The Japanese names use words of their own language and have a meaning generally relates to a quality that is expected to have the person who wears it, or the history of the family to which it belongs.
Before the end of the eleventh century, a tradition also ended in Japan: giving a child name to boys that would name them from the sixth day of birth until they were 15 years old.
After that, they were given the name that would designate them until their death. Currently they are given only one name and their last name. Then a title such as san (sir or madam) or sensei (teacher) can be added.
When choosing names, the Japanese tend to look at elements of internal or external nature, numbers or ideas that are deeply rooted in their culture.
In the case of names related to ideas, they can refer to a single idea or to several combined.
As for their writing, it must be said that these names are generally written in kanji. It is the Japanese government that determines the kanji that can be used.
Male names in Japan usually end in:
-Rō, which means son.
-Ta, that means big.
-Ichi, if it's the first child.
-Kazu, also used for the first child.
-Ji, in case it's the second child.
-Dai, to point out that it is great.
Top 215 Japanese names for men
Being inspired by nature or ideas, Japanese names can be as numerous as the people of that country.
Here are 215 Japanese male names with their respective meaning, where some features of that oriental culture are revealed:
- Aiko, which means child of love.
- Akemi, which means beauty of the dawn.
- Aki, it means two different things: fall and shine.
- Akio, means brilliant person.
- Akira, you mean brilliant.
- Akihiko, or resplendent prince.
- Akihiro, means light that shines abroad.
- Akiyama, means mountain.
- Amida, is the name of Buddha.
- Aoki, it means green tree.
- Arata, which means man of fresh ideas.
- Asahi, which means light of the rising sun.
- Atsushi, an educated and well-mannered man.
- Ayari, refers to purity and courage.
- Ayummu which means walker.
- Azumi, which means cloudy.
- Bishamon refers to the god of war in Japanese mythology.
- Botan, means June flower.
- Byacuya, which means white.
- Dai, a very dear man.
- Daichi, means great terrain.
- Daiki, or brave man.
- Daisuke, means outstanding man.
- Eiji, means man with qualities to rule.
- Fudo, means god of fire and wisdom.
- Fujita, means field.
- Fumio, or school-age child.
- Ganju, which means eagle.
- Gô, which means heroic.
- Goku, it means heaven.
- Goro, means fifth son.
- Hachi, literally means eight.
- Hachiro, means eighth son.
- Haiden, refers to the god of thunder.
- Hajime, it refers to the beginning of something.
- Haku, is a name that means pure.
- Haru, means born during spring.
- Haruo, it means man of spring.
- Haruki means the brightness of the sun.
- Haruto, refers to a clear man.
- Hayato, which means hawk.
- Hideaki, means honorable man.
- Hideki refers to a good opportunity.
- Hideo, which means man with a big heart.
- Hikari, means light.
- Hikaru, means captivating man.
- Hinata, you mean facing the sun.
- Hiro, means wide.
- Hiroaki, means great shine.
- Hiroki, means great tree.
- Hiromasa, means analytical.
- Hiromi, means man with wide vision.
- Hiroshi, which means generous man.
- Hiroto, who flies in the heights.
- Hiroyuki, means laughing.
- Hisao, it means man who will have a long life.
- Hisoka, means reserved.
- Hitoshi, means responsible man.
- Homare, which means success.
- Hotaka, refers to a man who likes to do things slowly.
- Hotaru, which literally means firefly.
- Ibuki, which means leader.
- Ichiro, means first son.
- Ichigo, which means protective angel.
- Ikki, it means the only one that shines.
- Isamu, means fighting man.
- Isao, means a very hardworking man.
- Isas, refers to merit.
- Issei, refers to a long life.
- Iwao, means stone man.
- Izanagi, alludes to a god from Japanese mythology.
- Jiro, means second son.
- Jo, it means man blessed by God.
- Joji, which means farmer.
- Jomei, which means luminous spear.
- Jun, refers to an obedient man.
- Jun'ichi, describes a man with discipline.
- I swear, it means tenth child.
- Kaede, means maple tree.
- Kai, means sea.
- Kaien, means ocean.
- Kaito, which means towards the sea.
- Kaori, which refers to giving strength to a man.
- Kanaye, means jealous man.
- Kane, you mean gold.
- Kano, means water blessed by the gods.
- Kannta, which means respectable.
- Katashi, means firm and serious man.
- Katsu, means victorious. It has a couple of variants: Katsuo and Katsuro.
- Kazuhisa which means lasting peace.
- Kazuhiko, means prince full of harmony.
- Kazuki, is a name with double meaning: pleasant and shining peace.
- Kazuma, which means harmonious.
- Kazuo, means attractive man.
- Kazuya means harmonious.
- Keiichi, means respectful firstborn son.
- Keiji, means respectful second son.
- Ken means strong man.
- Kenichi, means founder of the city.
