- Historical perspective
- characteristics
- Examples
- Convergent evolution
- Divergent evolution
- Anagenesis and cladogenesis
- Adaptive radiation
- Controversies
- References
The macroevolution is defined as the evolutionary process large timescale. The term can refer to the history of changes in a lineage over time (anagenesis), or to the divergence of two populations after reproductive isolation between them (cladogenesis).
Thus, macroevolutionary processes include diversification of major clades, changes in taxonomic diversity over time, and phenotypic changes within a species.
Macroevolution is usually studied through the fossil record. Source: pixabay.com
The concept of macroevolution is opposed to that of microevolution, which implies change in populations of individuals, that is, at the species level. However, the distinction between micro and macroevolution is not entirely precise, and there is controversy regarding the use of these two terms.
Historical perspective
The terminology of macroevolution and microevolution dates back to 1930, when Filipchenko used it for the first time. For this author, the difference between both processes is based on the level at which it is studied: microevolution occurs below the species level and macroevolution above it.
Subsequently, the renowned evolutionary biologist Dobzhansky retains the terminology coined by Filipchenko, using it with the same meaning.
For Mayr, a microevolutionary process has temporal implications and he defines it as that evolutionary change that occurs in relatively short periods of time and at the species level.
Macroevolution is the branch of evolutionary biology that aims to study evolutionary processes on a large temporal scale and at higher taxonomic levels than species. In contrast, microevolution studies change at population levels on relatively short time scales.
Thus, the two most important characteristics of macroevolution are large-scale change that acts above population levels.
While it is true that we can make macroevolutionary inferences using current species, the biological entities that provide the most information in macroevolution are fossils.
Thus, paleobiologists have used the fossil record to detect macroevolutionary patterns and describe the change of different lineages on large time scales.
Below we will describe the main patterns that biologists have detected at the macroevolutionary level and we will mention very specific cases to exemplify this pattern.
Convergent evolution
In evolutionary biology, looks can be deceiving. Not all organisms that are morphologically similar are phylogenetically related. In fact, there are very similar organisms that are very distant in the tree of life.
This phenomenon is known as "convergent evolution". Generally, unrelated lineages that exhibit similar characteristics face similar selective pressures.
For example, whales (which are aquatic mammals) are very similar to sharks (cartilaginous fish) in terms of adaptations that allow aquatic life: fins, hydrodynamic morphology, among others.
Divergent evolution
Divergent evolution occurs when two populations (or a fragment of a population) become isolated. Later, thanks to the different selective pressures typical of the new zone they colonize, they separate "evolutionarily" speaking and in each population natural selection and genetic drift act independently.
The brown bear, belonging to the Ursus arctos species, underwent a process of dispersal in the Northern Hemisphere, in a wide range of habitats - from deciduous forests to coniferous forests.
Thus, several "ecotypes" emerged in each of the available habitats. A small population proliferated in the most hostile environments and completely separated from the species, giving rise to the polar bear: Ursus maritimus.
Anagenesis and cladogenesis
Microevolutionary processes focus on studying how are the variations in the allele frequencies of populations. When these changes occur at the macroevolutionary level, they are called angenesis or phyletic changes.
When species undergo directional selection, the species gradually accumulates changes until it reaches a point where it differs significantly from the species that originated it. This change does not imply speciation, only changes along a branch of the tree of life.
In contrast, cladogenesis involves the formation of new branches on the tree. In this process, an ancestral species diversifies and originates different species.
For example, Darwin's finches, inhabitants of the Galapagos Islands, underwent a process of cladogenesis. In this scenario, an ancestral species gave rise to different variants of finches, which were eventually differentiated at the species level.
Adaptive radiation
GG Simpson, a leading paleontologist, considers adaptive radiation to be one of the most important patterns in macroevolution. They consist of the massive and rapid diversification of an ancestral species, creating diverse morphologies. It is a type of "explosive" speciation.
The example of Darwin's finches that we use to show the process of cladogenesis is also valid to exemplify adaptive radiation: diverse and varied forms of finches emerge from an ancestral finch, each with its particular feeding modality (granivorous, insectivorous, nectarivorous, among others).
Another example of adaptive radiation is the immense diversification that the mammalian lineage underwent after the extinction of the dinosaurs.
From the perspective of modern synthesis, macroevolution is the result of processes that we observe at the population level and also occur in microevolution.
That is, evolution is a two-step process that occurs at the population level where: (1) variations arise through mutation and recombination, and (2) natural selection and genetic drift processes determine the change from one generation to another..
For proponents of synthesis, these evolutionary forces are sufficient to explain macroevolutionary changes.
Controversy arises from scientists who claim that additional evolutionary forces (beyond selection, drift, migration, and mutation) must exist in order to efficiently explain macroevolutionary change. One of the most prominent examples in this discussion is the theory of punctuated equilibrium proposed by Eldredge and Gould in 1972.
According to this hypothesis, most species do not change for a considerable time. Drastic changes are observed along with speciation events.
There is a heated debate among evolutionary biologists to define whether the processes that have been used to explain microevolution are valid for extrapolation to higher time scales and a hierarchical level higher than that of the species.
- Bell G. (2016). Experimental macroevolution. Proceedings. Biological sciences, 283 (1822), 20152547.
- Curtis, H., & Schnek, A. (2006). Invitation to Biology. Panamerican Medical Ed.
- Hendry, AP, & Kinnison, MT (Eds.). (2012). Microevolution Rate, Pattern, Process. Springer Science & Business Media.
- Jappah, D. (2007). Evolution: A Grand Monument to Human Stupidity. Lulu Inc.
- Makinistian, AA (2009). Historical development of evolutionary ideas and theories. Zaragoza's University.
- Serrelli, E., & Gontier, N. (Eds.). (2015). Macroevolution: explanation, interpretation and evidence. Springer.