- Contextual framework characteristics
- Mark the space
- It depends on the objectives
- Give meaning to project or thesis
- It goes from the general to the particular
- Contextual framework according to Hernández Sampieri
- How do you make a contextual framework?
- Generalities
- Special features
- Example
- General context
- General features
- Particular environment of the project
- References
The contextual framework in a project or thesis is the physical setting, temporal conditions and general situation that describe the environment of an investigative work. In general, this may contain social, cultural, historical, economic and cultural aspects that are considered relevant to make an approach to the object of the study.
In some investigations, especially those of a qualitative nature, the results may depend on geographical and temporal conditions or specific environments.
In this way, the delimitation of a contextual framework in a project or thesis generates the necessary certainty. This restricts the study to the area and time in which the results are valid.
Being a limiting factor, the contextual framework influences the general and specific objectives. In the same way, it helps to give consistency to the theoretical framework, since the search for the contents that make up this support is done more efficiently. Also, it allows the identification of the object, subject and medium in the course of a project or thesis.
Now, the contextual complements the rest of the references that serve as a framework for an investigation. The others are the conceptual (definitions), the theoretical (theories) and the historical (antecedents). And as has already been established, the contextual framework makes a description of the temporal and spatial situation where the phenomenon takes place.
Each one contributes to making the necessary demarcations with respect to the object of study. Likewise, through these frameworks the different linkages of the elements that are related to the phenomenon that is being analyzed are established.
Contextual framework characteristics
Mark the space
The scope of the contextual framework corresponds to the space in which the research takes place. This space can be geographic, temporal, or a combination of both.
Thus, this area clearly defines the project or thesis as unique. Sometimes it may coincide with that of previous research, but in the end it should show aspects not previously considered.
It depends on the objectives
The conceptual framework must be defined in accordance with those of the project or thesis. This happens because context can mean different things, such as a particular team or group, an organization, community, society, country, culture and others. It can even refer to a combination of some of these instances.
Give meaning to project or thesis
The contextual framework is of utmost importance as it is what gives meaning to the investigation. In other words, it helps shape a project or thesis.
For example, if multiple cases are used to explore a topic, evidence from different contexts can help understand why the phenomenon occurs in different ways in different settings.
It goes from the general to the particular
Contextualization is usually carried out by describing the global aspects in the first instance. Then, the most particular aspects of the context are highlighted.
Given its multidimensional nature, it is appropriate that all aspects be covered in a comprehensive but concise manner.
Contextual framework according to Hernández Sampieri
Roberto Hernández Sampieri is a renowned Mexican researcher and writer. Together with Carlos Fernández Collado and Pilar Baptista Lucio, he is the author of one of the most popular textbooks in the research area: Research Methodology. This work already has six editions and the seventh is being worked on.
However, these authors do not directly mention the contextual framework. However, in many instances they refer to context. In their case, and coinciding with some other authors, they consider that it is in the theoretical or reference framework where this contextualization is achieved.
However, in many parts of the book they refer to context in its traditional definition: physical and temporal space. In this way, for example, they explain that the context - understood as the circumstances surrounding an event by how - is one of the aspects to take into account to evaluate the feasibility of a research proposal.
Furthermore, the context is decisive in investigations of a quantitative nature, since the variables must be measured in perfectly defined contexts.
In the qualitative, its importance is greater, since the interpretation of the data is directly linked to the temporal and spatial circumstances surrounding the collection of information.
On the other hand, Salazar de Gómez, quoted in the book, advises beginning students to pose the problem in “a general context, then place the situation in the national and regional context to, finally, project it in the field local; that is, where they are academically located. "
How do you make a contextual framework?
The outline of a contextual framework will depend on each project in particular and the requirements of the institutions where they are registered. However, there may be some matching items. These are briefly described below.
In many projects, it is customary for the person in charge of the investigation to make the relevant notes in order to establish what the contextual framework means to him.
This is very important as the word "context" can be open to various interpretations. An exhibition on the global context where the project or thesis is inserted is also frequent.
Special features
After the generalities, the setting where the phenomenon under study occurs must be described. This description is delimitative in time and space.
Among the aspects that can be included, depending on their relevance in each case, are geographical, economic, social, temporal and demographic.
Thus, if the object of study is organizations, the contextual framework can contain data such as background, history of the organization and mission and vision, among others.
It is customary for the description of this context to go from the macro to the micro. Using this same example, the schema would be: company, management, area, section.
The contextual framework that serves as an example is part of the research The voice of students in compulsory secondary education. A proposal to improve your participation. Its author is Marta García Lastra from the University of Cantabria.
General context
In the first instance, the author of this research describes the general context, explaining that it is part of a larger project carried out by professors from her university.
He comments that its fundamental axis is "the study of the processes of social and educational inclusion / exclusion through the use of narrative biographical methodology."
Also, it highlights the conclusions of the previous investigations. One of the most important is the key role of schools in the processes of educational inclusion-exclusion. With this it justifies the projects destined to improve its operation.
General features
The general aspects of an investigation are also part of the contextual framework. In this particular case, it is specified that some phases of the project have already been carried out.
However, the general conclusions depend on other phases not completed. In addition, details are provided on the number and levels of schools chosen.
Specifically, it is detailed that "the project is being carried out at the infant, primary, and secondary levels and a PCPI program of Technical Assistant of Commerce and Warehouse Manager."
In this sense, we can speak of a multilevel project where… a process of adapting said budgets to the reality of each center and / or level is carried out. "
Particular environment of the project
The project was carried out at the Bellavista-Julio Blanco Social Center. This center “is located in Cueto, which is currently a suburb of Santander with 9,399 inhabitants. The center opened its doors in the seventies linked to the social initiative of the neighborhood parish. "
Regarding the description of the environment, the author adds that “the educational community of the center is made up of more than three hundred students, around thirty teachers and seven PAS. It has services such as dining room or summer camp and an important range of extracurricular activities. "
In addition, the author talks about socio-economic data “An important part of its students comes from families of low socio-economic and cultural level, a situation that is present in the daily work of the center. A significant number of gypsy students also attend him, given the existence of a gypsy settlement in the neighborhood for decades. "
It also explains that the center implements "programs and projects aimed at this group." Also, "training actions aimed at the adult population, especially women, are developed with the aim of providing them with a basic academic title", in addition to other socio-educational projects.
The specific level on which we worked was "the 4th year of ESO, the total number of students enrolled in this level is twenty-four, eleven of them forming part of a curriculum diversification program."
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