- Kenji, means intelligent man.
- Kenshin, you mean modest truth.
- Kenta, means healthy man.
- Kenzo is the name of one of the three wise men in Japanese mythology.
- Kichiro, or the lucky son.
- Kimura, refers to a forest or place of trees.
- Kioshi, which means peaceful man.
- Kira, you mean skillful.
- Kisho, means man with self-knowledge.
- Kisuke, refers to consent.
- Kohaku means amber.
- Koj means lucky second son.
- Koji, which means small.
- Kojiro, you mean beautiful.
- Kuma, which means bear.
- Kunio means country man.
- Kuro, means ninth son.
- Kyo, you mean approved.
- Lori, you refer to a smart leader.
- Makoto, means honest.
- Mamoru, which means to protect.
- Maro, which means myself.
- Masahiko, it means correct prince.
- Masahiro, means good ruler.
- Masaki, is a name that means correct record, and it also means majestic tree.
- Masao, refers to a man who knows how to discern between good and evil.
- Masaru, is another way of saying smart or cunning man.
- Masato, means man with a sense of justice.
- Masuyo, literally means to increase the world.
- Michi, you mean road.
- Michio refers to a very strong man.
- Motoki, means base or foundation.
- Nao, means man with an honest heart.
- Nobuo, means loyal man.
- Nobuyuki, means faithful happiness.
- Nori, means good son.
- Norio, refers to a man of principle.
- Osamu, means man who makes the rules.
- Otani, refers to a wide valley.
- Rafu, means network.
- Raiden is the name of the god of the tempest in Japanese mythology.
- Raito is a name that means light.
- Rei means effort.
- Ren, it means lotus flower.
- Renji, which means second love.
- Renzo, it means third child.
- Retsu, means violent.
- Riki, which means strength.
- Rin, is the name of a character in Chinese mythology that means unicorn.
- Rokuro, means sixth son.
- Ronin, means samurai that has no owner.
- Ryota means stout man.
- Ryuu, means dragon or strong like a dragon.
- Saburo, means third son.
- Sadao, is a name that means decisive man.
- Saito, it means pure flower.
- Samuru, who means his name is God.
- Satoru, means cultured man.
- Satoshi, refers to a man who sees things clearly.
- Sasuke, means caring, helping others.
- Seiichi, means first son.
- Seiji, which means sincere.
- Seiya, it means holy.
- Shigeru, means man of excellent qualities.
- Shin, means faith.
- Shiro, means fourth child.
- Shoichi, you mean very prosperous.
- Shoda, which means open field.
- Shoji, which means bright.
- Shun, which means talented.
- Shuuhei, it means soldier.
- Sin'ichi, it means lucky man.
- Sô, literally means thought, but it means that he will be a smart man.
- Soichiro, which means firstborn.
- Sora, it means heaven.
- Sorato, which means to be heavenly.
- Susumu, means progressive man.
- Tadao, means man with a noble heart.
- Tadashi, refers to a correct man.
- Taiga, you mean great.
- Taishi, which refers to ambition.
- Taji means yellow and silver.
- Takahiro, is a name that is related to a noble lineage.
- Takao, refers to a tall man.
- Takashi, you mean commendable.
- Takayuki, which means happy.
- Takeo, which means warrior.
- Takeshi means inflexible like bamboo.
- Takumi, which means craftsman.
- Taiga, means big river.
- Taro, which means big boy.
- Taroo, which means first man child.
- Tenshô in a literal sense means to fly in the sky, but it refers to angels.
- Tetsuya, which means wise.
- Tomohisa, refers to an eternal friendship.
- Tomoki, which means wise tree.
- Tora, means strong like a tiger.
- Tousen, means hermit from the east.
- Tsubasa, literally means wings, but figuratively refers to freedom.
- Tzukasa, it means adorable leader.
- Usui, means mortar
- Yamato, which means calm or great peace
- Yasahiro, which means calm.
- Yasuhiro, refers to a man who loves peace.
- Yin means man of great virtues.
- Yoshio, means man of good intentions.
- Yûdai, which means greatness.
- Yuki, it can mean happiness or snow.
- Yukihisa, which means long happiness.
- Yukio, it means nourished by God.
- Yuri, means man who listens to others.
- Yûshi, it means goodwill.
- Yuu, it means superior.
- Yuudai, it means great hero.
- Yuuma, means honest and kind man.
- Yuuto means kind and romantic.
- In feminine (s / f). Japanese baby names. Recovered from:
- Lists (2012). 250 Japanese names with meaning and kanji symbol. Recovered from:
- Japanese names (s / f). Japanese names for men. Recovered from: Japanese
- Planas, Ramiro (s / f). The name of the Japanese. Recovered from:
- All dads (s / f). Japanese names for men. Recovered from:
- Wikipedia (s / f). Japanese name day. Recovered from: