragmentation, polymerization or rearrangement.
Power source
Monosaccharides, and carbohydrates in general, the essential elements in the diet as sources of energy. In addition to functioning as cellular fuel and energy storage, they function as intermediate metabolites in enzymatic reactions.
Cell interaction
They can also be linked to other biomolecules - such as proteins and lipids - and fulfill key functions related to cell interaction.
Nucleic acids, DNA and RNA, are the molecules responsible for inheritance and have sugars in their structure, specifically pentoses. D-ribose is the monosaccharide found in the backbone of RNA. Monosaccharides are also important components of complex lipids.
Components of oligosaccharides
Monosaccharides are the basic structural components of oligosaccharides (from the Greek oligo, meaning few) and polysaccharides, which contain many monosaccharide units, either of a single class or of various kinds.
These two complex structures function as biological fuel stores, for example starch. They are also important structural components, such as cellulose found in the rigid cell walls of plants and in the woody and fibrous tissues of various plant organs.
Monosaccharides are classified in two different ways. The first depends on the chemical nature of the carbonyl group, since it can be a ketone or an aldehyde. The second classification focuses on the number of carbon atoms present in sugar.
For example, dihydroxyacetone contains a ketone group and is therefore called "ketosa", in contrast to glyceraldehydes which contains an aldehyde group and is considered an "aldose".
Monosaccharides are assigned a specific name depending on the number of carbons that their structure contains. Thus, a sugar with four, five, six, and seven carbon atoms are called tetroses, pentoses, hexoses, and heptoses, respectively.
Of all the classes of monosaccharides mentioned, hexoses are by far the most abundant group.
Both classifications can be combined and the name given to the molecule is a mixture of the number of carbons and the type of carbonyl group.
In the case of glucose (C 6 H 12 O 6) it is considered a hexose because it has six carbon atoms and is also an aldose. According to the two classifications this molecule is an aldohexose. Similarly, ribulose is a ketopentose.
Important derivatives of monosaccharides
In the presence of a mineral acid, aldopyranoses can react with alcohols to form glycosides. These are asymmetric mixed acetals constituted by the reaction of the anomeric carbon atom from the hemiacetal with a hydroxyl group of an alcohol.
The bond formed is called a glycosidic bond, and it can also be formed by the reaction between the anomeric carbon of a monosaccharide with the hydroxyl group of another monosaccharide to form a disaccharide. In this way, oligosaccharide and polysaccharide chains are formed.
They can be hydrolyzed by certain enzymes, such as glucosidases or when subjected to acidity and high temperatures.
N-glycosylamines or N-glucosides
Aldoses and ketoses are capable of reacting with amines and resulting in N-glucosides.
These molecules play an important role in nucleic acids and nucleotides, where the nitrogen atoms of the bases are found forming N-glucosylamine bonds with the carbon atom at position 1 of d-ribose (in RNA) or of 2-deoxy-d-ribose (in DNA).
Muramic acid and neuraminic acid
These two derivatives of amino sugars have nine carbon atoms in their structure and are important structural components of the bacterial architecture and in the coat of animal cells, respectively.
The structural base of the bacterial cell wall is N-acetylmuramic acid and it is formed by the amino sugar N-acetyl-d-glucosamine linked to lactic acid.
In the case of N-acetyl-neuraminic acid, it is a derivative of N-acetyl-d-mannosamine and pyruvic acid. The compound is found in glycoproteins and in glycolipids of animal cells.
In monosaccharides, the carbonyl group is capable of being reduced and forming sugar alcohols. This reaction occurs with the presence of hydrogen gas and metallic catalysts.
In the case of d-glucose, the reaction gives rise to the sugar-alcohol d-glucitol. Similarly, the reaction by d-mannose yields d-mannitol.
Naturally, there are two very abundant sugars, glycerin and inositol, both with outstanding biological importance. The first is the component of certain lipids while the second is found in phosphatyl-inositol and in phytic acid.
The salt from phytic acid is phytin, an essential support material in plant tissues.
Examples of monosaccharides
It is the most important monosaccharide and is present in all living beings. This carbonate chain is necessary for cells to exist as it provides them with energy.
It is composed of a carbonate chain of six carbon atoms, and complemented by twelve hydrogen atoms and six oxygen atoms.
This group is formed by the carbonyl at one end of the carbonate chain.
This monosaccharide is the only one of the aldoses that is made up of three carbon atoms. For what it is known as a triose.
It is the first monosaccharide to be obtained in photosynthesis. In addition to being part of metabolic pathways such as glycolysis.
Erythrosa and Treosa
These monosaccharides have four carbon atoms and one aldehyde group. Erythrose and treose differ in the conformation of chiral carbons.
In treose they are found in DL or LD conformations while in erythrose the conformations of both carbons are DD or LL
Within this group we find the carbonate chains that have five carbon atoms. According to the position of the carbonyl we differentiate the monosaccharides ribose, deoxyribose, arabinose, xylose and lixose.
Ribose is one of the main components of RNA and helps form nucleotides like ATP that provide energy to the cells of living things.
The deoxyribose is derived from a monosaccharide deoxysugar five carbon atoms (pentose of formula C5H10O4 empirical)
Arabinose is one of the monosaccharides that appear in pectin and hemicellulose. This monosaccharide is used in bacterial cultures as a carbon source.
Xylose is also commonly known as wood sugar. Its main function is related to human nutrition, and it is one of the eight essential sugars for the human body.
Lixose is a rare monosaccharide in nature and is found on the bacterial walls of some species.
In this group of monosaccharides there are six carbon atoms. They are also classified depending on where your carbonyl is found:
Allose is a rare monosaccharide that has been obtained from the leaves of an African tree only.
Altrose is a monosaccharide found in some strains of the bacterium Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens.
Glucose is made up of a carbonate chain of six carbon atoms, supplemented by twelve hydrogen atoms and six oxygen atoms.
Mannose has a composition similar to glucose and its main function is to produce energy for cells.
Gulose is a sweet-tasting artificial monosaccharide that is not fermented by yeasts.
Idose is an epimer of glucose and is used as an energy source for the extracellular matrix of the cells of living beings.
Galactose is a monosaccharide that is part of the glycolipids and glycoproteins and is found mainly in the neurons of the brain.
Talose is another artificial monosaccharide that is soluble in water and has a sweet taste.
Depending on the number of carbon atoms, we can distinguish dihydroxyacetone, made up of three carbon atoms, and erythrulose, made up of four.
Likewise, if they have five carbon atoms and taking into account the position of the carbonyl, we find ribulose and xylulose. Made up of six carbon atoms, we have sicosa, fructose, sorbose, and tagatose.
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