- 10 actions to improve your quality of life at work
- 1- Look for work motivation
- 2- Focus on work
- 3- Choose limits
- 4- Stop when needed
- 5- Communicate effectively
- 6- Establish satisfactory relationships
- 7- Take care of the environment
- 8- Manage emotions
- 9- Deal with conflicts
- 10- Know that work is not everything
- References
Having a good quality of life at work is important, since most individuals dedicate a large part of their daily hours to performing professional tasks. Likewise, work is one of the places where achieving quality of life and a satisfactory state of mind can be more complicated.
Stress, fatigue, routine tasks or lack of motivation are elements that can appear easily. In this way, people become more vulnerable in the workplace, since it is governed by a series of obligations and restrictions that can affect psychological functioning.
Obviously, it is much easier to relax or feel good about yourself when you are doing pleasant activities than when you are fulfilling obligations.
However, professional activities play a very important role in people's well-being. We all need to feel useful and productive, so work, although it can often become saturated, is a highly relevant element for personal satisfaction.
Carrying out these actions have the objective of overcoming the demands or the negative aspects of the work activity, transforming them into satisfactory elements that allow improving the well-being of the workers.
10 actions to improve your quality of life at work
1- Look for work motivation
For the work environment to constitute a reinforcing and satisfactory element for the individual, it is essential that it generate some type of motivation. After all, people spend between a quarter and a third (sometimes even more) of their day to day doing work activities.
The gratification of work cannot be limited to receiving a financial reward. Salary plays an important role among the factors that motivate people to go to work, but it is insufficient.
As with other areas of life, it is important that at work one tries to perform as well as possible and achieve personal and professional goals.
Often the tasks carried out may not be those desired or those that allow greater personal fulfillment. However, practically no one has the perfect job and most individuals are capable of finding a thousand and one flaws in their work.
The goal is to focus attention on the opposite. That is, focus on all those positive aspects that occur in the workplace.
Motivation never comes from outside. In fact, motivation is an internal element. It is developed and executed by the person himself, so reinforcing elements can always be found.
If you want to increase your quality of life in the workplace, look for aspects that motivate you to go every day. Don't just go to your job and get paid at the end of the month. At the end of the day, with this attitude you will only be hurting yourself.
2- Focus on work
Another important aspect is to determine where attention is focused when going to the job. If analyzed from an objective perspective, the job is the place where you go to perform work activities.
In this way, if you want to receive some type of reward and motivation when you are there, you must extract it from the work activity itself. To acquire a good psychological state while working, it is important that attention is focused on professional tasks.
Focusing attention on work allows you to withdraw from negative thoughts and emotions. When working, the mind is busy and satisfying productivity motivations develop.
In fact, whenever you stay in context but focus your attention on foreign aspects, feelings are often negative.
Going to the movies and thinking about the purchase is often unsatisfactory. The same thing happens when you play sports and instead of focusing your attention on the activity that is being carried out, you constantly think about some concern or problem.
Focusing on work when working allows, on the one hand, to increase productivity and, on the other, to increase well-being and positive feelings.
3- Choose limits
Being motivated and focused on work may not be enough to achieve an optimal quality of life in the workplace. Especially these elements can even work against you when stress states appear.
When the volume of work is very high, the demands are multiple and there is no material time to carry out all the tasks, motivation goes into the background. In fact, in these situations, most likely the problem is not the absence of gratification at work, but the presence of disturbing and annoying elements.
It is so important to focus all abilities at work and give the best of oneself in professional activities, such as knowing how to manage stress. Stress must begin to be managed from the first minute it appears. Otherwise, it can increase and become much more complex to eliminate.
The best solution to managing stress is to set limits. That is, decide to what extent you want work activity to affect and wear down your personal abilities.
No matter how much work there is, you must know how far you can go and how many tasks you can perform satisfactorily (without causing excessive wear and tear). Delimiting these aspects must be a personal task and must be governed by the individual decision of how far you want to go with the work.
However, it is important to set a congruent limit that allows optimal performance and, above all, that does not affect the psychological state.
4- Stop when needed
In the same sense as the previous point, in order to enjoy work it is important to know when you need to rest. It is often preferable (or even necessary) to stop in order to continue.
The workplace is situations in which saturation and exhaustion can easily appear. When you are saturated you have two options. The first is to keep working and, therefore, keep getting saturated.
By making this decision, personal performance will decrease due to saturation and the psychological state will worsen, developing a series of negative emotions and sensations as a result of fatigue and collapse.
The second option is to stop for a certain period of time to rest and reduce saturation. When the latter is chosen, the psychological state improves, mental organization increases and it is possible to return to work in better conditions to carry out the relevant activities.
All people get saturated. Collapse and fatigue are not elements that one decides to have, but they appear involuntarily. Thus, saturation should not be interpreted as a negative or inadmissible aspect of oneself, but a dangerous situation that requires a different action.
5- Communicate effectively
In most jobs, communication with other people is essential. Most tasks are not performed by one alone and require connection with other workers to perform them correctly.
In fact, co-workers are one more tool that all workers have. Being able to help or be helped by others is a resource that cannot be missed.
To acquire an optimal quality of life at work it is necessary to communicate effectively with others. Don't keep all your problems to yourself or try to fix everything yourself. There are colleagues who can help you when you need it most and make your tasks easier.
In the same way, offer help to others whenever they ask for it. Cooperation makes work meaningful and task performance easier. Two heads always think better than one, so it is convenient that they come together.
6- Establish satisfactory relationships
Beyond the professional, communication with colleagues can bring other positive aspects in the workplace. At the end of the day, they are people with whom you share long hours of your day to day, so what you contribute to them and what they contribute to you should not remain in the performance of work activities.
It is important to try to establish satisfactory relationships with the other workers. To be able to comment with them how the weekend went or what you thought about the game on Wednesday night.
These types of human relationships make the work environment improve. You feel less tense, more comfortable and with greater reinforcers to carry out your workday.
7- Take care of the environment
Internal and relational factors are not the only ones that are relevant in the workplace. In fact, the environment plays a major role in the quality of life that you achieve while working.
In the same way that eating in a dirty kitchen or sleeping in a messy room is not pleasant, it is also important to have the workplace in optimal condition.
Get rid of unused papers, put a little order, put a photo that you like… All these activities allow you to put the job to your liking.
In fact, you spend many hours in the workplace, so it is necessary that it is comfortable for you and that you feel comfortable in it. Saving the distances, you must manage to turn it into your little second home, since it is the place where you stay the longest after your home.
8- Manage emotions
At work, multiple situations of stress or emotional disturbance may appear. As in other areas, work dynamics can give rise to complex problems and situations.
In this sense, despite the fact that at work one is dedicated to work, the things that happen in the workplace are not exempt from emotional components.
Experiencing diverse emotions and feelings is normal and sometimes satisfying at work. Performing work activities can develop positive emotions of gratification or satisfaction with oneself.
However, negative emotions of frustration, helplessness or high feelings of pressure can also appear.
For this reason, it is important to know how to properly manage negative emotions that appear at work. When these arise it is important to correctly analyze the situation.
9- Deal with conflicts
In the same way, in the workplace, multiple conflicts and problems of different qualities can appear. They can attend to specific discussions with other workers, to disagreements on what activities should be carried out, disagreements with superiors…
To be able to be satisfactorily in the workplace, it is important to be able to solve the different conflicts that arise. Otherwise, these can gradually increase and motivate negative experiences each time you go to work.
To deal with conflicts, it is convenient to communicate in a clear and conciliatory way. Present the personal vision on the problematic elements and debate with the other workers to reach agreements.
When agreements are reached, the tension between colleagues decreases and labor conflicts have less capacity to affect people's quality of life.
10- Know that work is not everything
Despite the fact that carrying out the previous 9 activities can be very useful to increase the quality of life at work, one must be aware that the workplace is not the only aspect of people's lives.
There are many things beyond work activities. Family, friendships, social life, free time…
All these aspects are highly relevant, so it is necessary to know how to correctly delimit where the work begins and ends. The problems and alterations that the work environment produces should stay there, and use other vital areas to improve your overall quality of life.
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