- List of technological inventions of the century
- 1- 4G
- 2- Amazon Kindle
- 3- Apple iPod
- 4- Apple iPhone
- 5- Apple iPad
- 6- Bluetooth
- 7- Blu-Ray
- 8- Digital cameras
- 9- Canon EOS 5D Mark II
- 10- 4DX Cinema
- 11- Smartphones
- 12- AbioCor artificial heart
- 13- Curiosity
- 14- Google
- 15- Driverless car
- 16- Google Android
- 17- Google Maps
- 18- 3D printer
- 19- Internet
- 20- Laptop
- 21- LED lights
- 22- Microsoft Xbox Live
- 23- Mouse with built-in bluetooth
- 24- Modzilla Firefox
- 25- Nintendo DS
- 26- Nintendo Wii
- 27- Iron lung
- 28- Artificial satellites
- 29- Seiko Thermic Watch
- 30- Skype
- 31- Smart TV
- 32- Spotify
- 33- Tablets
- 34- TiVo
- 35- YouTube
- Themes of interest
- References
The technological inventions of the last century have facilitated the way of life of human beings. Some of these inventions are tangible like space satellites, cell phones, and laptops. Others are intangible like Google and Apple operating systems and Bluetooth.
Many of them are so rooted in today's societies that they are not usually considered as technological innovations. This is the case with the internet and smartphones. Both inventions are of great importance in communications today.
That is, these are usually presented in society as novel technological advances but, with the passage of time, they become common elements in the life of the human being.
Some technological inventions of the last century are the creations of Apple (the iPod, the iPhone and the iPod), the creations of Google (the search engine, Google Maps and Google Android), the 4G network (which improves the internet connection in phones, computers and tablets), Nintendo DS and Nintendo Wii video game consoles, applications such as Skype and Spotify, and certain devices such as TiVo, Smart TV, digital cameras, tablets and artificial satellites.
List of technological inventions of the century
1- 4G
In 2008, the International Telecommunications Union established the standards for the creation of a fourth generation (4G) network.
Access to 4G internet is much faster than 3G. In this way, browsing speed on smartphones, computers and other devices is increased.
2- Amazon Kindle
Kindle is a digital book reader launched by Amazon in 2007. By this date, there were already other much more sophisticated digital readers, Sony being one of the most commercial.
However, Kindle managed to beat Sony in the market by offering much cheaper services and integrating them with its digital store.
3- Apple iPod
The iPod was launched by Apple in 2001. Before this launch, there were already portable MP3 players. However, the iPod represented a breakthrough in that it was accompanied by iTunes software.
In addition to this, the device is equipped with a large internal memory, which caused the CDs and cassettes to be displaced.
4- Apple iPhone
The iPhone was launched on the market in 2007. This cell phone was the first touch screen smartphone that became popular in the market.
The innovations that it offered were the presence of iOS (Apple's operating system) and the fact that the screen could be operated with the finger (without the need to use a touch screen stylus).
5- Apple iPad
In 2010 Apple launched a tablet: the iPad. This was not the first tablet on the market, however, it gained popularity among the masses due to the success of the company's other products.
Due to the competition between Apple iOS and Android, the new iPad models are dedicated to large companies, as replacements for computers.
6- Bluetooth
The technology behind the bluetooth system has existed since the 90s, however, it was implemented in phones and computers in the early 21st century. The first company to use this tool was Ericsson.
This technology is beneficial as it allows you to send data wirelessly from one device to another without the need for an internet connection.
Bluetooth was originally intended for cell phones only, but today it can be found in almost any device: from headphones to refrigerators.
7- Blu-Ray
Blu-Ray is a compact disc data storage system that emerged in the last decade that replaced DVDs on the market.
The benefit of this technology is that it allows you to store 25 gigabytes or more of information on a single disk. In this way, it increases the quality and quantity of video and images that a company can offer to its users.
8- Digital cameras
Digital cameras have replaced film cameras. Digital ones are more practical in many ways.
One of the most outstanding is that it eliminates lengthy development processes since the files can be printed on photographic paper in a common printer.
In addition to this, most cell phones include digital cameras. This allows you to share photos immediately, something that could not be done with film cameras.
9- Canon EOS 5D Mark II
The Canon EOS 5D Mark II is a camera released in 2009. This device marked a milestone in the history of photography as it is the first D-SLR to record high definition videos.
10- 4DX Cinema
4DX is a South Korean technology that has been implemented in the world of cinema. This system allows film presentations to be much more interactive by including environmental effects.
These effects include rain, fog, movement in the seats and certain odors. All of this is in addition to traditional audio and video, resulting in high-quality production.
11- Smartphones
Cell phones, mobile phones or smartphones are one of the most important inventions of the century. These have revolutionized the way in which human beings communicate remotely, reducing the waiting time between messages sent.
In fact, communication through cell phones is instantaneous, which is in contrast to older methods such as postal mail.
In addition to improving communication, these phones offer other tools: from internet access to video games.
In relation to cell phones, it is necessary to highlight the creation of smartphones, or smart phones. These are devices that combine the functions of a regular cell phone with those of a laptop. Today, its use has become widely spread.
12- AbioCor artificial heart
In 2001, the AbioCor artificial heart was implemented for the first time. Unlike other prototypes, this heart is self-powered.
This means that it does not require the connection of cables or other devices that could increase the risk of infection.
Despite the benefits of the AbioCor artificial heart, there have been few operations in which this pseudo-organ has been used.
13- Curiosity
The Mars Science Laboratory, better known as Curiosity, is a space program implemented in November 2011. This program consisted of launching an explorer vehicle (rover) to the surface of the planet Mars.
This vehicle has the function of recovering samples from the Martian soil and taking photos of the surrounding environment.
This mission represents a great technological and scientific advance, since it seeks to demonstrate if life is possible on Mars and if this planet was ever inhabited.
14- Google
Google is a company belonging to Alphabet Inc. This company is dedicated to offering products and services belonging to the internet and software area.
The main services associated with this company are the homonymous search engine, Gmail, Google Maps, Google Chrome and YouTube.
15- Driverless car
The Google company has not only created an internet search engine, but has also dedicated itself to the development of other useful tools for its users. An example of this is the “driverless” car / car.
This project, whose pilot tests began in 2012, is still under development and is expected to be massively implemented in the coming years.
The Tesla company has already sold thousands of cars with this function and in fact they are already used by its customers.
16- Google Android
In 2008, Google launched Android. Due to the success of the iPhone in 2007, Google was forced to launch an operating system that was capable of competing against iOS.
Android was originally created as an open system used by certain digital cameras. But in 2005, Google bought this program and modified it. The result was the Android we know today.
Today, this is one of the most popular operating systems, used by companies like Samsung, Sony, and LG.
17- Google Maps
Google Maps is another of Google's services, which consists of mapping software. This has been in place since 2005.
18- 3D printer
3D printers are one of the most innovative equipment in terms of printing. These create three-dimensional plastic models of any image that is entered into the system.
19- Internet
The Internet is a network that is responsible for connecting computers to an information system. The foundation of the internet is the creation of relationships through hyperlinks.
20- Laptop
Laptops are portable computers. They are smaller than a desktop computer and much more practical than these.
21- LED lights
LED lights (light-emitting diode) are a type of electric lights that are more efficient than incandescent and phosphorescent lamps.
These types of lights do not need to be heated to be able to turn on to their maximum capacity. They can be white or colored.
22- Microsoft Xbox Live
The Xbox Live console, developed in 2003, was the first device that allowed a television to be connected to the internet. Xbox Live allowed you to download additional content for certain games, such as new levels and special weapons.
Shortly after its launch, the services offered were expanded. Thus, the possibility of making video calls was included.
23- Mouse with built-in bluetooth
The mouse was invented in 1964 by Douglas Engelbart. Since its creation, it has been modified to adapt to current needs and in line with current developments.
In this sense, the latest advance regarding this tool is the incorporation of bluetooth. Thanks to this system, the need to connect the mouse to the computer either via cables or via removable devices has been eliminated.
24- Modzilla Firefox
Modzilla Firefox was created in 2002. This tool marks a milestone in Internet history because it was the first search engine to be created after Microsoft's Internet Explorer.
However, nowadays Chrome, the search engine of the Google company, is much more used.
25- Nintendo DS
The Nintendo DS is a portable video game console. It emerged as a replacement for the Game Boy Advance. It was one of the first game consoles to use the touch screen in addition to the command keys.
26- Nintendo Wii
In 2006, Nintendo created a console that allowed gamers to get physically involved in video games: Nintendo Wii. The Wii Remote controls detect motion in three dimensions, offering more interaction than regular controls.
This console is not only for entertainment, but it can also be useful when doing cardiovascular physical activities.
27- Iron lung
The iron lung is a machine created in the middle of the 20th century. This is intended to facilitate mechanical ventilation for people with respiratory problems.
This machine works thanks to pressure. The body of the person, with the exception of the neck and the head, is enclosed within a steel chamber.
Subsequently, the chamber begins to manipulate the air pressure, gradually reducing and increasing it. All this makes the patient's lungs capable of inhaling and exhaling air.
28- Artificial satellites
Artificial satellites are devices created to stay in orbit in space, flying around a celestial body. These are launched for various reasons: to improve the telecommunications signal, to obtain photos of the space, among others.
Artificial satellites have a useful life span. When it is over, they can be kept in orbit or they can disintegrate.
29- Seiko Thermic Watch
The Thermic Watch is a wristwatch produced by the famous Japanese company, Seiko. This watch differs from the others because it does not work with batteries but with body heat.
The human body at rest produces between 100 and 120 watts of energy, which is enough to power many of the electronic devices in any home; for example, a laptop requires 45 watts.
For its part, the Thermic Watch only needs one millionth of a watt (one microwatt) to be able to turn on. Although it is a clever idea, the company only released 500 units of this watch before discontinuing production.
30- Skype
Just as cell phones changed the way we communicate, Skype did the same. This tool was created in 2003 and since then it has allowed calls and video calls to be made at no more cost than internet service.
In the beginning, Skype was only available for desktop computers. Currently, it is also available on smart phones and TVs as an app.
31- Smart TV
Smart TV or smart television is a technology that provides for the integration of the internet into television-related devices: televisions, decoders, players, DVDs, Blu-Ray, video game consoles, among others.
32- Spotify
Spotify is a free music streaming service created in 2008. During this time, “pirate” music downloading was at its peak, so the creation of Spotify meant a legal alternative for those who wanted free music.
This service offers two options: be an independent user or subscribe. As a freelance user, music playback may occasionally be interrupted to make way for advertising. With subscription, advertisements can be removed.
33- Tablets
Tablets, or tablets, are a kind of laptop composed of a touch screen. They resemble a smartphone, but are larger. Some can be finger operated and others require the use of a stylus or stylus.
34- TiVo
At the beginning of the 21st century, TiVo revolutionized the way people watch television. The basis of this technology is to see what you want, when you want, with the possibility of skipping the commercials.
Also, the TiVo is equipped with internal memory, which allows you to record and store the content you want.
Over the years, cable television companies began releasing their own set-top boxes with similar features to TiVo. This decreased the demand for the devices of this brand.
35- YouTube
YouTube was developed in 2005 and today it has become the most popular video page of the moment.
This website owes its popularity to the fact that anyone can upload their videos for free. In addition to this, many users prefer it since it offers audiovisual records of any kind: news, politics, entertainment, among others.
Themes of interest
Examples of technological objects.
- 10 Greatest Technological Inventions. Retrieved on October 4, 2017, from smallbusiness.chron.com
- 10 Important Inventions of the 20th Century. Retrieved on October 4, 2017, from ji.skoolvo.net
- 20th Century Innvovation Timeline. Retrieved on October 4, 2017, from ideafinder.com
- 20th Century Technology. Retrieved on October 4, 2017, from content.time.com
- Most important inventions of the 21st Century: in pictures. Retrieved on October 4, 2017, from telegraph.co.uk
- The Top 50 Inventions of the Past 50 Years. Retrieved on October 4, 2017, from popularmechanics.com
- Timeline of Inventions of the 20th Century. Retrieved on October 4, 2017, from thoughtco.com
- Top 10 Inventions of the 20th Century. Retrieved on October 4, 2017, from toptenz.net
- Top 30 Innovations Of The Last 30 Years. Retrieved on October 4, 2017, from forbes.com