- List of the most important social values
- 1- Equality
- 2 - Justice
- 3 - Happiness
- 4 - Honesty
- 5 - Hope
- 6 - Gratitude
- 7 - Responsibility
- 8 - Sacrifice
- 9 - Friendship
- 10 - Love
- 11 - Courtesy
- 12 - Respect
- 13 - Patience
- 14 - Tolerance
- 15 - Dedication
- 16 - Optimism
- 17 - Cooperation
- 18 - Commitment
- 19 - Sorry
- 20 - Integrity
- 21- Generosity
- 22- Humility
- 23- Solidarity
- 24- Empathy
- 25- Positivity
- Themes of interest
- References
The social values are an important part of communities, since guarantee stability and order them. In general terms, social values provide guidelines that regulate social behaviors.
Fundamental values such as rights, patriotism, respect, democracy, among others, shape our behaviors and become criteria for evaluating our behavior, as well as that of others.
Examples of social values
Values vary from one society to another, since they depend to a great extent on what a culture accepts, tolerates or despises. In this regard, RT Schaefer points out that values are collective conceptions of what a community considers good, desirable, appropriate, understandable, inappropriate or incorrect.
In this sense, values are initially the result of social interaction; however, once accepted, the values are fixed in the culture and do not change until the collective decides to change them.
It should be noted that there are a series of values that are common in most cultures, such as peace, honesty and respect, to name a few.
Some communities go further and include the values within their regulations, such is the case of freedom, justice and equality, which are part of most of the constitutions of the countries of the world.
From all of the above it follows that values constitute the element that holds societies together, since these are shared by the members of a community.
Likewise, values give legitimacy to governments, since laws that are based on social values tend to be more easily accepted.
List of the most important social values
1- Equality
Equality does not mean “treating everyone the same” but that all people receive the treatment that allows them to obtain the same results.
For example, for a blind person, receiving equal treatment involves transforming the spaces so that this individual can function as any other person would.
Screen readers in computers and storytelling systems in museums and cinemas are elements oriented towards achieving equality between sighted and blind people.
Equality seeks to guarantee that all people obtain similar results despite the particular conditions to which each individual is subject.
2 - Justice
Justice is a fairly broad concept that is based on ethics, morals, rationality, religion, and law.
Justice involves the value of equality, since people must be judged under equal conditions; However, it departs from equality as far as the result is concerned, since it is not intended that people obtain the same results, but that each person receives what they deserve.
For example, let's take the following premise "everyone has the right to receive remuneration for services rendered". In an hourly job, it is only fair that people who work longer hours receive more money.
3 - Happiness
According to the Merriam-Webster online dictionary, happiness is a state of well-being, a pleasant or satisfying experience.
According to Mahatma Gandhi, "Happiness is when what you think, say and do are in harmony." For his part, George Sheelan points out that happiness differs from pleasure, since it has to do with the struggle and perseverance to achieve a goal. Finally, Margaret Lee Runbeck indicates that happiness is not the season you arrive at but a way of traveling.
All these definitions indicate at some point that happiness depends on our decisions, that is, on the way in which we face the situations that arise.
4 - Honesty
Honesty is the quality of being fair, trustworthy and sincere. The word "honesty" comes from the term "honor" and was used to refer to the honorific status that was acquired when one avoided telling lies, cheating, stealing or any other dishonorable practice.
An example of honesty is telling the truth even after we have committed a fault, regardless of whether this truth will lead to negative consequences for us, such as punishments.
5 - Hope
Hope is the belief that you can achieve what you want. This value represents the fuel that keeps human beings moving even when circumstances are not the most favorable.
An example of hope is Voyager 1, the spacecraft launched by NASA that is farthest from planet Earth. Voyager 1 carries information about the Earth: photos, data supplied by NASA scientists, recordings of greetings from American authorities, and an audio track of Earth music and sounds, including works by Mozart and the sound of waves.
All of this was done in the event that this ship someday succeeds in making contact with intelligent alien life forms, demonstrating the hope humans have of finding life on other planets.
6 - Gratitude
Gratitude is a personality trait and an emotion. As an emotion, gratitude is the feeling of happiness generated by appreciation.
This is an essential element of many religions; For example, Christianity, Judaism, and Islam promote gratitude towards others, especially towards God.
Saying “thank you” when getting off a bus or thanking the waiter who served our food are examples of gratitude. These actions, while small, can improve a person's day and trigger positive reactions.
7 - Responsibility
Responsibility is the quality of assuming and fulfilling an obligation or answering for the acts carried out; This is why responsibility and commitment are related.
Acting responsibly is an important aspect of our lives as it generates positive consequences. Similarly, being responsible makes other people trust us and brings greater freedom of action.
Some examples of responsibility are the fulfillment of the assignments assigned by our parents, teachers or bosses; likewise, parents are responsible for educating, protecting and caring for their children.
8 - Sacrifice
Sometimes it is necessary to put the needs of others above our own; this is the essence of sacrifice. In this sense, sacrifice is an act of concern for the good of others even at the expense of one's own good, inspired by affection.
9 - Friendship
Friendship is the relationship of affection that is created between two or more people, characterized by being disinterested and reciprocal.
Friendship is a combination of love, loyalty, respect, and trust. In this regard, the Greek philosopher Aristotle points out that friendship is a single spirit that lives in two bodies.
10 - Love
Love is a value, a state and an emotion. It refers to the affection that one person feels for another, which makes the person who feels it want the well-being and happiness of the recipient.
A mother's affection for her children is an example of love; likewise, the esteem we feel for ourselves is an example of self-love.
11 - Courtesy
Courtesy refers to manners and accepted codes of social conduct. As a social value, it constitutes a set of norms typical of the interaction between the members of a community. It shows respect, consideration, kindness, and gratitude.
Some examples of courtesy are saying “good morning,” “good afternoon,” and “good evening” when arriving or leaving a place or thanking for services rendered.
12 - Respect
Respect is a way of treating or thinking and refers to the consideration you have for something or someone. Respecting a person shows good manners, kindness, and courtesy.
Consideration of one's own life and that of others is an example of respect. Likewise, there must be a respectful relationship between parents and children and between friends.
13 - Patience
Patience is the ability to resist any condition. This involves calm and good will in the face of events that may arise or in our daily actions.
Patience creates a favorable frame of mind, allowing you to make wise decisions and act more wisely.
14 - Tolerance
Tolerance refers to the acceptance of behaviors, practices, beliefs or customs that are alien to us.
This means that tolerance involves opposition; It should be noted that for tolerance to be talked about, this opposition must have a logical justification.
Tolerance is a value that includes within itself others, such as respect, patience and courtesy.
15 - Dedication
Dedication is the act of dedicating yourself to a cause. It involves giving our best, doing our best.
Dedication gives a special value to our actions: it does not matter if the result obtained is not what was expected if it is achieved with genuine dedication.
16 - Optimism
Optimism is a character trait and an emotion that leans towards a positive assessment of events, which affects and shapes our beliefs and behaviors.
Sonia Lyubomirsky points out that there are three types of optimism: broad optimism, small optimism, and minor optimism. Broad optimism is the belief that everything will be fine throughout our lives.
For its part, small optimism refers to more specific situations; This is the emotion that comes into play when we feel that we are going to do well at work or that we will be able to pass a particular exam. Lastly, the least optimism is the least positive of all and comes from external stimuli.
On the other hand, Elaine Fox, a professor at the University of Oxford, points out in her book Rainy Brain, Sunny Brain (Rainy Brain, Sunny Brain) that optimism can be a momentary state or a stable trait of our personality; in the latter case, Fox points out that optimism must include other values, such as acceptance, flexibility and tolerance.
17 - Cooperation
Cooperation is the act of collaborating and involves teamwork. Even the most difficult tasks can be done quickly when you cooperate.
Every day, we see examples of cooperation, such as when we help with the housework or when a colleague explains something to us that we had not understood.
18 - Commitment
Commitment the act of dedicating yourself to a cause or a cooperative relationship with another person.
It is a process of mutual consent between two or more parties, in which one or all parties assume an obligation. In this sense, commitment implies dedication, responsibility and effort.
Commitment is dedication to a cause. The best example of commitment is marriage.
19 - Sorry
Forgiveness is not about absolving the mistakes that someone has made towards a person but about freeing oneself from the anger and pain that this mistake may have generated. Forgiveness is like lifting anchors, it allows us to move towards the life that awaits us.
20 - Integrity
Integrity is the quality of being honest and having moral and ethical principles. This means that integrity involves the practice of all the values mentioned above.
This quality occurs when our actions correspond with our words and when our words are governed by ethical values.
An example of integrity is following the ten commandments, if you are a Christian. People actively participate in defending the rights of minority groups also reflect integrity.
21- Generosity
Linked to charity, it is the action of sharing or giving part of your time or heritage to a person who needs it.
22- Humility
It is the ability to know your strengths and successes and yet not brag about it or abuse your power to gain advantages over others.
23- Solidarity
It is a quality that seeks to help others to achieve their goals without expecting anything in return. It is practiced especially in agonizing or critical moments.
24- Empathy
The ability to delve into the thoughts, emotions and feelings of others is an essential social and human value to bury some anti-values such as selfishness or irreverence.
25- Positivity
Positivity could be defined as that plus to be motivated to carry out everything else without fear of obstacles and bad reactions.
Themes of interest
Types of securities.
Universal values.
Sociocultural values.
Moral values.
Spiritual values.
Aesthetic values.
Material values.
Intellectual values.
Instrumental values.
Political values.
Cultural values.
Hierarchy of values.
Priority values.
Transcendental values.
Objective values.
Vital values.
Priority values.
Religious values.
Civic values.
Citizen values.
- Honesty. Retrieved on April 16, 2017, from yourdictionary.com.
- Hope. Retrieved on April 16, 2017, from dictionary.com.
- Integrity. Retrieved on April 16, 2017, from dictionary.cambridge.org.
- What are the best examples of having hope? Retrieved on April 16, 2017, from quora.com.
- Responsibility. Retrieved on April 16, 2017, from dictionary.com.
- Sees it. Retrieved on April 16, 2017, from collinsdictionary.com.
- Commit. Retrieved on April 16, 2017, from businessdictionary.com.
- What is happiness. Retrieved on April 16, 2017, from lifeoptimizer.org.
- What Are Your Values? The Most Important Values to Live By. Retrieved on April 16, 2017, from thebridgemaker.com.
- Social Values. Retrieved on April 16, 2017, from socialvalueuk.org.
- The Meaning and Functions of Social Values. Retrieved on April 16, 2017, from yourarticlelibrary.com.
- What is the definition of social values? Retrieved on April 16, 2017, from preservearticles.com.