- Definition and concept
- Types of metonymy
- Examples of metonymy in sentences
- Other examples of sentences
- Examples of metonymy in poems
- «Spiritual song» of Saint John of the Cross
- «If my voice died on land» by Rafael Alberti
- «Song of the horseman» by Federico García Lorca
- «Margarita» by Rubén Darío
- Examples of metonymy in songs
- "Divine women" by Vicente Fernández
- Camila's «Lies»
- «Indecent Proposal» by Romeo Santos
- References
The metonymy is a literary device that is to give something or the name of another object, as long as they relate to each other in terms of meaning and affinity. In other words, this element allows a change from one term to another whose concept is directly related.
An example of metonymy is: "The king bought a Picasso." In this sentence the word Picasso replaces a painting or painting made by the Spanish artist. So metonymy is used with the aim of giving the language variety and dynamism.
Although metonymy is commonly applied in literary texts, it is also true that it has gained ground within colloquial language.
This is perhaps due to the types of forms in which it is presented: effect by its cause, cause by its effect, container by content, symbol by the thing symbolized, place by what is produced in it, among others.
Definition and concept
Metonymy allows the exchange of one word for another in a sentence, as long as they are directly related. Source: pixabay.com.
As described in the previous paragraphs, metonymy is a literary tool that serves to expand language through the substitution or transposition of one word for another.
This literary device occurs only if the intervening terms share a similar meaning and are close within the discourse. On the other hand, the etymological origin of metonymy stems from the Latin word metonymy, which translates as “receiving a new name”.
As a complement, this literary device is simply to give a new name to a word in relation to a meaning and what it represents objectively.
Types of metonymy
Metonymy occurs in the following ways:
- Effect for its cause.
- Cause for its effect.
- Continent for content.
- Symbol for the thing symbolized.
- Place for what is produced in it.
- Trademark by object of the trademark.
- Work by the name of its author.
- The part for the whole.
- The whole for the part.
- The matter for the object.
- The name of the object by another contiguous to it.
- The instrument for its creator.
Examples of metonymy in sentences
- Music is joy to the soul.
- Juan ate two plates of soup.
- The soldiers swore allegiance to the flag.
- Tourists ordered a port as soon as they arrived at the hotel.
- During the holidays I dedicated myself to reading Cervantes.
- The Italian player put his best effort to defend his team's net.
- My grandmother washed the blender after blending the juice.
- The artist painted an oil canvas.
- My sister adjusted too much the waist of the dress.
- Daniel is the best guitar in the band.
- María met the drums when leaving the concert.
- The best pen in Colombian literature is García Márquez.
- Waiter, please serve me two sherry!
- The White House did not issue an opinion on the attack.
- Venezuela did not attend the UN general assembly.
- There was no room for a soul in the concert.
- Manuel must put the batteries in class.
- Two Rembrandts were stolen from the Paris museum.
- Children must respect gray hair.
- Sara wants a Louis Vuitton for her birthday.
- Ramiro is one of the great brushes of the academy.
- My cousin turns fifteen next Saturday.
- Prince Gustavo inherited the crown last year.
- They left him alone and he drank the whole bottle.
- Martina and Sebastián put an end to their love relationship.
- Micaela's baby is the joy of the house.
- Do you want a drink?
- All musicians are good, but wind musicians excel in the orchestra.
- In the Prado museum there are several Goya.
- I read Shakespeare whenever I can.
- France and Germany make important economic decisions.
- Leonardo Dicaprio was given his first Oscar.
- Ricardo went to the job interview with his best hanger.
- Give me your phone and I'll call you later.
- Pipe smoking is no longer common in this age.
Other examples of sentences
- My friends and I go to the museum to see a Dalí.
- Miguel has good lungs so he will start swimming.
- Esteban's ego went up with the purchase of the Ferrari.
- Mauricio won gold in the triathlon.
- Nicolás's uncle likes to listen to Beethoven.
- In my classroom there is a new face.
- I told José to adjust the collar of his shirt and he didn't.
- We went on a trip and my dad paid with the Mastercard.
- I walked at night and there was not a soul.
- My brother and I went to the party and played a sound.
- Pedro was the sadness of Carlota's life.
- My husband is pure of heart.
- The youth spoke at the rally.
- I'm telling you with my hand on my heart.
- Carmen said that she got goose bumps from so cold.
- Mauro put the batteries and conquered Marissa.
- Alberto ate a tray of strawberries.
Examples of metonymy in poems
«Spiritual song» of Saint John of the Cross
"Oh forests and thickets, planted by the hands of the beloved!
Oh vegetable meadows, of enameled flowers.
say if it has happened to you! ”.
«If my voice died on land» by Rafael Alberti
"If my voice died on the ground, take it to sea level
and leave it on the shore ”.
«Song of the horseman» by Federico García Lorca
"On the black moon
of the bandits, the spurs sing.
Black horse.
Where are you taking your dead rider?
the hard spurs
of the immobile bandit
who lost the reins… ”.
«Margarita» by Rubén Darío
"Your scarlet lips of cursed purple
they sipped the champagne of fine baccarat, your fingers peeled off the white daisy
'Yes… no… yes… no…' and you knew I adored you already! "
Examples of metonymy in songs
"Divine women" by Vicente Fernández
"Speaking of women and betrayals
the bottles were consumed… ".
Camila's «Lies»
"If I looked for pain I got it
… find your way elsewhere, while I'm searching the time that i lost…".
«Indecent Proposal» by Romeo Santos
"If I disrespect you and then I blame
to alcohol, if I lift your skirt
You would give me the right to measure your good sense… ”.
- Meaning of Metonymy. (2016). (N / A): Meanings. Recovered from: significados.com.
- 20 examples of metonymy. (2019). Colombia: Examples. Recovered from: examples.co.
- Harlan, C. (2019). (N / A): About Español. Recovered from: aboutespanol.com.
- (S. f.). Cuba: EcuRed. Recovered from: ecured.cu.
- (2019). Spain: Wikipedia. Recovered from: es.wikipedia.org.